Chapter 217 Gaming girl?

Entering the suite somewhat dullly, Wen Qi, who had always felt cheerful, lively and familiar, became unable to speak for the first time.

Su Xiao sat on the sofa, minding her own business, and then raised her eyes to look at Wen Qi carefully.

He has good looks and figure, and is full of youthful aura, but he looks a bit dull. Based on the information seen from the insight, he is only 19 years old, which is considered normal.

However, it seems to be related to his own side mission. Except for some basic panel attributes, the rest of the detailed information is blocked.

Wen Qi's favorability score for him is 78 points, which is not too high, but not low either. It is much better than the -10 when she first met Luo Yunsheng.

"Don't stand there, sit down!"

Wen Qi, who didn't know what she was thinking, finally came to her senses. Her face turned red when she heard the last two words Su Xiao said.

Are you in such a hurry?

She coyly took off her white coat, revealing a gray sports vest underneath.

Seeing this, Su Xiao also misunderstood, picked up the air conditioner remote control nearby and said:
"Is it hot in the room? Then let me lower the temperature!"

Wen Qi, whose IQ was gradually improving, was a little belatedly aware of it. When she saw Su Xiao holding a mobile phone with the game screen displayed on the screen, and looking at where he was doing it, she immediately understood that what he just said should be "sit", and Not "do".

Ah, damn reading comprehension and damn homophones!

His face became even redder. Seeing this, Lidya Su became more and more sure of his judgment. It was indeed hot, and his face was so red.

Wen Qi, who was a little embarrassed, tied the coat she took off around her waist. It looked rusty. She sat down opposite Su Xiao and coughed lightly and asked:
"Boss, do you want to start playing now?"

This is the first time she has played with her offline...well, no, strictly speaking it is the second time, but the last time was not voluntary, but forced, and the game experience was very poor. Every time I think about it, I feel dizzy!

Lidya Su looked at the time, then nodded and said:
"Well, let's get started!"

Although it is a side mission, it is still a new meeting. It is not good to ask too many questions directly, and it is easy for people to become defensive.

But not everyone can be like Mr. Park Feiqi, who exposes embarrassing things when he meets someone he is attracted to, completely ignoring the common sense of friendship.

However, he started out as an insurance person, and what he is best at is quickly getting close to people. But if you really think that he will confide in you the first time, you are totally wrong.

Although the Wen Qi in front of him looked innocent, she had not told him anything in the past few days except the city where she was and her name, which no one knew was true or false.

Although this may be related to his dislike of getting to the bottom of things, it also shows that this girl has a defensive line in her heart.

This time they were playing pesticides. Both of them had reached [-] stars, and their peak competition points had reached around [-] points. Although Wen Qi was still very easy to fight, Su Xiao knew that if he didn't do this to Baili, The hero simply cannot handle such a high-end game.

Fortunately, he plays the game just to relax. Every time, he hides behind and snipers. If the opponent comes, he uses his ultimate move and flashes to run away. He doesn't care about winning or losing in team battles.

Generally, Wen Qi's role is reflected at this time. No matter where she is, she can always play the greatest role.

Su Xiao was a little surprised by this powerful gaming ability before, but after seeing her attribute panel, she was no longer surprised. [Character not included - Wen Qi]: Age (19), height (165cm), weight (45kg);
Appearance rating: S+;

Body rating: S;
Temperament rating: S-;

Overall rating: S (SS).
Character skills: Legendary competition (e-sports oriented), Descendants of Zaun (game oriented), master game theory (pesticide, alliance oriented), Lone Wolf (game oriented).

Character Bonds: Soul of E-Sports (exclusive bond, banned state), Focus (activated), Lotte (activated).

The panel attributes are quite satisfactory. They are of the same age, and their skin and mental state are in the best period. The S+ rating is also reasonable, and the figure is more girlish. For Su Xiao, who currently prefers mature women, only It can be considered pretty good.

The S- temperament must also be a bonus of youthful and girlish feeling, but this comprehensive rating is a bit confusing to Su Xiao.

There are no marks after the three basic items, which means that whether it is appearance, figure or temperament, they are already Wen Qi's peak attributes. So why is there an SS after the comprehensive rating, which represents peak status?
Immediately, Su Xiao remembered Mi Shu's panel. She was also at S level in all three basic categories, but her overall rating was SS. So, Wen Qi was also a professional talent who was extremely partial to science?
Later, while playing games, he began to study Wen Qi's skills and bonds.

Needless to say, legendary competition (for e-sports) and master-level game theory (for pesticides and alliances) are already reflected in the skill names. This can also explain why Wen Qi’s game level is so high, and it’s not just pesticides. The same goes for Alliance technology.

Even her game level will be higher than what Su Xiao saw!
The skill of Descendants of Zuan is a bit interesting. The effect of the skill is to improve the character's psychological quality, typing speed, and attack power in the game.

Well, think about it in the game, every time someone trolls him, Wen Qi's sudden surge in combat power really deserves the title of Zuan's successor.

The last skill, Lone Wolf, is of elite quality and is also game-oriented. Its effect is to greatly improve the character's operation, reaction, etc. when a teammate dies or the teammate's teamwork attributes are low.

It can be seen from the four skills that Wen Qi is a relatively pure character, and all skills are related to the game.

The same is true for the banned exclusive bonds. Although the bond effect cannot be seen, you can get a rough guess from the name.

So, this is still an e-sports girl?
The remaining two bonds, Focus and Lotte, can also be understood by their names. Focus is a rare quality, while Lotte is a legendary quality. No wonder she always looks like Lotte, who is full of energy.

I just don’t know what happened to her who could make the system issue a redemption mission?
"Qiqi, you are so good at games, why don't you become a professional?"

Su Xiao began to make insinuations.

Hearing this, Wen Qi, who was sitting across from him, was stunned for a moment. There seemed to be a flash of darkness in his eyes, and then he said carelessly:

"Hahaha, boss you really know how to joke. How can a profession be so easy to beat?"

"At my level, I can be your companion!"

Su Xiao naturally observed her strangeness at that moment, but obviously Wen Qi didn't want to talk about it.

He changed a few more related topics, but Wen Qi also resolved them.

The lock in her heart seemed to be a little tight!
Su Xiao began to think about how to complete this redemption mission.

(End of this chapter)

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