After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 156 The more I spend, the happier I am

Chapter 156 The more I spend, the happier I am

The freshman dormitory of Yun Normal University.

"Huh? But... wouldn't this be bad?"

Hearing Su Qianqian say that her cousin Su Xiao invited them to go shopping. Not only was he responsible for all the expenses, but he also wanted to spend as much as possible. Qu Yun was shocked and a little timid.

Su Qianqian said without turning her head:

"Xiao Yunyun, don't think so much, we are here to help, hurry up and change clothes!"

From Qu Yun's heart, she really wanted to go, after all, she could see Lidya Su.

But she felt very inferior, because the girls around Su Xiao were all too beautiful and excellent, each of them a goddess-level existence, but she was just an ugly duckling who couldn't even put on makeup. Not only did her hair and clothes look rustic, Even the height is completely inferior to others.

Moreover, Lidya Su is so rich and handsome, how can he like her?

She quickly shook her head to get rid of her messy thoughts, Qu Yun, Qu Yun, brother Su Xiao has a girlfriend, what are you thinking about?

But if you can see him, it should be okay even if you just look at him from a distance, right?
He is the person who amazed me when I was a student, but he doesn’t necessarily have to be that person for the rest of my life...

Seeing that she was still in a daze, Su Qianqian, who had just put the dress on, urged:
"Yun, hurry up. The school is not close to Plaza [-]. If you keep bothering me, my brother will be in a hurry!"

Although the family also provides living expenses, after all, they are used to poverty, and the monthly allowance is only 1000 yuan, which is basically not enough for many girls.

The three-piece back-to-school set that Su Xiao gave her before was already very luxurious. After coming to Yuncheng, she didn't dare to ask for anything. She thought that if she lived frugally, it should be enough, as long as she didn't buy clothes or anything else. .

But she just received a message from Li Ruzhen, saying that in order to celebrate Xi Tianyue's birthday, Su Xiao invited her and her best friends to go on a wild spending spree. Su Xiao was responsible for all the expenses. He said that if she spent less, her cousin would be unhappy and would be implicated. Get punished yourself.

Who can refuse such a job?
Please take me with you!

Sister Zhenzhen is really great. If the eldest brother hadn’t already had a girlfriend, I would definitely agree to your marriage!

Hearing Su Qianqian's urging, Qu Yun hurriedly changed his clothes.

If you just go shopping with me, it should be fine, right?
If I want to buy things, I just have to pay for them myself. The living expenses provided by my parents are still sufficient...

She took out the denim skirt that she had always wanted to wear but had never worn. She paired it with a white T-shirt on her upper body, and the blue cartoon pattern on the chest was bulging.

Tie your hair into a pair of ponytails and wear white calf socks on your legs to maximize your advantages!
Although she doesn't know how to put on makeup, her skin is very good, so she looks lively, cute and youthful in this outfit!

After changing their clothes, the two trotted downstairs, and then took the luxury of taking a taxi to meet Lidya Su and others!

"Hahaha, brother, come quickly!"

After leaving the parking lot, Xi Tianyue pulled Leng Yiyi and trotted ahead. Seeing the steps full of flowers on the right front, she couldn't help turning around happily and waving to Lidya Su.

Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen walked side by side, followed by Ye Fanyan, her daughter and Mi Shu. Seeing her happy expression, Su Xiao couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, so she quickened her pace and followed her.

As he got closer, he realized that the clusters of red flowers on both sides of the stairs that extended upward were all fake. However, Xi Tianyue was not too disappointed. Instead, he happily pulled Su Xiao in front of several fake roses that were about the same height as a person. Photograph.The desktop background of her mobile phone is still the one she took in the sea of ​​flowers when she first went to Suiyun Villa, and it has not been changed yet.

Seeing them taking pictures, Tongtong was also very moved, but remembering her mother's instructions before coming, she still held her mother's finger obediently and didn't make any noise.

After waiting in front of the square for a while, Xie Yuran and the others arrived. They asked for leave. They were originally very worried about Xi Tianyue, but after meeting, they saw that the two of them were so good that they almost became one, and they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, especially Mu. Jing Wan.

Although she was very opposed to Xi Tianyue being with Su Xiao when she first learned that Su Xiao was the King of the Sea, she couldn't do anything because her best friend was in too deep a trap.

Later, after the two of them got together and saw how good they were, they gradually realized how long and short human life is.It is better to live a vigorous life than to live in a muddleheaded life with someone you don't like.

No matter what the outcome is, the memories are good anyway!
"Sister Yuran, Susu, Wanwan, whether I can get my brother's reward today depends on you guys!"

Xi Tianyue let go of Lidya Su's hand and hugged and greeted her three girlfriends affectionately.

So it’s really just consumption?

After Xi Tianyue explained the rules set by Su Xiao to them in a low voice, they all couldn't help but glance at Su Xiao secretly. Although they knew he was rich, would this be too arrogant?
For my girlfriend's birthday, she actually brought so many people to play a consumer game, and she was even allowed to hire foreign aid. Are you sure she didn't just burn too much money?
In ancient times, there was King You of Zhou who played with the princes with beacon fire, just to get a smile of praise from Beauties. Today, Young Master Su invites everyone to consume barbarically, just to celebrate Yue Yue's birthday?

Well, ordinary people like us really don’t understand the world of rich people!
Su Xiao looked at Li Ruzhen, the meaning in her eyes was clear, Yueyue's foreign aid has arrived, where is yours?

After looking at his phone, Li Ruzhen said:

"Qianqian and the others are still there for a while, let's go shopping first!"

Lidya Su nodded and said:

"Then today's consumption game starts now. You already know the rules. Before twelve o'clock today, whether it is punishment or reward depends on your performance!"

He turned to look at Mishu:
"Xiaomi, you don't have to follow me, otherwise you will definitely be punished tonight!"

He glanced at the few people, and although his tone was fierce, there was still a ruffian smile on his lips:
"I'll give you a piece of advice. The punishment for finishing last is very, very, very serious. If you don't want to be punished, then just spend as much as you can. You don't have to save money for me. The more you spend, the happier I will be!"

Xi Tianyue's eyes were blazing, and the advantage in numbers made her full of confidence!
Leng Yiyi knew how rich her CEO was, so she nodded.

Although Li Ruzhen didn't know what Su Xiao was having trouble with, since he said so, he naturally didn't have any worries. Among the few people, only Ye Fanyan and Mi Shu felt uncomfortable.

One of them is Su Xiao's cook and housekeeper, and the other is the driver and bodyguard. They are allowed to spend Su Xiao's money without any scruples, and they feel a little uncomfortable.

Su Xiao took out the bank cards and supplementary cards that he had already applied for, and gave one to Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi, Mi Shu and Ye Fanyan respectively. Because each main card can only apply for two supplementary cards at most, he asked someone to I applied for two supplementary cards, a total of four.

This was originally equipped for Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi, and the extra one is a spare.

At the moment, except for Ye Fanyan, the other four people are holding secondary cards.

After all, if they all get together, their consumption power will definitely be limited. If they separate, Su Xiao is only one person, so she can't follow several people around her, right?Wouldn’t that make me a bag-carrying boy?
(If you have a better way, please leave a message and I will revise it in time...)
(End of this chapter)

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