After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 243: The clown is ugly, his fingers are sore, and the relay is replaced

Chapter 243: The clown is ugly, his fingers are sore, and the relay is replaced

…There is a story…

Is the new star Su Qinggu empty-handed?

In the live broadcast rooms on both sides, when Su Qinggu's floating screen stopped, the barrage also quickly refreshed the screen, but it was different from the style before the fight started. At first, most people were not very optimistic about this new wild star Su Qinggu. Out of stock?

In the live broadcast rooms on both sides, when Su Qinggu's floating screen stopped, the barrage also quickly refreshed the screen, but it was different from the style before the fight started. At first, most people were not optimistic about this wild hero.

After all, Qingdi's past record is really magnificent. Not only is he on good terms with the presidents of major guilds, but he also has the Shenhao support group with the largest number of all-in-one fish standing behind him. Moreover, more than half of the Shenhao support group are only Those who support him alone are rarely seen in Yinyu.

This gives Qingdi a special status in Yinyu. Although Qingdi's live broadcasts are not frequent and his number of fans is not as high as that of Yinyu's head anchor, no one has ever dared to underestimate him.

But today, a new level 3 trumpet almost killed the entire Shenhao support group by himself, and he still gave Qingdi half an hour to prepare.

Although it only took 5 minutes, the 5 million record in 5000 minutes was enough to be proud of, so more people were still amazed by it!

"Niu Niu Niu, Su Shen Niu Bi!"

"Is this guy really awesome? He almost brought down the entire Shenhao support group by himself?"

"I admire you, I'm witnessing a miracle tonight, the new emperor is born!"

"If Qing Shen hadn't been given time to shake people, with Su Shen's fighting power, he should have won it, right?"

"That's awesome. Even if you lose, you'll be honored. Even if you lose, you'll be honored!"

"Look at the birth of the new emperor!"


Of course, some of Qingdi’s loyal supporters are quite harsh:

"Haha, what's the use of being quick? A man needs to be durable!"

"Yes, yes, yes, look at our rebellion emperor, we are still going on..."

"I thought it was so fierce. I screamed so hard before the beating, but it didn't last until 5 minutes? I'm laughing so hard..."

"Sure enough, there is no shortage of strong-mouthed kings anywhere!"

"What a great man, he's just a clown. Isn't this guy from the circus?"

"Haha, you are the busiest in the circus, you are the craziest in Gotham City, you stand guard in McDonald's, and you are the king of poker..."


Just when Qingdi breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed and started drinking water with his legs crossed, the floating screen appeared again:

"Su Qinggu is giving away Carnival x 16520 in Qiqi's happy live broadcast room. Come and worship!"

"Su Qinggu is giving away Carnival x 16540 in Qiqi's happy live broadcast room. Come and worship!"

"Su Qinggu is giving away Carnival x 16560 in Qiqi's happy live broadcast room. Come and worship!"


In just a few seconds, Qingdi, who had just taken a sip of water, saw this scene and spurted out a mouthful of water. The water sprayed on the keyboard. He hurriedly took a tissue from the side and began to wipe it.

A series of seemingly regular but illogical words were posted on the public screen:

Qing Emperor:

“Clown Orange Hyaluronic Acid Check-in and Hacken Lee’s Karachi No Man’s Land”

This panic scene was immediately intercepted, and countless people laughed and joked:

"Hahaha, the clown has been found..."

"I just said that Qingdi's ID card is so familiar. Isn't it the king of poker?"

"How arrogant I was a moment ago, how panicky I am now..."

"You look like a clown in panic, you are so embarrassed..."

"In the past, there was a saucy pig who smoked in reverse and competed with the gods, and now the clown Qing revealed his ID card, hahaha!"

"..." It has to be said that there are really many talents on the Internet, and their reaction power is also very good. Even Qingdi responded quickly and withdrew, but it was too late.

+1 for famous live broadcast scenes!

Especially during this peak battle, the amount of gazes gathered was even more frightening.

Qingdi was panicked, and Wen Qi on the other side was also panicked. There was anxiety in her eyes. Is the boss on top?So much money has been spent, why continue?

If I hadn't been live broadcasting now, I would definitely rush up and knock his dog on the head... Okay, I don't dare to do this, but is it too wasteful?
One group of gifts is RMB 18, three groups in one second is RMB 1, and one minute is RMB 1080 million. Ah, my heart hurts. Money is like running water, which is not enough to describe it. This is simply the opening of the Three Gorges floodgates, blah blah blah, Boom, a lot of small money flew away...

Woohoo, boss, give me this money, I will do anything!

But in the eyes of the audience, this appearance is an expression of excitement and emotion that are so intertwined that they cannot control themselves.

"Wow, the hot man is still going on. No woman can withstand this kind of offensive, right?"

"Qiqi was so moved that she almost cried. Who can resist this kind of offensive?"

"Woo hoo, I also want a husband who spends a lot of money..."

"Go away, this is my husband, Qinggu, Qinggu, have you seen it? I am Xia Yuhe..."

"Who said just now that Su Shen won't last? He just changed his posture..."

"Woooooo, this is a real man, fast and long-lasting..."

"Honey-clearing husband, love me!!!"


In Jun Yuexi's presidential suite, Yan Qi was obviously infected by the warm atmosphere and shouted loudly:

"Husband, love me!!!"

Next to her, Liu Sujin, who was holding her cell phone and ordering gifts without batting an eye, was not affected at all. In her eyes, only the gifts were given, and she seemed to see a string of golden numbers floating in the air:
"+6 million!"

"+6 million!"

"+6 million!"

"+6 million!"


Xie Yuran, who was next to her, was also staring at the screen of her mobile phone, her eyes also shining.

Only the cute Mu Jingwan’s eyes fell on Su Xiao and Yan Qi, with a look of envy in her eyes. She really wanted to be so close to Su Xiao.

But in the past, she only dared to take the initiative when Xi Tianyue was around. Now that Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen and the others were flying to Hangzhou, she was less courageous.

Seemingly noticing her gaze, Su Xiao turned around and saw her looking away in panic, and immediately smiled gently and said:

"Wanwan, come and sit next to me!"

Hearing this, Mu Jingwan's heart skipped a beat, and then she slowly moved to Su Xiao's side. The atmosphere of the PK between the two parties in the live broadcast room was extremely enthusiastic, almost reaching a fever pitch. Affected by this atmosphere, Mu Jingwan's emotions were also affected. Gotta get excited.

Liu Sujin, who was crazy about giving gifts, tapped her fingers on the phone screen rhythmically, making aggressive sounds, but it was easy to get cramps if she did this for a long time. Although she wanted to continue to persist, her strength did not allow it.

"Sister Yuran, take over, hurry up!"

Liu Sujin quickly clicked the gift and handed the phone to Xie Yuran. Xie Yuran naturally connected seamlessly.

Someone took over, and Liu Sujin leaned on the sofa to rest. Although her fingers were very sore, her affection was very exciting!

She clicked for 3 minutes, that's more than 3000 million, more than 3000 million pocket money...

On the other side, Yan Qi was also so tired that he lay on the carpet. Fortunately, Mu Jingwan also had a seamless relay!

The PK atmosphere between the two sides is still lively!

In the live broadcast room, Emperor Qing began to panic when he saw that the situation was gradually tilting towards his opponent...

(End of this chapter)

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