After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 152 Guan Zhiyao’s Electric Seal

Chapter 152 Guan Zhiyao’s phone call
After hanging up the call from Zhao Wendong, Su Xiao smiled. This guy is still so cautious!

But this kind of personality is very good, at least it is not easy to suffer!

Zhao Wendong's affairs were naturally arranged by him. He had asked Zhao Wendong before if he was willing to come to Yuncheng for development, but he was rejected, so he came up with this idea.

Zhao Wendong is still very management-savvy, but he just lacks experience. With the systematic training of Tianshi Catering and the assistance of other personnel, he will definitely be able to grow quickly!
The best friend's health finally recovered, and Lidya Su felt relieved and slept until about eight o'clock in the evening.

I got up, washed my face briefly, and then went down to the first floor.

Seeing him, Ye Fanyan hurriedly said respectfully:

"President, are you awake?"

Lidya Su nodded:
"Well, is there anything to eat? I'm hungry!"

He ate something casually at noon, and he and Xi Tianyue exercised vigorously for several hours in the afternoon, which consumed a lot of energy. He would feel hungry when he woke up!
Ye Fanyan nodded:
"Yes, we have prepared it for you!"

While she was going to heat up the food, Su Xiao came to Leng Yiyi's room on the third floor.

On the soft big bed, Xi Tianyue was on the outside and Leng Yiyi was on the inside. They both slept soundly.

Sure enough, exercise is the best sleep aid.

He sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and pinched Xi Tianyue's pink cheeks. The soft touch felt good.

"Husband, no, I want to sleep..."

Not sure if he was in a dream or if he felt his breath, Xi Tianyue murmured twice and twisted his body.

Seeing this, Lidya Su couldn't help but smile gently.

"Yueyue, get up and eat something before going to sleep!"

He shook her body gently, but she still didn't wake up.

He reached out and shook Leng Yiyi again. The next moment, Leng Yiyi opened her eyes in confusion. When she saw it was Lidya Su, she immediately showed a sweet smile.

"President, come on, I can still do it!"

Uh, do you think you're still in the gym?
He hastily said:

"I'll tell you two to go down to eat, and then come back and sleep!"

Hearing this, Leng Yiyi blinked, her cheeks turned red as the CPU finished reading.

"Oh, okay, I'll get up right away!"

After saying that, he started to get dressed rustlingly.

Seeing her being so well-behaved, Lidya Su was also filled with admiration.

After she got dressed, Lidya Su picked up a set of loose pajamas from the side.

"Come on, help me dress Yueyue!"

Then, the two began to work together.

When getting dressed, although Xi Tianyue kept humming, he didn't struggle and was very cooperative.

After dressing up, Xi Tianyue finally woke up in a daze. She yawned and slowly opened her eyes.

"Well, Dad?"

"Cough cough..."

Su Xiao couldn't adjust her two words, no, Nizi, how could the extra title be brought into the main text?

Do you want me to block my account?

Leng Yiyi on the side also turned red, obviously these two words brought back too many memories.

Lidya Su hurriedly said:
"Let's go, Yueyue, let's go down to eat, and then come back and rest after eating!"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue blinked, turned around and looked around, and found that it was neither his own room, nor Lidya Su's room, nor the gym, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Ah, brother, I..."

She finally realized how shy she was, her face turned red, and she wanted to find a place to hide in.

Well, you can be sure, it’s pure white mode now!

Seeing that both of them had come to their senses, Su Xiao got up and left the bedroom, then came to Luo Yunsheng's door and knocked.

"Yun Sheng, if you wake up, go downstairs for dinner!"

The other party is not his woman yet, so he is not too enthusiastic.After Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi came out, they went downstairs together.

When the three of them were eating in the restaurant on the first floor, Luo Yunsheng arrived late.

Seeing that she was a little reserved, Lidya Su smiled and waved:

"Come, sit down and have something to eat, Sister Ye's cooking is very good!"

"Well, thank you boss!"

Although Lidya Su had introduced him to her before, she was still not familiar with him. When facing strangers, some of the bad memories she had accumulated in the past two months still affected her.

Fortunately, the people at the table were relatively easy to get along with, which made her relax a lot.

After eating, Leng Yiyi and Luo Yunsheng went upstairs to rest again, while Xi Tianyue took Lidya Su back to the sofa on the second floor.

"Brother, I want you to hold me and sleep!"

Her voice was very crooked.

Su Xiao said doubtfully:
"Then I will carry you to the bedroom?"

Xi Tianyue shook his head:

"No, right here, I sleep very comfortably here!"

Seeing this, Su Xiao nodded, took a book from the table, let Xi Tianyue nestle in her arms, and turned the pages.

However, before I turned a few pages, my phone rang.

The caller was Guan Zhiyao.

During this period of time, Guan Zhiyao basically stayed in Crescent Bay. Perhaps the first meeting left a bad impression on Su Xiao, so she wanted to work hard to change her image in Su Xiao's mind.

In general, Lidya Su still saw her attitude, and her follow-up processing was more satisfactory to Lidya Su, so she was recognized.

Gently open the answer key with your finger:
"Hey, Yaoyao!"

"Boss, I'm sorry to disturb your rest so late!"

Guan Zhiyao was a little uneasy. She knew Su Xiao's four-three mode. It was definitely rest time today and Saturday, and it was already nine o'clock.

She took a nap in the afternoon, so she felt better now. Su Xiao smiled and looked at Xi Tianyue who was sleeping in her arms, and then whispered:

"It doesn't matter, there must be something to do with calling so late. Tell me, I'll listen!"

After hearing this, Guan Zhiyao said:

"That's right, boss. The training in Crescent Bay has ended and the opening will be in four days. Do you have any other friends here that you want to invite?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she continued to explain:
"Because the reservations for September 9st are almost full, I just wanted to ask you..."

She originally wanted to wait until Monday to ask Lidya Su. After all, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were Su Xiao's rest time.

But she didn't expect that she had just put up a banner announcing the opening in the afternoon, and it was almost full of reservations within a few hours, so she couldn't help but call Lidya Su.

This is the limitation of her elite management and decision-making. Her predictions of what may happen are not accurate enough, and many things are not fully considered.

But this was not a big problem. After Crescent Bay opened, Su Xiao also thought about her training plan and didn't care too much at this time.

"Then leave five places for me!"

He thought for a moment and named a number.

Hearing this, Guan Zhiyao hurriedly said:
"Okay, boss!"

"Anything else?"

"No, boss, please go to bed early!"

After hanging up the phone and thinking for a while, Su Xiao called Tang Gaoxuan and Kong Yuanlang and told them about the opening. He gave Tang Gaoxuan three places and Kong Yuanlang two.

Naturally, the two of them thanked each other profusely, and there is no need to elaborate on the content.

After hanging up the phone, Xi Tianyue turned over and rubbed his head in Lidya Su's arms, like a clingy kitten.

"elder brother……"

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows and suddenly felt that it was necessary to exercise to help her sleep!

The next day, Su Xiao naturally did morning exercises as usual, but Xi Tianyue fell asleep again. How many times this month?
Lidya Su can’t remember clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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