After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 178 Ye Fanyan and Luo Yunsheng become strange

Chapter 178 Ye Fanyan and Luo Yunsheng become strange

After receiving the message that Su Xiao had returned, Yan Qi looked at it carefully and couldn't help but praise:
"Wow, the president's aesthetic is indeed consistent with mine, and I really like this design too!"

After receiving the reply, she resent Su Xiaoxuan's office renderings and additional small requests to her subordinates, and then ordered:
"Our office area also follows this style and must be unified!"

After she finished, she carefully read through the messages Lidya Su had sent her several times. She seemed to be fully charged and her face was full of energy!

"Oli, Yan Xiaoqi, your sweet story with the CEO will begin right now!"

She clenched her fists to cheer herself up, and seemed to think of something again. She opened Luo Yunsheng's WeChat account and continued to send a message:
"Miss Luo, I have moved to Yunjing Garden, which is just opposite the villa where the president lives. However, I feel a little lonely living alone. Do you want to come with me? There is no rent charge!"

Without even looking at Luo Yunsheng's reply, she knew that the other party would definitely agree.

Yan Qi touched his fair chin and muttered:

"There are so many beauties around the president, and I heard that the president is very good at something. I have to find a foreign aid for myself in advance, otherwise it will be easy for me to lose my armor when the time comes!"

"With the addition of Ke Xing, it's three against one. It should be about the same, right?"

There was some uncertainty in her voice, but she didn't know who to look for for a while, so she decided to leave it at that.

"Well, that's it. I'll go to Yuncheng Lianhua to finish the things assigned by the president first..."

After saying that, he got on his little bag and set off.

On the other side, Luo Yunsheng, who was in class, saw the message from Yan Qi, and her eyes lit up. She was worried about how to meet Su Xiao often. Yan Qi's invitation was a timely help, so she agreed immediately!

When she thought of living across from Lidya Su, her heart began to pound.

She hadn't seen Lidya Su for two or three days, and she didn't know why, but she always couldn't help but think of Lidya Su's appearance...

She could no longer listen to the lectures taught by the teacher on the podium. She quietly took out her mobile phone and started browsing her mobile shopping cart.

She was sitting on the edge of the window, and no one noticed.

When she saw the items in the shopping cart, her eyes became brighter and she felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Luo Yunsheng's eyes were a little distracted, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. He quickly put away his phone, his face a little red.

Why is this happening again?What happened to you today?
Although he was shocked by his own thoughts, when he thought about it if the other party was Su Xiao, he instantly accepted it without any reason.

It's almost time. I'll see my boss tomorrow. What should I wear?

Yunjingyuan Villa, after being admired by Su Xiao for a long time, Ye Fanyan finally cleaned up the kitchen and went upstairs as if he was running away.

When she reached the third floor, she was relieved. She covered her chest with both hands and could clearly feel her violent heartbeat.I turned around and looked at my sports shorts. I seemed to be wearing a little too cool today?
It's all because the weather has suddenly warmed up in the past two days...

Or...have you been single for too long?

Thinking of this, her face suddenly turned red. She quickly opened the bedroom door and closed it with a bang after entering!
Downstairs, Su Xiao, who was flipping through the pages of the book, couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth slightly. The photo she took just now actually made Ye Fanyan's favorability score rise from 97 points to 98 points.

After the punishment that night, the effect of the memory engraving potion continued to ferment, making Ye Fanyan's favorability score increase a little, from 96 to 97 points, and it went up a little bit more today.

It seems that full favorability is not far away!

This feeling of conquering the target bit by bit is really good. Looking at it this way, I thought that I had taken Leng Yiyi a little too fast.

Fortunately, there is never a shortage of characters around me!

Afterwards, he focused on his spending money balance. It was a waste to have a balance of more than 44 billion, but he couldn't think of any good projects.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Li Ruzhen, Xi Tianyue, Leng Yiyi, and Guan Zhiyao, asking them to help them think about whether there were any better investment projects or companies worth acquiring.

How many people are powerful!

After I finished sending it, I continued to concentrate on reading the book.

In the meeting room of Tianxingjian Club in Beicheng District, Xi Tianyue, who was wearing a brown top and slim-fitting trousers, was listening seriously to Li Ruzhen's meeting with his subordinates, taking notes in his notebook from time to time.

If someone could see the experience points, they would see words like "Management Experience +1" and "Decision-Making Experience +1" above her head.

Li Ruzhen, on the other hand, has completely lost the charm she had when she was with Lidya Su. She is completely smart, capable, cold, decisive, and heroic in the style of a female CEO.

As she spoke, she subconsciously glanced at the silent cell phone on the table, which showed a message from her husband.

She immediately ended the topic quickly and then said:
"Okay, that's it for today's meeting. You go down..."

After everyone left, she quickly picked up her phone and checked the messages sent by Su Xiao.

After seeing it, she began to think seriously, but she did not rush to give her opinion, but replied:

"Husband, I know, wait until I study it carefully! (think 伱.jpg)"

Whether it is investment or acquisition, it is a very important matter for a company, and she must be cautious!
Xi Tianyue on the side had naturally seen the news a long time ago and was thinking about it with a nice frown on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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