After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 218 Who is the boss’s girlfriend?

Chapter 218 Who is the boss’s girlfriend?

After changing the topic a few more times, but still couldn't get any information from Wen Qi that was helpful for the mission, Su Xiao gave up the plan to continue talking.

As the game time progressed, it was past eleven o'clock in the blink of an eye.

While the two were continuing to play the game, the door opened with a click.

Wen Qi was startled. When she looked up, she saw three girls who were better than her in appearance, figure and temperament walking in.

The first one to enter was Xi Tianyue, who was holding another room card. She wore a white short-sleeved top and a blue-gray A-line skirt, which fully reflected her tall and exquisite figure.

Seeing her, Wen Qi's first reaction was that she was so high!

Today, Xi Tianyue wore a pair of high-soled shoes, which looked like she was 1.8 meters tall.

Then there's her stunning face. Under Su Xiao's care during this period, her SS+ appearance already has a faint feeling of breaking through to the SSS level.

She originally looked extremely young, but after studying management for a period of time with Li Ruzhen, and now directly controlling a company worth more than 400 billion, she began to develop an aura that belongs to those in power.

She looked innocent and aloof, which made Wen Qi instantly feel inferior. Is this the boss's girlfriend?
So beautiful and has a good temperament...

Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi came in next. Li Ruzhen was only a little taller than Xi Tianyue, but his temperament was more powerful, and he was full of royal sister style!

Compared to Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi looks more gentle and pleasant, the kind of gentle and quiet typical southern woman.

But no matter which one of the three people it was, Wen Qi, who had always been very confident in his appearance, felt a little ashamed of himself.

Sure enough, a good-looking, rich and good-natured person like the boss should be paired with such a good-looking young lady.

However, which of these three is the boss’s girlfriend?
I think it’s the first one!

In just one second, eight hundred thoughts appeared in Wen Qi's mind, but when she came back to her senses, she stood up all of a sudden, with a look of panic on her face.

"You, how are you!"

Just like a child who was caught stealing something.

Oops, I was playing games with my boss and his girlfriend found out. Is there no misunderstanding?
Although Lidya Su asked her to come, she felt like a thief at this moment.

You know, she was usually fearless and arrogant, but today she actually felt guilty about something that didn't happen. It was really the first time in so many years.

The three people who hadn't noticed her at first were startled at the same time when they heard her voice.

Huh?Isn’t this Sister Mishu?
Xi Tianyue blinked cutely, then looked at Su Xiao who was still playing the game, and immediately looked like I understand.

During the meal, he said that he had business and didn't want to pick up girls, but in the blink of an eye, a pretty girl came to the house?

Sure enough, even the elder brother can't escape the law of true fragrance!
Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi were also a little surprised, but after looking up and down at Wen Qi's appearance and figure, they couldn't help but nodded. He is indeed my husband. His taste is as good as ever!

With their eyesight, they could naturally see that Wen Qi was still in perfect condition, so the two of them were probably just playing games together.

As for the future, judging from experience, this young-looking girl will most likely become his sister.

However, they had no intention of being jealous.

What did you say?

If you have a lot of debt, you won’t have to worry about it; if you have a lot of lice, you won’t be itchy!
They are used to it!
As for Xi Tianyue?
You can tell by the way her eyes are shining. Among the women around Su Xiao, she was the youngest before. Although Luo Yunsheng and Mu Jingwan are also similar to her age, her temperament is always easy to let others down. People protect her as a little sister.

Now that I finally see someone younger than myself, my wish to be a sister is about to come true, so I am naturally very excited!
"Hello, Yihao, are you my brother's new girlfriend?"

Xi Tianyue came to Wen Qi enthusiastically, took her hand and asked.Wen Qi was stunned when she heard what she said, so this pretty girl is the boss's sister, not his girlfriend?

No wonder they look so good. Sure enough, excellent genes are always similar.

Thinking about it this way, she was actually a little happy. If she wasn't her girlfriend, wouldn't it mean that I still had a chance?

However, she quickly shook her head and said:
"No, no, I was ordered by the boss to accompany you, oh, the kind who plays games!"

As if she was afraid that they wouldn't believe it, she raised her phone and showed the game interface.


Just at this time, because the main jungler Jing was reading a book in place for a long time, he was killed by the enemy. The remaining teammates were also outnumbered and lost the team battle directly, and the base was bulldozed in a wave!

Well, after all, this seems to be the first time I have lost since playing games with Su Xiao!

Just at this time, Su Xiao, who was looking at the failure interface, also raised his head helplessly.

"Why did you come back so late?"

Xi Tianyue also knew that because of their return, Su Xiao lost the game. He stuck out his tongue playfully, let go of Wen Qi's hand and sat on Su Xiao, put his arms around his neck affectionately, and then gave him a sweet kiss. .

Wen Qi's eyes widened when she saw the two people's behavior beyond that of brother and sister.

Are all siblings from wealthy families so bold?

At this time, Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi also came over, put down their bags and sat on either side of Lidya Su, leaning on his shoulders.

Li Ruzhen said:

"The meeting started a little late, and the last store was far away, so I just came back now!"

There was a hint of exhaustion in her voice. Although she had just finished her menstrual period, she was on a plane and traveled all over the city. Even with her physique, she felt tired.

Su Xiao broke away from the kiss with Xi Tianyue, put her arms around Li Ruzhen's shoulders, and kissed her forehead lovingly:
"Good work, baby!"

Li Ruzhen shook his head and looked at him affectionately:
“It’s not hard, but I feel very happy!”

Su Xiao did not treat them as vases, but handed them over to manage such a large industry, which gave Li Ruzhen a sense of satisfaction of being valued and trusted.
Of course, the love for Lidya Su is even deeper.

Originally, Wen Qi was shocked when she saw Li Ruzhen and Leng Yi sitting down leaning on Su Xiao, but now her eyes widened even more when she saw Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen's intimate behavior.

So, this big sister with a good figure and temperament is the boss’s girlfriend?

Then who is the other gentle young lady?

Seeing her surprised look, Su Xiao finally remembered to introduce:

"Oh, by the way, this is Qiqi, a game companion, you should know!"

Xi Tianyue and the other two people suddenly had an impression.

Hearing what he said, Wen Qi also remembered that when she played a game with Su Xiao for the first time, she seemed to have heard the voices of Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi in the voice, but it took a long time for her to forget.

Su Xiao was about to introduce Xi Tianyue and the others to Wen Qi, but Xi Tianyue took the initiative and said:

"My name is Xi Tianyue, and I am my brother's girlfriend. You can just call me Yueyue. This is Sister Zhenzhen, and this is Sister Yiyi. They are both my brother's girlfriends like me!"

(End of this chapter)

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