After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 223: The lucky buff is full, use the industrial lottery card

Chapter 223: The lucky buff is full, use the industrial lottery card
Looking at the luxury business car leaving, the landlady couldn't help but shake her head and sighed:

"Sure enough, being young and good-looking is capital. I found a new rich man so quickly. I just don't know what kind of person this girl can like..."

Turning around and looking at the clean house, and then at the gaming chair that had been left behind, the landlady smiled:
"It just so happens that my kid wants a gaming chair. I'll ask him to move it out soon!"

Originally, Wen Qi wanted to take her beloved gaming chair away, but it was really difficult to get it, and the chair was on the verge of damage. Coupled with her current situation, this somewhat shabby gaming chair was give up.

When she returned to the hotel's luxurious suite, Wen Qi discovered that there was a brand new set of high-end computers and a new gaming table and chairs in the room, and her eyes were immediately glued to them.

Gulu, Wen Qi couldn't help but swallow her saliva, this was simply the suit she had dreamed of!

But why are these things in the house?Could it be that I made a mistake?Have you come to the E-Sports Hotel?

She hesitantly retreated to the door and looked at the house number, 8201, that's right!

Just then, the waitress who had received her in the morning came over, and Wen Qi hurriedly asked:

"Hello, little sister, what's going on with the computers, tables and chairs in the house? Did someone send them by mistake, or does this room need to be vacated?"

Think about it, it's a waste to live in such a luxurious suite for yourself, it costs thousands of dollars a night, right?
If you want to live by yourself, just get a double room!

But I heard the waitress smile and say:

"Oh, that was prepared for you by someone from Xi Dong. She heard that you like games, so she gave you the most professional computer and e-sports tables and chairs!"

Is it that pretty young lady again?

This...this young lady doesn't like me anymore, right?

How come this is the same as the rich second generation’s routine of pursuing Cinderella?

But isn’t she the boss’s girlfriend?
Or is this young lady a bisexual?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shudder. Although that young lady is very beautiful and caring, my Wen Qi's sexual orientation is very normal!

No, I have to find an opportunity to ask...

Since the real owner was not here, her refusal would only embarrass the waitress, so she said nothing but nodded and thanked her.

On the other side, Xi Tianyue, who was accompanying Li Ruzhen to a management meeting at the Tianxingjian Fitness Club on Gongkang Road, received a message from Su Xiao, saying that she was asked to go back to the hotel at noon.

"Hehe, brother, I just disappeared this morning, do you miss me so much?"

After receiving Lidya Su's message, she was naturally very excited, and the message she replied was also a bit playful.

Lidya Su quickly replied:

"Yes, not seeing her for a day is like three autumns. If I don't see my Yueyue for a long time, I fall in love with her!"

Xi Tianyue, who was sitting in the lounge, couldn't help but smile when he saw the news. His toes became happy and kept swaying back and forth.

Leng Yiyi, who was sitting on the side, knew who the message was from without looking, her eyes were full of smiles.

Although she is envious, she is not jealous at all. Compared with other S-class characters in Qingcheng, she is already the luckiest person. Su Xiao loves her very much.

So, she felt very satisfied!

"What's the matter, are you smiling so happily?" Li Ruzhen walked in after the meeting and couldn't help but smile when seeing Xi Tianyue's appearance.

Xi Tianyue put away her phone, stood up happily, took Li Ruzhen's hand and said:

"Sister Zhenzhen, are you done? Let's go back, my brother is waiting for us to have lunch!"

She couldn't wait any longer.

To say who misses the other more, between Su Xiao and her, Xi Tianyue must win in a crushing manner. Otherwise, do you think the 120 points of favorability are just for decoration?
Although she also likes to help Su Xiao manage the industry, this does not prevent her from wanting to be tired of being around Su Xiao.

Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi were already used to this. They looked at each other and smiled. Then Li Ruzhen looked at Xi Tianyue and said with a smile:

"Okay, let's go now!"

Because Su Xiao was in Magic City and had promised Li Ruzhen to spend her birthday alone with her in the evening, she had plenty of time in Magic City. Therefore, when the three of them took over the properties they were responsible for, they did not act separately, but together.

Since Tianxingjian Club has many direct stores, the city meeting was divided into two batches. Last night was the first batch, and this morning was the second and last batch.

After Jun Yuexi arrived at the hotel yesterday, she solved the problem as soon as possible. In the afternoon, she accompanied Leng Yiyi to complete the management meeting of the six directly-operated clubs in the Magic City, so the task of their trip to the Magic City has been successfully completed.

Back at the hotel, after having lunch with Su Xiao, Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi and Xiao Tingwen Wen Qi left, leaving only Su Xiao and Xi Tianyue.

With the lucky buff by his side, Su Xiao thought for a while. Since he was going to stack buffs, he had to stack them more thoroughly. If the last industry extracted was not ideal and was just a little short of system upgrade, he would definitely be depressed to death.

Thinking of this, he looked at Xi Tianyue who was leaning on his chin and looking at him:
"Yueyue, are you sleepy? Let's take a nap!"

Xi Tianyue blinked and wanted to shake his head and say he wasn't sleepy, but he soon understood the implication of Su Xiao's words and nodded immediately:
"Well, I'm really a little sleepy. Then brother, let's go!"

After saying that, he stood up and took the initiative to take Lidya Su's hand and walked back.

The three lieutenants were not there, and there were no other teammates to support them. Even Xi Tianyue, the previously very powerful leader, was quickly defeated. After forcing himself to counterattack twice to no avail, he had to admit the fact of defeat.

As a victorious general, Su Xiao was already stacked with lucky buffs. He stretched out his hand to hold the lucky bag and said to the system in his mind:
"Use the Advanced Industry Lottery Card!"

A lottery box appeared that only Su Xiao could see. There were colorful balls in it. Each ball represented an industry.

The small balls in the lottery box began to roll rapidly. If the numbers 1-33 were written on these small balls, it would be more similar to some entertainment project.

Yesterday, Su Xiao also saw the news push received on her mobile phone: A man from a certain place won a lottery of 600 million, quit his job and chose life again...

Su Xiao had to shake her head and sigh. Nowadays, the lottery business has begun to develop in the direction of the entertainment industry. The realistic and hard-working acting skills have made many professional entertainment companies nod.

The speed of the rapidly rolling ball in front of Su Xiao began to slow down. Suddenly, an orange ball stood out and burst out of the newly opened opening of the lottery box.

After popping out, the lottery box and the remaining balls disappeared instantly, as if they had never appeared.

Then, the orange ball exploded into a firework, with spots of light everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, the system’s crisp prompt sounded:
[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully extracting the industry: Tianqing Technology, industry valuation: 470 billion! 】

(End of this chapter)

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