After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 247: After pretending to be cool and running away, Qiqi’s world view was impacted

Chapter 247: After pretending to be cool and running away, Qiqi’s world view was impacted
…There is a story…

In the last half minute, Gaojie and Ai Yuqingmo bought more than 500 million in gifts. Although this amount of money was nothing in Su Xiao's eyes, Su Xiao still sent a barrage:

"Thank you two brothers for helping us out, let's chat privately!"

Now that the PK is over, it's almost time to withdraw. After all, he is still very busy and has a lot of work waiting for him to handle.

People like Xie Yuran, Liu Sujin, Mu Jingwan and Yan Qi, who had just recovered their strength, were all waiting for his orders.

In Wen Qi's live broadcast room, he posted:
"Qiqi, you're busy, so I'll leave first!"

After saying that, he exited the live broadcast room directly, and wanted to see if Gaochong and Ai Yuqingmo had sent him a message. He was shocked when he saw that the private message was full, with a big red 999+ displayed.

Just click on it and take a look. More than [-]% of them are from various female anchors. They want him to be a guide for various airborne tours. Most of them are carefully accompanied by pictures to show that they want to travel to his city. determination.

Unfortunately, Su Xiao, who is used to seeing high-rated beauties, has no interest in these technological beauties living in the world of beauty. He found the private messages of Gao Jue and Ai Yuqingmo, chatted for a few words, and then sent his private After sending the WeChat message, he threw the phone screen aside.

He held Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran, who were looking forward to each other, in their arms and made them intimate, then smiled and said:

"More than 1 million have been swiped just now. Let the four of you share it. If you are not tired, you can continue this game in the next few days..."

He gently stroked Su Jin's hair, and then smiled and talked about the rules for giving gifts!
The general idea is to ask them to find a PK anchor, and then give them gifts while ensuring that the gift does not exceed five times the other person's gift. Part of the gift amount can be used as a reward for them, and the specific amount depends on their performance.

Liu Sujin looked at Lidya Su with more and more excitement, excitement mixed with full emotion!
Xie Yuran couldn't help but come up and kiss his neck.

Isn't it because of money that they can accept becoming Su Xiao's woman with Xi Tianyue?

Originally, they thought that as long as Su Xiao gave them thirty to fifty thousand a month, it would be enough. After all, they knew firsthand how difficult it is to make money these days.

But I really didn't expect Su Xiao to be so generous. Tonight alone, each of them could get at least 2000 million. Such a huge number was something they had never dared to imagine before.

Therefore, this excitement turned into strong love for a while, even though they knew in their hearts that Lidya Su could not pamper them the way he pampered Xi Tianyue, but so what?

With such a handsome husband, so capable, and so generous, I am already very satisfied just being by his side. It is better not to expect more from me.

However, compared to the two of them, Mu Jingwan clearly desires Lidya Su's love more, which can be seen from her loving eyes.

It's just that she is a little timid and keeps everything in her heart. Most of the time she can only express it through actions.

Because of this, among the four of them, except Xi Tianyue, Su Xiao favors Mu Jingwan more.

Mu Jingwan's face was a little red at this time, but she still said with some concern:
"Old...Husband, do you have any intention of spending so much money on the live broadcast platform? Why don't you give up my pocket money? After all, it's not easy for a husband to make money..."

She doesn't spend much money on weekdays, not to mention that Su Xiao gives her 100 million every month. Compared with the exaggerated amount of pocket money, Mu Jingwan is more concerned about Su Xiao's career and is afraid that because of his lavish spending, Affects the capital flow of the industry.

Hearing this, Lidya Su stroked her gently and said in a gentle voice:
"Of course, this money will not be wasted. Every penny I spend will be returned to Yinyu at ten times or even dozens of times. If I don't spend more money, I won't be able to get these things at ease, right?" ?"

Mu Jingwan nodded in understanding, her delicate brows furrowed tightly, as if she was enduring something.

Hearing this, Xie Yuran on the side guessed:

"Husband, do you want to acquire Yinyu's shares?"

Although she doesn't understand stock trading, the only thing that can be related to what Su Xiao said is stocks, right?
Su Xiao raised her eyebrows. Although she didn't guess correctly, she was still involved. However, the system was still settling, and it would take a few minutes to check the harvest this time.

But one of the rewards that is currently known does include shares in Yinyu, and the specific amount is still being calculated.After kissing Xie Yuran's red lips, Su Xiao smiled and praised:
"Well, great, I guessed it!"

Seeing this, Xie Yuran showed a happy smile on his face and hugged Su Xiao's right arm tightly with both hands.

Different from the relaxed atmosphere in the Presidential Suite, Wen Qi's live broadcast room was filled with [-]% to [-]% of the online viewers who had not gone to love you Yinyu. They saw the newly victorious Su Qinggu defeating Qing Emperor and After his powerful support team, he actually exited the live broadcast room as if nothing happened, leaving everyone confused.

Create such a big scene, and then just withdraw without giving a speech or showing off?

So, boss, you are spending so much money just to attack Qingdi and his powerful support group?
Many people originally speculated that Su Qinggu was probably a consortium that wanted to enter the field of live broadcasting, and that was why he had such a high-profile fight with the Qing Emperor.

After all, in this era, popularity and traffic are king. As long as there is popularity and traffic, the money you spend can easily be earned back.

This conjecture was supported by most people, but who would have thought that when everyone was waiting for Su Qinggu to reveal the name of his consortium explicitly or covertly, the other party directly said lightly, "You are busy, I will withdraw first!" "

This is more like a boss at a dinner party who is busy with everything and offers tea instead of wine, and then says, "You guys eat well and drink well, so I'll leave first!"

"Woah, is this a big boss? He has paid more than [-] million, and he can still treat it so lightly?"

"Invisible pretending is the most deadly!"

"666, from now on, I only recognize Yinyu Shenhao and Su Shen!"

"I just like the way Su Shen is ruthless and doesn't say much. He's awesome!"

"I thought the big boss was spending money to win over the anchor. Doesn't he even have a WeChat account?"

"Yes, yes, anchor, host, hurry up and chat privately, brother, why don't you hurry up and hug these thick legs?"

"I feel like such a powerful person should look down on the little anchor, right?"

"Uuuuuuuah, the big boss doesn't like me, but I do..."

"Go to sleep, you will have everything in your dreams!"


While countless viewers were having a heated discussion, Wen Qi, who had grown from a transparent anchor to a "big anchor", said apologetically:
"Sorry everyone, the anchor has something to do, so I'm off the air now!"

After saying that, everyone's live broadcast interface instantly turned into a black screen live broadcast room with "the host is not at home temporarily".

Everyone was confused again. This... was so popular, was it immediately removed from the broadcast?The other female anchors are even more envious and can only feel pain!
Jun Yuexi's presidential suite, listening to the ding-ding-ding-ding-ding doorbell, Yan Qi, who was wearing a shirt and pajamas, came to the door, looked through the peephole, and immediately felt relieved when he saw it was Wen Qi, and immediately opened the door.

"Come in, Qiqi!"

Yan Qi naturally turned sideways and said with a smile.

Wen Qi, who was a little confused, stepped in. When he saw the scene in the room, his big watery eyes suddenly widened.

She stood there blankly, as if her worldview had suffered an unprecedented impact.

Yan Qi closed the door of the presidential suite, and the loud music sounded again in the room!

(End of this chapter)

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