After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 191 Yan Qi: Boss, I miss you so much

Chapter 191 Yan Qi: Boss, I miss you so much

Su Xiao retracted her hands, and Mu Jingwan breathed a long sigh of relief, and her tense body finally relaxed.

But I don't know why, but my heart feels empty.

However, everyone's eyes were on Luo Yunsheng at this time, because the game could not continue until she completed the game mission.

"Say a sweet word of love to a member of the opposite sex present!"

This seemed to others to be an easy game task to complete, but Luo Yunsheng was extremely nervous at this time, his mind went blank, and he couldn't think of any love words at all.

Seeing this, a somewhat anxious teammate Yan Qi came to her ear and whispered softly.

Listening to the assists sent by his teammates, Luo Yunsheng blinked cutely, then swallowed, mustered up the courage to open his mouth, but still didn't spit out a word. Yan Qi was so anxious, wasn't it just a love word? , why is it as if it’s going to kill you?
After several seconds, Luo Yunsheng closed his eyes and said loudly:
"Boss, do you like the uniform?"

Everyone was stunned, including Yan Qi who sent the assist.

No, I want you to ask "Boss, do you know what kind of uniform I like?" and then wait for the boss to ask something, and then follow up with "I like to be uniformed by you!"

So earthy... Bah, these are such interesting words of love, but when they come to your mouth, they turn into "Boss, do you like the uniform?"

Fortunately, although Lidya Su was stunned, she still continued:
"Yes, I like it!"

Hearing his answer, Li Ruzhen showed no surprise on his face, while Xi Tianyue on the side looked like he had obtained valuable information, his eyes shining brightly.

Mu Jingwan and Yan Qi were similar, but they didn't show it.

Ever since, everyone's eyes turned to Luo Yunsheng again, waiting for the second half of her earthy love words.

"What a coincidence, I like it too, I like being subdued by you!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Yunsheng said the second half of his sentence very eloquently and with a burning gaze.

Seeing this, except for Su Xiao, everyone else couldn't help but admire Luo Luo's acting skills. His eyes were like a puppy eager to be petted by its owner.

"okk, let's continue!"

His teammates worked so hard that he couldn't fall behind, Yan Qi urged as he regained his fighting spirit.

Ever since, the game continues.

During the fun, about 10 minutes passed. Because there was a game mission to return to a certain step, the game was only halfway through. Among the 6 people present, Xi Tianyue and Luo Yunsheng were in the lead.

Su Xiao used lipstick to draw a small heart on Xi Tianyue's face. He is currently in the 40th frame and has just completed the game task of touching Su Xiao's forehead 5 times.

Luo Yunsheng had a red "Su" written on her face. She was in the 39th frame, and the game task was "to rub the tip of your nose with a member of the opposite sex for 10 times." At this moment, Luo Yunsheng had not started yet. So nervous, he boldly approached Su Xiao, brought his cheek close to her, and touched the tip of his nose to Su Xiao's.

After clicking 10 times, I sat back down again.

As a teammate, Yan Qi was numb with envy and said feebly:

"The game continues!"

She had only reached the 11th square at this time. The previous move was still two steps. However, the game task of the 13th square was to "go back two squares and execute!"

The 11th grid game task: tell a cold joke to the players present!

She has told bad jokes four times and is almost numb.

Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen made the same progress, both at frame 23, "kissing the back of the hand of a person of the opposite sex present."

Mu Jingwan's game position was slightly ahead of Su Xiao and Su Xiao. In the 28th frame, she "held hands with a member of the opposite sex present and looked at each other affectionately for 30 seconds."

When she was holding hands with Lidya Su and looking at each other, her face was red, but her eyes were full of affection, and it was unabashed.She had already let go. It was a game anyway, so Yueyue would not blame herself.

With a crash, everyone's dice rolled on the table again, and then settled.

Luo Yunsheng had 5 points, Xi Tianyue had 4 points, Mu Jingwan had 3 points, Li Ruzhen and Su Xiao also had 3 points. They looked around at other people's points, then looked at their own points and the game tasks they should perform after leaving. Yan Qi then cheered:
"Yeah, I finally passed the damn 13th grid. Damn it, my lady, my fortune has turned around!"

Her points are also 3.

Oh, she put her purple chess piece on the 14th square, "Whisper in the ear of a member of the opposite sex!"

After placing the chess pieces, Yan Qi couldn't wait to come to Su Xiao. Because he was walking too hastily, he tripped Li Ruzhen's feet and threw himself forward uncontrollably, directly into Su Xiao's arms.

"Wow, Yan Yan, you're lying, you're whispering, not the 16th big hug!"

"That's right, foul foul!"

Xi Tianyue and others started to make noises.

Being helped up by Su Xiao, Yan Qi retorted with red cheeks:

"No way, I just tripped accidentally!"

After saying that, she blushed and looked at Su Xiao who was approaching. This was the closest and closest time she and Su Xiao had ever had since playing the game.

Seeing this, Su Xiao smiled and gently tilted her ear, signaling her to continue the game mission.

In private, he has already been whispered to by the four girls present. This is the fifth one, and it should also be the last one.

Yan Qi brought his mouth close, and his heavy breath touched Su Xiao's ears, which was a little itchy, but he did not move.

Because he was being watched by others, Yan Qi's heart was pounding and the blush on his cheeks became thicker.

Gulu, she heard the sound of her swallowing, and then she continued to move closer to her lips until they touched Su Xiao's ears, and then murmured:

"I miss you so much!"

Her voice was very soft, and if she sat farther away, she would definitely not be heard clearly. However, everyone gathered around the table to play games, so her somewhat rough voice was naturally heard by everyone.

"Wow, boss, I missed you so much!"

"Brother, I miss you so much!"

"Sister Yanyan, I miss you too!"

Everyone was used to booing, after all, Yan Qi had been booing like this before.

The blush on Yan Qi's face spread to his earlobes and neck, and he quickly straightened up, quickly retreated to his position, and then buried his head in his chest, not daring to look up.

Tsk, everyone was a little surprised that Yan Qi was so shy. From before, everyone thought she was a carefree girl. But now, it turns out that she is shyer than everyone else here.

Next is the game task between Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen, frame 26, "Let a member of the opposite sex present tickle yourself and hold back your laughter!"

Both of them have the kind of physiques that are not very ticklish, so it was completed easily.

Finally, there was Mu Jingwan. She handed the lipstick to Lidya Su’s hand, then squatted down and closed her eyes and said:
"You draw it!"

Box 31, "Close your eyes and let the opposite sex paint your face with lipstick!"

Looking at her fair and pink but cute face, a smile flashed in Su Xiao's eyes, and then she started to draw.

(End of this chapter)

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