After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 224: I prepared gifts, and there were a lot of them!

Chapter 224: I prepared gifts, and there were a lot of them!

(There is a story)
Su Xiao is very satisfied with the result of this lottery. Although it is still a little short of the upper limit of the prize pool, it is not far behind.

It is a pity that the assets recognized by the system need to be fully controlled by the assigned character. Otherwise, including Jun Yuexi, Qingyan and Tian Xingjian, it would be enough to meet the upgrade requirements.

But now, Su Xiao, whose thoughts are clear, is no longer in a hurry. During the waiting period, she can complete Wen Qi's side mission first.

However, he agreed to celebrate Li Ruzhen's birthday alone in the evening. According to Yan Qi's business plan, even if Wen Qi's information was found out, he would not come to the magic city today.

Then, the side mission won't start until tomorrow, so there's no need to rush.

Oh, by the way, there are still things to confirm!
Su Xiao's thoughts returned and she asked the system in her mind:

"Tongbao, Tianqing Technology has its own management role, right? When can I meet you?"

After all, he is a character who can manage a 470 billion industry. His attributes and abilities are not bad. Su Xiao is also a little curious.

No, the system replied:
[This character will appear after the host completes the third stage of the main mission! 】

Su Xiao was stunned. The main mission of the third stage?

He sank into the system space and checked the progress of the main mission in the third phase. He found that it had increased from 40% to 45%. He met Sun Lin. Such a big increase?
Okay, now Su Xiao has confirmed that the rest of the so-called "Failure is the mother of success?" main quest is related to Sun Lin. (See Chapter 120 for details)
In this case, the matter is very simple. I just don’t know what task rewards I will get after completing the main task of the third stage?
In addition to the management roles of newly unlocked industries, will there be any other surprises?
Alas, when can my four secrets and Little Yezi meet?After waiting for so long, I feel a little anxious!
Looking down at the lovely Xi Tianyue in her arms, her face was much less green than when she first met her, but in pure white mode, she was still extremely innocent. She was the purest girl Su Xiao had ever seen.

As for the ultimate enchanting state, it was comparable to Li Ruzhen's charming bone. Coupled with her deep love for herself, Su Xiao doted on her to the extreme.

He raised his hand to gently caress her soft face, and couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her forehead.

"Well, dad~"

Is this the status that hasn’t been switched yet?
Su Xiao felt hot and turned over to return to the battlefield!


Soon, the time came to six o'clock in the evening.

Li Ruzhen was changing clothes in the bedroom, while Lidya Su was sitting on the sofa waiting. The two of them would go on a dinner date soon.

Today, Su Xiao was dressed more formally, wearing black suit pants and leather shoes. The white shirt rolled up to the elbows had two buttons unbuttoned, exposing the skin of her neck and a bit of her collarbone.

The black suit jacket was gently placed on the back of the sofa. When he raised his wrist to check the time, Li Ruzhen's voice came from the bedroom:
"Husband, come in and help me see if my clothes look good?"

Hearing this, Lidya Su stood up, opened the bedroom door and walked in.

Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi both knew and ran away in advance, saying that their best friends were also going on a date to have a candlelight dinner!
As for Mishu, he continued to follow Sun Lin and check the people who interacted with her.

So at this time, there were only Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen in the presidential suite.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he saw Li Ruzhen standing pretty not far away, facing him squarely.

That's it?

This was Su Xiao's first reaction. From his perspective, Li Ruzhen was wearing a black short-sleeved navel-baring T-shirt and a pair of black yoga pants. Well, the only special design should be the thighs. There are a few transparent designs similar to gauze, and you can see a little bit of skin color.

But apart from showing off your figure, there doesn’t seem to be anything special about it, right?
Moreover, she was dressed in such a sporty style, which didn't match the suit and leather shoes she was wearing today!

Seemingly noticing the disapproval in his eyes, Li Ruzhen turned around slightly and continued to ask:

"Honey, do my clothes look good?" Looking at the design after she turned around, Su Xiao's eyes lit up and she nodded immediately:
"It's beautiful, it's beautiful!"

Li Ruzhen kept his back to Su Xiao, turned his head, looked at him with autumn eyes, bit his lips lightly and said:

"Since it looks good, then hubby, don't you have any indication?"

"Today is my birthday, didn't you prepare a gift for me?"

Su Xiao grunted, walked forward and said:

"Of course I'm prepared, I'm prepared a lot!"

Li Ruzhen continued:

"Then why don't you hurry up and bring me the gift? I want it!"


At [-]:[-] in the evening, Su Xiao was still wearing the same black suit and shiny leather shoes as before, but Li Ruzhen changed into a new set of clothes. The previous sports style did not match Su Xiao's date.

She put on a black velvet hip-hugging skirt and black stockings with letters on her legs. In order to prevent the cold outside, she also put on a pure white suit jacket and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. She looked like a royal sister. Full of style.

When they were together in the past, she rarely dressed like this when she went out with Su Xiao, because at that time, Su Xiao really didn't match the temperament of Li Ruzhen, and she felt like a big sister taking her little brother out.

Lidya Su is different now. There is no sense of disharmony between the two standing together, but they are very coordinated.

It's still the hotel's Rolls-Royce Phantom, but the difference is that Su Xiao drove it by herself in the morning, and now there is an extra driver.

Su Xiao opened the back seat for Li Ruzhen to get out, and blocked it with her hands like a gentleman to prevent her from bumping into each other. Li Ruzhen smiled lightly, sat down on the seat with her buttocks first, and then put her long legs into the car one after another.

However, she moved her legs slowly, as if she was afraid of getting her red-soled high-heeled shoes dirty.

During the process, Su Xiao's eyes were very focused. After Li Ruzhen's long legs were stuffed into the car seat, she reluctantly closed the door, then quickly walked around to the other side and got into the back seat.

He took a deep breath, exhaled the heat of the night, and then told the driver:

"lets go!"

Li Ruzhen decided the place for the two to date. Originally, Su Xiao wanted to prepare in advance, but Li Ruzhenque said that she wanted to choose the place by herself.

Su Xiao always tried her best to satisfy the demands of the girls around her, as long as they were not excessive, let alone such a small request?
There was heating in the car. Li Ruzhen took off his pure white suit, covered his thighs and knees, and then leaned against Lidya Su naturally.

Lidya Su also stretched out his hand to hold her shoulders, his hands delicate and silky.

The driver drove the car very steadily. After exiting the underground parking lot, it merged into the main road and moved forward slowly.

At this time, the Pudong section of the Magic City was generally congested. Perhaps it was because he was tired from work in the past two days. Li Ruzhen yawned lightly and said:
"Honey, I'm going to take a nap. Call me when you get there!"

Without waiting for Su Xiao to answer, she moved back and rested her head on Su Xiao's thigh. It seemed that the lights in the night view of the Magic City were too bright. She also pulled her white coat and covered her head.

Seeing this, Lidya Su felt distressed and gently stroked her head through her coat, and patted her body gently with the other hand, just to make her sleep more comfortable!

...See the episode for details...

(End of this chapter)

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