After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 248 The frustrated Xue Qing, Weiwei and Qingqing

Chapter 248 The frustrated Xue Qing, Weiwei and Qingqing

Bang bang bang, snap, snap!

In a luxurious villa in Shanghai, Xue Qing was so angry that he started smashing things angrily as soon as he went live. He smashed the computer, keyboard, mouse, vases and bookshelf in the house into a mess.

"Made, you little brat, you dare to mess with me?"

"Better pray not to let me know who you are, otherwise labor and management will definitely kill you!"

"Those who step on horses, those who step on horses, ah ah, I'm so angry, labor and management will definitely kill you!"

After smashing all the things in the house that could be smashed, he still felt that it was not enough. He was about to pick up the mobile phone placed aside and smash it to the ground. Just then a call came. After seeing the note on the caller clearly, Xue Qing temporarily suppressed it. Feeling angry, he suppressed his temper and answered the phone:
"Hello, Boss Ling?"

The other party was an executive of the Yinyu live broadcast platform. Xue Qing asked him to help check Su Qinggu's personal information before the second live broadcast in order to find out the other party's real identity.

It's okay if the other person is someone he can't afford to mess with. If he's just a rich person with no background or background, he must make him regret coming into this world!

Mr. Ling on the other end of the phone said with a hint of apology in his voice, but his attitude was not very humble, just a little respectful.

After all, although the other party is a descendant of the Xue family, he is not a core member, and the old man of the Xue family is only one of Yinyu's shareholders, not even the largest shareholder.

For Xue Qing, he was just a little respectful and tried his best to establish a good relationship without offending him.

Hearing his words, Xue Qing's suppressed anger suddenly rose:
"What? You can't find it? How is it possible?"

"You are the CTO of Yinyu, and now you are telling me that you can't find the information of a single Yinyu user? Are you kidding me?"

Mr. Ling on the opposite side said patiently:

"Mr. You do it yourself!”

"Well, Mr. Xue, the system on the platform is down. I have to deal with it, so I won't disturb you anymore!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping busy tone from the phone, Xue Qing became angry and threw the phone in his hand violently, smashing it on the opposite wall. For a moment, the top-matched Ai Crazy 14 hit Torn apart.

"Ah ah ah, go to hell, Su Qinggu, you deserve to die..."

"I must find you and kill you!!!"

But whether it is Mr. Ling, the CTO of Yinyu, or Xue Qing himself, they all know deep down that for personal information to be classified as top secret, either the other party has unparalleled energy or a special background, let alone a rich man like him. The second generation, even the old man in his family, may not dare to offend the other party.

Therefore, he is just incompetent and furious!
After all, after suffering such a huge setback and losing such a big face, one must be allowed to vent, right?


In a luxurious suite on the 82nd floor of the Shanghai Junyue Hotel, a woman wearing sky blue silk pajamas sat on the bedside. Her long black hair was brushed from her back to her chest, covering her dazzling neckline. fair.

She wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, but they did not cover up her exquisite face. She leaned gently against the bed, with a slim and compact laptop on her knees.Her smart eyes were staring at the computer screen at this time, with Bluetooth headphones plugged into her pink ears. Looking at the intense scenes on the screen, coupled with the all-round three-dimensional dubbing coming from the earbuds, immediately made the woman's heart surge and her whole body was filled with excitement. I feel like shuddering!
The picture displayed on the screen is none other than the invincible Susu fighting the four elite jounin. Various physical and water ninjutsu are fiercely fighting together. The scene is very spectacular!

As a lover of water ninjutsu, the woman leaning on the bedside couldn't help but hold the laptop with one hand, and began to skillfully slide down and form seals with the other hand!

While forming the seals, he was chanting a mantra in an ups and downs tone.

As the battle on the screen became more intense, the speed of her seal formation also accelerated, and naturally the same happened with the spells in her mouth.

After about 10 minutes of touching, her seal was finally completed, and a fiery water ninjutsu was finally successfully cast.

It's a pity that she is just a ninjutsu enthusiast after all, and can't really fight as vigorously as the elite jounin on the screen!

But no matter what, it’s better than Bo Ran!

After closing the laptop, the woman let out a long sigh:
"Hey, my President, when can I see you?"

After sighing resentfully, she began to gather herself, reopened her laptop, closed the Ninja World War screen window, and began to operate on the computer.

After a long while, she finally showed a smile:
"I can finally collect the thread I left in Yinyu, so I will give this as a gift to the President. Unfortunately, it will be a long time before I can meet the President, otherwise this would be just a meeting gift..."

"I really want to see the president soon!"

The girl who easily controlled tens of billions of shares in Yinyu Live showed a girlish expression at this time.

If you are not familiar with her, you will definitely not believe it. The battle of the century between Su Xiao and Xue Qing on Yinyu Live caused the Yinyu platform to crash. It took the entire Yinyu Live technical staff at least several hours to recover. , in the hands of this woman, it is a problem that can be solved easily.

Otherwise, in the last 30 seconds, why was only Xue Qing's side affected, while Su Xiao's side was still smooth?
However, the woman was willing to help Su Xiao without him knowing, but it did not mean that she would help Yinyu live broadcast.

After all, even if they knew she had such abilities, no one at Yinyu Live could invite her.

Different from the woman living downstairs from Su Xiao, in another villa near the river, a short-haired woman had a face full of resentment. She completely lost the domineering attitude she had when she acquired Jun Yuexi. Instead, she looked like she had been robbed. Baby little girl.

"Really, why did she get the upper hand? Sister Xinyi is too partial!"

Her delicate face was now bulging with anger, like a little bun.

After a while, she sighed helplessly and muttered as if resigned to her fate:

"Forget it, why did the CEO draw her? I can only blame my bad luck..."

"My President, when can Qingqing see you?"

After a while, she seemed to have thought of something, and took out her mobile phone to send a message to a person named "Weiwei" on WeChat:

"Dear Weiwei, can you send me a copy of your video? I also want to practice water ninjutsu..."

(End of this chapter)

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