After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 242: One man fights the Shenhao group alone, but Su Qinggu is defeated?

Chapter 242: Fighting alone against the Shenhao Group, Su Qinggu was defeated?
…There is a story…

When the PK time came to four and a half minutes, Qingdi finally panicked looking at the gift effects that were still floating on the screen crazily.

"Su Qinggu is giving away Carnival x 16120 in Qiqi's happy live broadcast room. Come and worship!"

"Su Qinggu is here..."

Where did Leng Tou Qing come from?

This is over 4000 million yuan, and the annual labor and management salary is only over 3000 million yuan. Is it possible for anyone to be so fierce?

Who is it?

You must know that swiping 4000 million does not mean that the other party's net worth is that much. For example, although his family has an amazing background, there are many people in the family, and his grandfather is in charge of the family. He only has more than 1 million in pocket money every year, and the rest of the family assets are not He can be mobilized by a junior.

Even the super emperors and kings who support him in the live broadcast room are just friends in the circle, and most of them are willing to support him because of the background behind him.

If it hurts their muscles and bones, they will definitely not be happy.

He had already invested more than 2000 million, and it could be said that half of his PK was done by himself. He suddenly lost one-fifth of his annual pocket money, and even he felt heartbroken.

This is different from playing annual games. Most of the annual games are supported by other guild presidents and friends. Not only does he not spend much, he can also make a fortune.

But now this is simply burning money. Although my old man has shares in Yinyu Live, the shares are not his own. If I put the money in, most of it will be lost.

But having money is a small thing, but being embarrassed is a big thing. If other people in the circle know that you are being held down and beaten by an unknown boy, where will you put your face?

Especially if the news reaches the old man or grandpa at home, my pocket money may be reduced by more than half!

No, I can't lose!
"Brothers, listen to war songs and drink wine. Take action when it's time to take action. If he dares to confront us head-on, I'll fold my sword to add to the fun. We can't let our big brother fight alone. Let's vote together, Lou him!"

He played a war song and roared hard.

Needless to say, the atmosphere was really passionate.

But the effect is somewhat...

After shouting for half a minute, in addition to my own random account that was constantly being refreshed in groups of one second, there were also occasional carnival groups of super emperors and kings in the live broadcast room. The largest among the rest of the audience was a 500-yuan rocket. , the rest is just a few planes and a few groups of 666 likes.

If it were placed at other times, it would actually be good, but when faced with 60 carnivals per second, it is simply not enough.

More people would still enjoy the fun.

But the good news is that Su Qinggu’s floating screen effect also stopped, and the final value stopped at 16500.
It was just over half the time, and the PK bars of both sides of the PK were almost the same. Qiqi Wanting Happy's side had more than 49 billion, while Qingdi's side had a little over 5000 billion and a little bit.

Seeing this, Qingdi perked up. Was the opponent empty?
Have you heard that the other party was just a level [-] trumpet at the beginning?
It's no wonder. He was probably a young man who was just starting to play live broadcasts. Seeing that Qiqi looked good-looking, he wanted to use his money power to take her down. Then he was provoked by himself and he took it over.

But this guy is quite capable, and he managed to spend nearly 5000 million without saying a word. If it were any other big anchor on Yinyu Live, he would have been fooled, but unfortunately, he met me!
He relaxed, leaned back on the chair, and said confidently:
"Brothers, continue to vote. The big guy on the other side has missed. Let's keep it up. We will definitely win today!"

"When our Qing Emperor Shenhao support group goes on an expedition, we will march forward indomitably, win every battle, and conquer every attack!"

Then the barrage in the live broadcast room also started to flood the screen:
"The Qing Emperor went out to war, but not a blade of grass grew!"

"The Qing Emperor went out to war, but not a blade of grass grew!"

"The Qing Emperor went out to war, but not a blade of grass grew!"

"The Qing Emperor went out to war, but not a blade of grass grew!"


Although this battle was scheduled half an hour in advance, there were still many people who had just learned the news. They rushed into the live broadcast rooms on both sides and thought they had seen the exaggerated PK bar.

"Ten million... Damn, 50 billion? Is there something wrong with the Yinyu live broadcast data?" "Oh my God, this is even more intense than last year!"

"I'm not surprised that Qingshen has such strength, but who is on the other side? Qiqi wants to be happy? Who has never heard of it..."

"Damn it, when did Team Baqi become the most powerful person on the list? Can he actually be on par with Qingshen?"

"Su Qinggu? I've never heard of it before. One person swiped nearly 5000 million?"

"666, fighting alone against Shenhao's support team, I can only say that it is awesome, even if you lose, it will be glorious, even if you lose, it will be glorious!"


More and more people were attracted to the live broadcast room. Of course, more people poured into Wen Qi's live broadcast room. After seeing such a good-looking young lady, they couldn't help but follow her.

As a result, Wen Qi originally only had more than 30 followers, but in less than 5 minutes, the number of followers increased to more than 400 million, and the number is still rising.

Of course, the attention of Su Qinggu, a new star, has also skyrocketed.

Wen Qi, who was sitting on the gaming chair, stared blankly at the exaggerated PK bar, feeling her mouth go dry for a while.

5000 million, this is 5000 million, woo woo woo, a lot of small money is gone.

She wanted to cry and was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe...

Seeing that Su Xiao's rhythm of brushing gifts finally stopped, she also breathed a sigh of relief. She would kick open the door of the presidential suite soon, then pointed at Su Xiao's nose and asked him:
"Did you burn it because you had too much money?"

"If yes, give it to me. Give me 5000 million. Not only can I redeem myself, but I can also achieve financial freedom!"

"If you give me such a small amount of money, it's not impossible to ask me, Wen Xiaoqi, to be your concubine!"

"You are simply the invincible super spendthrift in the universe, woo woo woo, if you have money, give it to me, woo woo woo..."

At this time, in the presidential suite, Wen Qi, who was sore from ordering gifts, was shouting to Mu Jingwan and the other two who had just entered:

"Wanwan, Susu and Yuran, please hurry up and help me deliver gifts. I'm so tired!"

Su Xiao patted her twice:
"What did you say before? Didn't you say that you can do it if you have hands? Why can't you do it just now?"

Wen Qi turned her head pitifully:
"Boss, my hands are sore from ordering!"

Seeing this, Su Xiao no longer forced her, but said to the three girls who were blushing and did not dare to approach:
"Wanwan, Susu, Yuran, come and give gifts to this live broadcast room. I will give you extra pocket money as much as you give to this anchor tonight!"

If you want a horse to run, you have to feed it!

He just asked the system to recharge Su Qinggu's account with 8000 million, and he could make whatever he wanted in the remaining time.

How much pocket money do you give?

Liu Sujin's eyes lit up at first, and she immediately ran over and took the phone from Yan Qi's hand, and then started to check the gifts.

Yan Qi reminded:
"The biggest gift is the carnival. Each one costs 3000 yuan. A maximum of 20 gifts can be sent to a group. You just need to click as fast as you can. You can give almost three groups in one second!"

"You must hurry up, otherwise the boss will lose!"

Liu Sujin, who is good at mathematics, quickly figured out that he would give away 6 yuan in one go, but his distress turned into excitement for a second.

With just one click, you can get [-] extra pocket money. Isn’t this enough to kill you?

(End of this chapter)

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