After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 177 The unfinished punishment

Chapter 177 The unfinished punishment

Outside the office, Mishu stood quietly with his hands behind his back.

But if you get closer, you can see that her expression is a little abnormal, her earlobes and neck covered by clothes are a little red, and her long eyelashes are trembling slightly.

This was the second time she had trouble with her excellent hearing. The last time was at Suiyun Villa, when she lived next door to Su Xiao and Xi Tianyue.

The perseverance I had cultivated since I was a child seemed like brittle paper, being torn into pieces by the voice coming from my ears.

If it were someone else, that would be fine, let's just think of it as nature's instinct, but her favorability towards Su Xiao has reached 85, making her unconsciously bring herself into it.

This made her brain very confused, and she could not maintain her usual calm state of mind at all.

I touched the finger tiger given by Su Xiao on my waist, and my heart became even more confused!

She kept adjusting her breathing, but it didn't have much effect. She looked at the corridor. It took a long time for everyone to pass by. There should be no one there for the time being. She walked quickly towards the bathroom with light steps.

After being far away, there was no sound in her ears that upset her, which made her feel better.

Half an hour later, when she came out of the bathroom again, she had returned to her usual cool Mi Shu.

Although she returned to the office door, the sound waves inside were still continuing, but it was no longer as heartbreaking as before.

After another ten minutes, Mi Shu let out a long sigh of relief, and his ears were finally quiet!
A few minutes later, the office door opened, and Su Xiao walked out of the meeting after finishing the meeting. When she reached the door, she turned around and told Leng Yiyi:
"Yiyi, I'll go to the hotel next door to book a private room first. Come as soon as you finish sorting out the meeting documents!"

In the office, Leng Yiyi weakly responded.

When Mi Shu turned around to follow Lidya Su, he couldn't help but glance inside the office and was immediately startled. This meeting was indeed very intense!

After leaving Qingyan Beauty Club, it was already past twelve o'clock. Su Xiao chose a hotel, booked a private room, and then sent the location to Leng Yiyi before starting to order.

Before the dishes were served, Leng Yiyi arrived belatedly. The original apricot suit and wide-leg pants were replaced by a set of gray ones. The off-white shirt was not changed, but it looked a little wrinkled, and her face It’s the exhaustion that can’t be concealed.

Seeing this, Su Xiao pulled her to sit next to him and said with concern:

"Yiyi, you don't have to work so hard in the future!"

Hearing this, Leng Yiyi's face turned red. Although she was very tired, she still cheered up and shook her head:

"It's okay, CEO, I just need to take a rest!"

It's impossible to slack off at work. What if you don't work hard to get the job you finally got?
A flash of envy flashed through Mi Shu's eyes. She also wanted to get a job with the same position as Leng Yiyi.

Seeing her determined look, Su Xiao stopped trying to persuade her. She took out a tissue from the table, carefully wiped the sweat from Leng Yiyi's forehead and temples, smoothed her sweat-damp hair, and then gently rubbed it. Rub her pretty face.

"Then just get off work early and go home to rest at noon!"

Hearing this, Leng Yiyi nodded. In her current state, she was indeed not suitable to continue working.

It is impossible to work efficiently when you are too tired.

Let Leng Yi rest on his shoulder for a while. After the waiter finished serving the food, Leng Yiyi straightened up and ate to replenish his strength.

After eating, Su Xiao sent Leng Yiyi back to the villa and took a nap herself.

After getting up, he saw a dozen office design renderings sent to him by Yan Qi on his mobile phone.

"Boss, take a look and see which decoration style you like. If you don't like it, I'll ask them to redesign it!"

Seeing the news, Su Xiao couldn't help but smile, carefully looked through the dozen or so renderings sent by Yan Qi, and finally chose one with a simple Chinese design and sent it back:

"That's it. Change the chair to one without wheels, and change the color of the sofa to goose down and white!" After replying to the message, Su Xiao went to the bathroom to wash her face, arrange her hair a little, and then came to a room. building.

When he came to the first floor and entered the door, two servants just walked out of it. When they saw him, they greeted him respectfully:


Lidya Su smiled and nodded.

After walking into the hall, I saw Ye Fanyan who was cleaning up the kitchen.

Today, Ye Fanyan is wearing something different from before. She is wearing a cool sports style outfit that is a bit more everyday. She wears a white sports vest with X suspenders on the upper body, and a pair of black and white sports shorts on the lower body.

Viewed from behind, the sports shorts outlined Ye Fanyan's buttocks in a perfect arc, which made Su Xiao couldn't help but remember the punishment for Ye Fanyan that night.

Suddenly I missed the feel of that time.

As a result, Su Xiao quietly approached and came behind Ye Fanyan, raised her hand and patted him.

A crisp sound that was not too loud sounded in the kitchen. The next moment, Ye Fanyan, who was putting the plate on his feet, exclaimed and the plate in his hand fell down.

Su Xiao caught it with quick eyes and hands, and then looked at Ye Fanyan, who was blushing, with a smile on his face.

Although she is already the mother of a five or six-year-old child, Ye Fanyan's face at this time shows the shyness of a girl.

Seeing that it was Lidya Su, Ye Fanyan's originally frightened heart softened a lot, but the feeling from her buttocks reminded her of the scene that night.

In the past two days, it would appear in her mind from time to time, and every time she couldn't help but feel numb all over her body, which made her distress mixed with a hint of sweetness. In short, she was very confused inside.


There was some vibrato in Ye Fanyan's greeting words.

Su Xiao put the plate back in her hand, looked at her blushing cheeks, and couldn't help but laugh:
"Sister Ye, why did you react so loudly? Have you forgotten the punishment that was not completed before?"

Hearing this, Ye Fanyan's earlobes also turned red. He did not dare to look at Lidya Su. His eyes fell on his chest and he said in a weak voice:
"No... I didn't forget!"

Seeing this, Su Xiao was satisfied and said:

"That's good. We have only completed two-thirds of the punishment. We agreed at the time to remember the remaining ten. I can take them myself whenever I want!"

"I just collected one, and there are nine left. Sister Ye won't regret it, right?"

He looked at Ye Fanyan, who was 35 years old but still shy like a girl, and his voice seemed to be filled with magic.

This made Ye Fanyan couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in her heart. Her full chest was rising and falling. After hearing Lidya Su's words, she shook her head and said:
"No, no!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao showed a satisfied look on his face, turned around and said:

"I knew that Sister Ye was a person of her word and was willing to admit defeat. After all, she wanted to be a good example to Tongtong..."

With that said, he walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, poured himself a glass of water, and looked at the cook who continued to clean up the kitchen from time to time.

Although Ye Fanyan continued to tidy up the kitchen as if nothing had happened, her heart was no longer calm. She always felt that there was a pair of burning eyes staring at her from behind.

Especially from the place where Su Xiao had photographed, there was something strange that made her unable to calm down!

(End of this chapter)

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