After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 239 Find someone to help order gifts, otherwise your hands will hurt

Chapter 239 Find someone to help order gifts, otherwise your hands will hurt

…There is a story…

[Congratulations to the host network for spending ¥300100.00 on the reward. Since the opponent's PK amount is less than 1/5, it is calculated within the limit of 1000 million reward amount. Now we will give you ten times the cash back, returning ¥30001000.00!】

After spending 30 yuan, 300 million yuan was returned, but Su Xiao's mood did not fluctuate much.

In the early days, he would have spent all his money and waited for the cash back. After all, he was at a low point in his life and was very short of money.

Now, he is not very motivated anymore. The main reason is that the opponent is not very strong. There are hundreds of millions of people on the Internet, but if they want more, they probably won’t be there anymore. That’s why he thinks about Fang’s irritation. Qingdi.

He found out that Qingdi didn't have too many fans, just over 500 million. He was far behind those big anchors, but the energy behind him was quite large. It was said that he had the same number as many big guilds. He has a very good relationship with him, and many talented people in Yinyu have supported him. He is known as the "Shenhao Support Team" in Yinyu.

Last year, Qingdi overpowered all the big Yinyu anchors and took the first place in the year. Even the major guilds behind the big anchors took the initiative to give way. His background and energy were evident.

During the PK just now, Su Xiao used her strength at the last moment, not because of an accident, but on purpose. Although the Internet was indeed disconnected for a while while riding in the elevator, it was still under Su Xiao's control.

A rich second-generation anchor with a "magnificent support team" behind him must be furious when his tower is stolen and then ridiculed, right?
What Su Xiao wants is the anger of the other party, otherwise it would be too boring.

However, you have to keep ordering gifts on Yinyu Live, and the largest gift is only 3000 yuan. This kind of repetitive operation is really boring.

Hey, by the way, I need to see Yan Qi if I need anything!
Su Xiao's eyes lit up. Yan Qi had nothing to do since he came to Magic City, but now it just comes in handy.

Thinking of this, he quickly sent a message to Yan Qi:

"Yanyan, come to my place, I need your help with something!"

On the other side, Yan Qi, who was dangling his little feet to deal with things, received the news and immediately became energetic and quickly replied:
"Okay boss, I'll be here soon!"

After replying the message, she stood up and opened the closet. After thinking for a while, she was torn between sexy dresses and tight clothes, and finally put on a white boyfriend-style shirt and nightgown.

After changing, she turned around in front of the floor-length mirror, her long white legs shining brightly.

"Emmm, something seems to be missing?"

She frowned and thought, and then suddenly realized!

"By the way, there's also the boss's favorite black stockings!"

The current outfit is most suitable with suspenders and black stockings, but does it look too boring?
Yan Qi struggled for a second, thinking of Su Xiao's expression when he saw her outfit, he immediately waved his hand and said:
"Just want this feeling!"

Ever since, when Su Xiao opened the door and saw Yan Qi in this outfit, her eyes suddenly showed a hint of surprise. I have to say that Yan Qi's temperament paired with a white shirt and suspenders and black silk stockings is really stunning.

Yan Qi was very satisfied with Su Xiao's reaction. She bit her lower lip lightly and then asked:

"Boss, what do you need my help with?"

Hearing this, Lidya Su pulled her into the house and closed the door before saying:
"Oh, just a little thing, let's sit down and talk about it!"

The two came to the sofa and sat down. Su Xiao briefly explained the matter to Yan Qi. Yan Qi blinked:
"Is it that simple?"

It turns out that all you need to do is point your fingers and scatter money, as long as you have the hands...

She suddenly felt a little disappointed. There was a big gap between the help she expected and she was dressed up in vain!

Seeing her pouting, Lidya Su thought it was cute, so he hugged her into his arms, put his right hand on the hem of her shirt, and kissed her lips.

Yan Qi's trace of disappointment immediately disappeared without a trace, he closed his eyes and began to respond emotionally.

After a while, the two separated, and Lidya Su patted her and said with a smile:

"There are about 10 minutes until the PK starts. Do you want to prepare? Warm up or something?" Hearing this, Yan Qi blinked his eyes in confusion at first, and then he realized what Su Xiao was talking about. What do you mean? His eyes suddenly lit up, and he was not shy. Instead, he nodded eagerly and said:

With that said, she got up from Lidya Su's arms, first lay on the ground and tidied the carpet, then took two soft cushions from the sofa and put them on her knees, and then she knelt down and tried it. It seemed to be good?
When watching live broadcasts, playing with mobile phones, and buying gifts, it is naturally most comfortable to sit on the ground while kneeling. After all, Su Xiao is enough to sit on the sofa.

Su Xiao kept smiling as she watched Yan Qi busy. Not to mention, the beautiful woman busy was also a rare sight.

Yan Qi knelt down on the cushion and tried it. Yan Qi felt very good. Her knees would not hurt even if she knelt down and sat for a long time. So she knelt down on the ground and looked up at Lidya Su:

"Boss, give me your mobile phone and let me practice my hand speed by swiping gifts so that I can perform better in PK!"

Seeing this, Su Xiao nodded, reached out and took out the phone from his trouser pocket and gave it to Yan Qi:

"Okay, you start practicing, hurry up!"


On the other side, in the same magical city, is a luxurious villa.

An innocent woman in her twenties was so frightened that her throat rolled. She finally cooled down her hot mobile phone and then raised her head with a hint of flattery.

"Xue Shao..."

Her voice was waxy, her face was lightly painted with powder, and her hair was randomly covering her face, which made me feel pity for her.

Xue Qing, whose anger had mostly subsided, threw a wad of money at the woman expressionlessly, and then waved:
"Go out first!"

The woman took the money and nodded obediently, stood up and walked out, closing the door behind her. After going downstairs, she retched and quickly walked toward the sink.

After the woman left, Xue Qing picked up her phone and sent several messages in succession before stopping.

I looked at the time and saw that there were still 25 minutes left before the scheduled half-hour start time!


He raised his hand and picked up the water glass on the table and threw it out hard, hitting the ground. The water glass shattered and the fragments scattered with water splashes!
"TMD, you little brat, you want to step on labor and capital to get to the top?"

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and the anger that had just dropped rose again. I wanted to lower my anger again, but I was powerless, so I had to grit my teeth and said:
"No matter who you are, when labor and management find out, I will kill you!"

He picked up the phone, opened a number and dialed.

After three rings, the other party picked up:
"Hey, Mr. Ling, I'm Xue Qing!"

"There is indeed something I want to trouble Mr. Ling with!"

"That's right, I want Mr. Ling to help check someone..."

"No, no, of course it won't be difficult for Mr. Ling. The other party is a user of Yinyu. Besides, you also have to do back-up training for the users, right?"

"Keep it a secret? How come my old man is also a shareholder of Yinyu, and Mr. Ling and I still have to keep it a secret?"

"OK, then I'll wait for the good news from Mr. Ling!"

After hanging up the phone, the anger on Xue Qing's face improved.

He closed his eyes and squinted for a few minutes, feeling still a little irritated. He took out his cell phone and sent a voice message to the woman who had just gone out:
"Come up!"

(End of this chapter)

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