After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 216 Wen Qi: Has my luck arrived?

Chapter 216 Wen Qi: Has my luck arrived?

At this moment, Wen Qi was very conflicted. On the one hand, she really needed the money to give Su Xiao to play with her, but on the other hand, she was afraid that Su Xiao would make any excessive demands after going offline.

However, if he refuses, he will probably lose this rich boss, right?

Thinking of the consequences if she lost Su Xiao and her thigh, Wen Qi couldn't help but let out a long sigh again.

Alas, life is not easy, Qiqi sighed!
Thinking about these days, she was still very relaxed playing games with Su Xiao, and she would not be like other bosses who would make a few dirty jokes from time to time, which she could only embarrass.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lidya Su gives a lot, which is not only gentle and trouble-free, but also generous.

Looking at it this way, it seems that he is not that kind of person, right?
And even if it is, it seems to be nothing compared to returning to that place.

Thinking of this, she suddenly became less resistant and nodded immediately:

"Okay, then I'll take a taxi over now!"

After Su Xiao responded, she hung up the call, put the phone aside, stood up and started to change clothes.

"What should I wear?"

Wen Qi was in a dilemma. Should she dress more innocently or dress more sexy?
If I dress too conservatively, will my boss be unhappy?
She is still very confident in her appearance and figure. If the boss doesn't like her when he sees her, it will only be a matter of clothing.

After thinking about it, I decided to balance it out a bit. Wear a gray and white sports shirt on the upper body, a white coat on top, a pair of ripped jeans on the lower body, and then put on my favorite white sports shoes. Perfect!
Oh, by the way, there is also a white hat and headphones. Headphones are the must-have items for her when she goes out.

She put on simple makeup in front of the mirror. If it wasn't for meeting her boss, she wouldn't usually put on makeup at home.

In her own words, this lady is naturally beautiful and does not need those unnecessary decorations...

Well, she just thinks cosmetics are too expensive and can’t bear to use them unless necessary!
He looked carefully in the mirror, then turned around:

"Wow, Wen Xiaoqi, you are so beautiful!"

"okk, let's go!"

She lived nearly thirty kilometers away from Jinmiao Building. When she opened the taxi app and looked at it, she couldn't help but feel pain:
"Wow, it actually costs more than 100 yuan, which is almost enough for me to eat for a week..."

After looking at the time and route, I realized that there would be a lot of traffic during this time period, and I immediately had a thought:
"It's better to take the subway, it's faster and saves money!"

The ticket price is five yuan, which is not too economical!
An hour and 10 minutes later, Wen Qi arrived at the downstairs of Jinmiao Building. Looking at the towering luxury office building in front of her, she began to feel a little uneasy.

"Why don't you go back..."

But thinking about my next situation after going back, I guess it will be miserable, right?
Living on the streets, begging for a living?And then I don’t know when, in the dead of night, in the cold and cold night, I was raped by someone?
Wow, no, no!

She had a one-sided but rich imagination, shook her head, and then mustered up the courage to take out her mobile phone and send a message to Su Xiao:

"Boss, I'm downstairs in Jinmiao Building. Which floor are you on?"

Half a minute later, when Wen Qi was even a little flustered, Lidya Su's message finally came back.

The God of Wealth, who has more money and less work: "Take a photo of your location and send it to me!"

Seeing this, Wen Qi quickly took a photo of her location and sent it back.

The God of Wealth, who has more money and less work, said: "Okay, just stand where you are and don't move!"

Then nothing happened.

Wen Qi rubbed her hands nervously. Is the boss coming to pick her up?

At this moment, she felt her little heart beating wildly. This was more nervous than the most glorious moment of her life.

After waiting for 2 minutes, a man wearing a black suit and tie walked out of the door of the building, looked around, and finally locked on Wen Qi's location, and then walked quickly.

Looking at the man walking towards her, Wen Qi's eyes were blank. There was no surprise, no fear, no anxiety. Some of them were actually a little bit disappointed?
Is this my God of Wealth?
"Hello, are you Miss Qiqi?" The visitor was very polite, with a friendly smile on his face.

Eh?The voice is wrong. The boss's voice is obviously more magnetic and warmer. Although she is separated by a mobile phone, Wen Qi is still quite familiar with Su Xiao's voice after so many days.

But she still nodded:

The male waiter in a suit bowed slightly:
"Hello, Miss Qiqi, Mr. Su asked me to pick you up. Oh, Mr. Su is the gentleman you are playing games with!"

In order to dispel her doubts, the male waiter revealed a little bit of information, but not too much.

Sure enough, when he heard that the person playing games with him, and that Su Xiao's ID in the game was Su Qinggu, Wen Qi believed him immediately, and the slightest hint of defensiveness disappeared.

Follow the male waiter into the building and enter the elevator.

The male waiter pressed the button on the 83rd floor, which is the location of the presidential suite of the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

As the number of elevator floors continued to change and increase, Wen Qi's heart became more and more nervous. The male waiter naturally noticed her expression, but did not say anything.

He is the big boss of his family. He should do more and talk less. This is the experience taught to him by his seniors.

Arriving on the 83rd floor, Wen Qi followed the male waiter to the door of the presidential suite.

Boom, boom, boom!

The male waiter knocked on the door rhythmically.

Soon, the door opened and Lidya Su appeared in front of the two of them.

"Su Dong!"

The male waiter bowed.

Lidya Su nodded slightly, and then said:

"Well, hard work!"

Hearing this, the male waiter bowed a little wider, and when he saw Su Xiao waving his hand, he retreated.

Su Xiao looked at Wen Qi and saw that her eyes were a little dazed, and immediately smiled and said:
"What's wrong, Qiqi? You came offline, so you don't know me anymore?"

Wen Qi finally came back to her senses and looked away from Lidya Su's face in a panic:

"No, no, hello boss, I am Qiqi, my real name is Wen Qi!"

Her language center was a little confused. Although she had imagined that Su Xiao was a handsome and wealthy second-generation rich man before coming here, she really didn't expect that he would be so handsome!

He wears a thin and trim white shirt. His figure is smooth and straight. His eyebrows are like blades. His straight nose is like a knife carving a picture. His eyes are gentle with a hint of coldness, like a man who stepped out of an idol cartoon. Lord generally.

Of course, in addition to his tall and straight figure and handsome appearance, the most unique thing about him is his breezy and bright temperament.

Wen Qi can responsibly say that this is the first time in her life that she has seen such a handsome and elegant boy.

No, it should be a male god. You have to know that the person in front of you is not only handsome, but most importantly, rich!

Not only is he rich, he is also generous!

Is my, Wen Xiaoqi's, luck in love coming?

Well, since God has arranged it this way, then I won’t care about what you did to me for the time being!

Seeing that she was in a daze again, Lidya Su couldn't help shaking her head and laughing, turned sideways and said:
"come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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