After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 238 Give you some time to prepare?

Chapter 238 Give you some time to prepare?

"Boss Su Qinggu asked you to sing "Conquest". You won't be able to afford it, right?"

"Boss Su Qinggu asked you to sing "Conquest", you won't be able to afford it, right?"

"Boss Su Qinggu asked you to sing "Conquest". You won't be able to afford it, right?"

"Boss Su Qinggu asked you to sing "Conquest". You won't be able to afford it, right?"


In Qingdi's live broadcast room, the onlookers who were not too bothered to watch the excitement began to refresh the screen and follow the rhythm. Among them, there were only one or two fans of Wen Qi. The rest came to join in the fun after seeing the floating screen, or they just watched it on weekdays. Those who are not used to Qing Emperor's behavior.

Qingdi naturally saw it too, and his expression became gloomy, but he adjusted quickly:

"Boss Su Qinggu? Let me sing, right? No problem. If you are willing to admit defeat, I will give the boss and brothers a song called "Qingdi"."

However, at this moment, I happened to hear Wen Qi’s words:
"Qingshen, my boss wants you to sing "Conquer". I wonder if you are willing?"

This made him even more embarrassed. Not only that, Su Xiao hit the last blow in a timely manner:

"Su Qinggu gave 10 carnival gifts to Emperor Qing. Come and worship!"

"Message: This is considered medical expenses, but I will only say it for the last time, I want to listen to "Conquer"!"

Seeing this, everyone exploded. Most of them were melon-eaters gloating about the misfortune. There were also Qingdi fans shouting, "Who do you think you are?"
Qingdi laughed, but he laughed angrily:
"Ha, ha, ha, okay, okay, brother, you want to listen to "Conquest", right? Yes!"

He turned on the sound card, turned on the accompaniment, gritted his teeth, and began to sing:
"Finally you found a way..."

"I was conquered by you like this, cutting off all escape routes..."

Wen Qi’s live broadcast room:

"Did you really sing? Damn it, see you soon..."

"Niu Niu Niu, let Qingshen sing "Conquer", only I am Sushen!"

"Yinyu will set a precedent for Su Shen, right?"

"Hey, don't be too happy too early. Once Su Shen leaves, Qiqi will be miserable..."


Many times, people who watch live broadcasts and buy gifts are just hot-headed. After they calm down, it will be fine if they don’t give you a refund for the entire minor.

After all, how can there be so many rich people who take advantage of big names?

After all, there are only a few people who are stupid and have a lot of money.

In view of this, Wen Qi's few old fans are also worried. After all, the opposite party is Qingshen. How can he let it go after losing such a big face?
Qingdi Live Room:
Su Qinggu: Okay, that’s it, you sang well, don’t sing it next time!

One sentence ignited the barrage again:

"Nice job, don't sing it next time!"

"Nice job, don't sing it next time!"

"Nice job, don't sing it next time!"


Killing and punishing the heart belongs to yes!
Qingdi stopped, the muscles on his face were stiff from the forced smile, and the anger in his heart was getting bigger and bigger, he said:
"Since eldest brother is so powerful, why don't we have another PK?"

He looked at the camera, half-smiling:

"Sister Qiqi, since you have big brother in the live broadcast room, why don't we compete again? We can make friends. What do you think?"

After hearing his words, Wen Qi shook her head:
"No, no, no, the boss has already spent 30 yuan just now, we can't spend any more!"

She really didn't want Su Xiao to spend money. If the money could be in her hands, she could return part of it, but because she was under FG's contract, the money belonged to the club and had nothing to do with her.

Moreover, she felt that she owed Lidya Su more and more. This was not okay, she didn’t like to owe favors the most.

But Qingdi seemed not to have heard:
"Su Qinggu, right? Boss, what do you think? With your strength, there's no problem in PKing again, right?"

There was threat and provocation in his voice. The threat was directed at Qiqi, and the provocation was naturally directed at Su Qinggu.Wen Qi’s live broadcast room barrage:

"Sure enough, Qingshen will not give up..."

"What are you afraid of? Su Shen did it with him!"

"Haha, you were lucky enough to steal a house once, and you feel like you are invincible? Don't you know the energy behind Qingshen?"

"Even a wild rich man who doesn't know where he comes from, dares to fight with our Qingshen?"

"Maybe it's because I haven't heard of Yinyu's 'Shenhao Support Team' before!"


Suddenly, the live broadcast room was flooded with fans of the other party again.

Qingdi Live Room:
Su Qinggu:
"No problem, but do I need some time to prepare?"


"Wow, you are so domineering, do you mean to let Qingshen sway people?"

"Damn, his tone is louder than my athlete's foot. Does he want to challenge the guild and support group behind Qingshen alone?"

"I, Long Aotian, won't even support the wall, so I will obey you!"

"Where did the clown come from, so funny?"


Qingdi was also laughed out loud. Ever since he started live broadcasting, he had never seen anyone talk to him like this. In the past, he always pretended to be cool in front of others. Unexpectedly, someone pretended to be cool in front of him today, and still stepped on him. The kind on the nose and on the face.

As a truly rich second generation who regards live streaming as the spice of life, when has Xue Qing ever been so angry?

This guy named Su Qinggu not only asked him to sing "Conquer", but also made arrogant remarks, saying that he was giving himself some preparation time?
This is a naked humiliation. Do you think I only scored over 200 million points in PK in this round, so you doubt my strength?
Where did the stunned head come from?
He disconnected and then said to the audience in his live broadcast room:
"Since the boss gave me time to prepare, I will stop broadcasting for a while and come back in half an hour. Please forgive me!"

After saying that, I didn’t watch the comments and went straight to the broadcast.

Seeing the prompt "The anchor is not at home temporarily" pop up on the live broadcast interface, the audience not only did not leave, but the discussion became more intense:

"Is Qinggami getting serious? Looking forward to the war of the century..."

"What a shitty battle of the century. Can one person challenge the Shenhao support group?"

"I didn't expect that someone would dare to challenge Qingshen..."

"Uh, um, is there a possibility that Su Qinggu will run away?"

"I'm going to blanch it, can't I? He has paid more than 30 yuan?"

"It's not impossible. Otherwise, why would Qingshen be asked to prepare for half an hour? It's probably just to delay time..."

"Damn, from what you're saying, it's really possible!"

"Just run away after showing off? How exciting!"

On the other side, Wen Qi, who originally wanted to persuade Su Xiao not to continue, saw the message from Su Xiao again and immediately stopped talking.

"I've been a little bored these past two days. If I want to throw money away, please leave it alone, or I'll kick you out!"

Well, as expected, we mortals like us cannot understand the world of rich people. Are you throwing away money so arrogantly just to relieve your boredom?

What else can I say?

I just feel that so much money has gone into the pockets of the platform and the club, and my heart aches!
The small money has flown away... gone...

Jun Yuexi, Su Xiao, who returned to the presidential suite, leaned on the sofa and watched the Yinyu live broadcast. The remaining balance of 970 million was a little headache. After clicking so many, would your fingers become useless?
I just recharged 5000 million in consumer funds, and there is still [-] million left in the card.

Then the system prompt sounds:
[Congratulations to the host network for spending ¥300100.00 on the reward. Since the opponent's PK amount is less than 1/5, it is calculated within the limit of 1000 million reward amount. Now we will give you ten times the cash back, returning ¥30001000.00!】

(End of this chapter)

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