After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 157 If she doesn’t help, she won’t help. We are not afraid of her.

Chapter 157 If she doesn’t help, she won’t help. We are not afraid of her.
Ermenegildo Zegna, men's clothing store!
Su Xiao sat in the rest area and watched Li Ruzhen take the female clerk to pick and choose, showing a hint of helplessness. This was already the third store. After the others went shopping separately, Li Ruzhen took her to browse the men's clothing store.

First it was Berruti, then Louis Denwe, and now Zegna.

He said that he owns too few clothes. Apart from a few sets of high-end clothes, he doesn’t have any decent clothes. He has to fill up his wardrobe!

Fortunately, Li Ruzhen knew that he had bought enough clothes today and did not force him to change clothes, otherwise he would probably be exhausted.

"I don't want this set, this set, this set, and these sets. The rest will be the same as the size just now!"

Li Ruzhen looked at the row of Italian men's clothing of various styles on the display rack and said in a calm voice.

The female clerk who was following her was startled, and she quickly confirmed:

"Ma'am, are you saying you want everything except these?"

This is not a cheap store, and the clothes are not cheap. This is the first time she has heard of this tone, as if it is a purchase.

Li Ruzhen nodded matter-of-factly:
"That's right, oh that's right, here are a few sets, these, and these are the same set!"

Among several people, she is not as good as Ye Fanyan in terms of cooking skills, not as good as Mi Shu in terms of skill, not as good as Leng Yiyi in medical skills and beauty, and is not even as favored as Xi Tianyue, but when it comes to consumption, she is a professional of.

She didn't say anything, but she was secretly competing in her heart. She must get her husband's reward today!

Just buying clothes for Su Xiao, nearly 500 million has been spent. The speed and efficiency are staggering.

In the small group of Xi Tianyue, Leng Yiyi, and Li Ruzhen, news about Xi Tianyue popped up:

"Sister Ruzhen, you cheated and made your brother a teammate!"

After seeing the news, Li Ruzhen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, twirling his fingers and replied:

“The rules don’t say you can’t buy clothes for Lidya Su, and besides, he is also my husband, so it is only natural that I buy him clothes!”

Xi Tianyue:
"╭(╯^╰)╮You are just cheating. When buying clothes for yourself, you have to carefully choose them. You are afraid that if you don’t like them, it will be a waste. But when you buy clothes for your brother, they will look good no matter how you wear them. And no matter how much you buy, you won’t be afraid. Distressed!"

"Sister Ruzhen, you are so cunning!"

Leng Yiyi also echoed:

"Yes, that's too cunning. Next time the president bullies you, we won't help you save the situation!"

Seeing the last item, Li Ruzhen's cheeks turned red. Not only was he not afraid, but he was also looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, these days are my menstrual period.

"That's it, then when he bullies you two, I won't help you either o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o"

Leng Yiyi: "w(Д)w you can't be a fool!"

Xi Tianyue: "╭(╯^╰)╮If you don't help, we won't help. Sister Yiyi, we are not afraid of him!"

Leng Yiyi: "Yueyue, but I'm afraid..."

I received a new message from Su Qianqian. After returning to a seat, Li Ruzhen said to the clerk:
"Add these sets and send them together..."

After leaving the delivery address for the clerk, she swiped her card directly. The speed and efficiency were staggering.

"Husband, go find Yueyue, I'll pick up Qianqian!"

After Li Ruzhen paid the payment, he came to Lidya Su, kissed him affectionately on the face and said.

Su Xiao nodded, then stood up and left the Ermenegildo Zegna men's clothing store together.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, the clerk who just placed the order was still a little confused. Several other clerks came over and said with great envy:
"Wow, Nana, you are so lucky. Such a heroic customer is rare to see in a century!"

Isn't it? This order is nearly 300 million. Calculated based on a 5% commission, that is 15. This is simply a performance that fell from the sky, right?
I was wondering why I had taken a nap just now. If I were more energetic and ran faster, I guess this big customer would be my own.

Nana smiled while sorting out the orders:
"I'm going to treat you tonight, and we'll have you covered with food, drinks, and fun!"

"Yeah, long live Nana!"

"Nana is awesome!"


After leaving the men's clothing store, Su Xiao walked to the left alone, and saw Leng Yiyi walking with Mi Shu from a distance. Leng Yiyi also noticed him very keenly, and immediately let go of Mi Shu's arm and walked towards him quickly. Come running.

Lidya Su smiled and opened her arms to hug her. "How was your shopping?"

Leng Yiyi nuzzled into his arms, feeling the smell of his body, then stood up straight and said:

"Well, Xiaomi and I looked at a lot of cosmetics and clothes. I'll show you how to wear them when the time comes!"

Su Xiao nodded, and then looked at Mi Shu, who had just walked closer.


Mi Shu still couldn't let go. If she was asked to go to the battlefield, she wouldn't even blink an eye, but it was really hard for her to let her spend wildly.

Fortunately, there are benefits to following Leng Yiyi. Whatever she buys, you can just buy one for yourself.

He patted Leng Yiyi on the back and said:

"Okay, let's go shopping quickly, otherwise if you become the last one, you will be punished!"

Hearing this, Leng Yiyi pouted and wanted to say I don't care, but in the end she nodded and took Mishu to go elsewhere.

Women naturally like shopping. Although they didn't show it clearly, Su Xiao could see that they were still very happy inside.

However, some people have no scruples, while others are not too liberal.

After the two left, Su Xiao just found a bench to sit down when her cell phone rang.

It was Xi Tianyue calling with a swipe of his right thumb.

"Hey, Yueyue!"

Xi Tianyue's sweet voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Brother, can you come here on the fourth floor?"

"Oh? Do you need my help with something?"

Xi Tianyue paused and then said:

"Hmm, I need my brother to help me refer to it!"

Hearing this, Lidya Su raised his eyebrows, why was there a bit of shyness in this voice?

But still nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll be here right away!"

He was currently on the second floor. He stood up and looked at the direction, then headed towards the sightseeing elevator.

Northeast Gate of Plaza [-].

Su Qianqian and Qu Yun stood in a conspicuous place. After seeing Li Ruzhen's figure, they quickly waved and shouted:
"True sister!"

After Li Ruzhen cast his eyes on them, he ran over happily.

"Sister Zhenzhen, where is my brother?"

Su Qianqian couldn't help but ask when she saw that Li Ruzhen was alone.

Qu Yun on the side also had curiosity and hope in his eyes.

Li Ruzhen said with a smile:

"Your brother doesn't like shopping, so he should sit somewhere now. Don't worry about him. I have his secondary card. I'll pay for whatever you want to buy!"

“Never think about saving money!”

Hearing that Su Xiao would not go shopping with him, Qu Yun's eyes clearly flashed with disappointment.

Su Qianqian couldn't wait to say:
"Then let's go quickly. I want to buy some small skirts. Sister Zhenzhen, can you help me give advice?"

"No problem, you are so cute and look good in anything you wear!"

After saying that, Li Ruzhen smiled softly at Qu Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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