After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 190 Yan Qiqi, are you having fun?

Chapter 190 Yan Qiqi, are you having fun?
In the third round of the game, everyone present had 5 points except Yan Qi who had 4 points.

Well, that's pretty dramatic.

According to the rules of the game, Su Xiao and the other five people have to take four steps forward, starting with Xi Tianyue and Luo Yunsheng. They were originally on the second square, so they will advance directly to the sixth square this round.

Game task in the sixth frame: Give a person of the opposite sex present 10 back slaps!
Mu Jingwan was originally on the first grid, so she moved to the fifth grid at this time.

The fifth grid game task: comb the hair of anyone present!

As for Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen, they had not moved in the first two rounds, so they came to the fourth square. However, since the task content of the fourth square was to "step back 2 squares and execute", they had no choice but to return to the second square to "look at each other affectionately". 20 seconds".

Fortunately, this matter was simpler than eating and drinking for them, and they completed it easily.

It was the turn of the other three to complete the task. Mu Jingwan picked up the prop comb on the table and combed it a few times for Xi Tianyue to complete the task, while Xi Tianyue and Luo Yunsheng patted Su Xiao's back together.

A small fist landed gently on his shoulder, and Su Xiao showed an expression of enjoyment.

Everyone has made progress, except Yan Qi, the host and game initiator, who still stays at the starting point with a look of despair.

Seeing this, Su Xiao smiled and said:
"Yanyan, you have to work harder!"

Hearing this, Yan Qi, who was crying, instantly put a smile on his face and said:
"Good boss!"

You can't leave an impression on your boss that you can't afford it, otherwise you won't have a chance in the future!

Thinking of this, she cheered up and said:

"Next round, start!"

As she spoke, she held her hands empty and placed the dice in it, as if she was shaking the sieve cup or drawing lots to worship Buddha. After everyone had finished throwing, she slowly threw it on the table.

3 points!
It seems to be okay. Look next to you, teammate Luo Yunsheng, 4 o'clock, haha, Luoluo, do you have today too?

Yan Qi was happy. Looking at the others, Su Xiao was at 6 o'clock, Li Ruzhen was at 5 o'clock, Xi Tianyue was at 3 o'clock, and Mu Jingwan was at 4 o'clock.


Yan Qi happily raised his right hand and made a big "Y".

Seeing this, everyone looked at her strangely.

Xi Tianyue, who also scored 3 points, walked to the ninth square with his orange chess piece. The task content: being carried around by a member of the opposite sex present!
Seeing this, Xi Tianyue looked at Su Xiao with shining eyes. Su Xiao smiled fondly, stood up and squatted down.

Xi Tianyue happily jumped on his feet and landed firmly on Su Xiao's back, holding his neck skillfully with both hands.

Su Xiao held Xi Tianyue's fair thighs with both hands, and then started to walk.

Lying on Su Xiao's back, Xi Tianyue recalled the scene of Su Xiao carrying her on the path in the sea of ​​flowers behind Suiyun Villa, and couldn't help but have a sweet smile on his face.

On the other side, Yan Qi, who was still a little excited at first, now had a bitter look on his face. He glanced pitifully at the three girls, but no matter it was Luo Yunsheng, Mu Jingwan or Li Ruzhen, they all had no intention of waterproofing, and they all stared at her with burning eyes. Holding her.

Seeing this, Yan Qi had to cover his face, then took a deep breath, stretched out a finger, pressed his nose and lifted it up, just like when he was a child, he would print his nose on the glass window on the bus to make trouble to passers-by. He was like a child, and then he made a few "humming" sounds in his throat.

The third grid game task: learn how to bark a pig to the players present!

After learning how to make pig noises, Yan Qi's pretty face turned red and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Yan Qiqi, is it fun for you to imitate a pig?
Fortunately, the boss didn't pay attention to the sound he imitated as a pig, otherwise he would have been very embarrassed today!
At this moment, Su Xiao had already walked back with Xi Tianyue on her back. After putting Xi Tianyue down on her back, Su Xiao smiled and said:

"Yan Yan, you learn how to make sounds like animals. It seems that you are not only a very talented barrister, but you are also fully qualified as a voice actor!"

Hearing this, Yan Qi froze, as if a bolt of lightning struck in her mind, shattering her newly rejoiced joy.Others were holding back laughter.

Yan Qi suddenly felt that this game was so boring. Even if others were punished, it would be fine. As for him, he would either not move or be embarrassed.

At this moment, an emoticon of a roaring marmot appeared in Yan Xiaoqi's heart.

Seeing her stunned, Su Xiao acted as the temporary game host:

The fifth round of the game started, and everyone threw their dice on the table.

Seeing this, Yan Qi also came to his senses and quickly picked up his dice and started throwing them.

2 points!
Luo Yunsheng, Li Ruzhen and Mu Jingwan all had 2 points, Su Xiao had 4 points, and Xi Tianyue was not as lucky this time and voted 6 points.

Seeing this, Yan Qi carefully looked at the content of the task after he left, "Comb the hair of anyone present." It was okay, okay, it was not an embarrassing task. His face immediately turned cloudy. If he had been angry and cried just now, If so, then his tears should turn into laughter at this time.

She picked up the prop comb, came to Su Xiao, and said weakly:

"Boss, can I choose to comb your hair?"

Although I can't hold hands with my boss or stick to my boss, it's nice to be able to comb my hair.

Hearing this, Lidya Su smiled and nodded:
"of course can!"

Yan Qi hurriedly came to Su Xiao and carefully combed Su Xiao's hair.

Su Xiao's hair is not very long, but it is as dark as ink, straight and soft. When light falls on it, it will reflect a sparkling luster. Under the backlight, the thin face is resolute and heroic, like a diamond. Gold cut surfaces are generally perfect.

Yan Qi combed Su Xiao patiently and carefully, as if he was taking care of the most precious treasure in the world.

Her heartbeat started to beat faster, and it felt like there was a deer scurrying around in her chest.

After half a minute, she reluctantly stepped back, still holding the comb that had been used to comb Lidya Su's hair tightly in her hand.

Li Ruzhen took two steps forward to get to the fourth square. He had no choice but to step back two squares again and looked at Su Xiao affectionately for 20 seconds.

After Luo Yunsheng and Mu Jingwan took two steps forward, they came to the 8th and 7th squares respectively.

The seventh grid game task: [Welfare] Let the opposite sex present rub your shoulders and back for 30 seconds.

The eighth grid game task: advance two grids and execute!
Ever since, Luo Yunsheng continued to advance two squares and came to the 10th square.

Game task in the tenth frame: Say an earthy love word to a member of the opposite sex present!
Seeing this task, Luo Yunsheng's mind went blank, and he couldn't think of any earthy love words at all.

Seeing this, Su Xiao had no choice but to come behind Mu Jingwan:

"Wanwan, let me start!"

After hearing his words, Mu Jingwan nodded slowly and hummed.

Su Xiao stretched out his big hand and pinched Mu Jingwan's shoulder. His technique was very skillful, and he was very precise in terms of strength and acupuncture points.

Mu Jingwan's body trembled when she was pressed by Su Xiao's fingers. The place where her skin came into contact with Su Xiao's fingers felt like a tingling current surged through her. It was a little itchy, but very comfortable.

Her body was a little stiff and she didn't dare to move. She even breathed carefully!

(End of this chapter)

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