After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 252 Return to the old place, friends and annoying people

Chapter 252 Returning to the old place, friends and annoying people
"Su Dong!"

Ma Houtao, the manager of FG Club, walked quickly to Su Xiao with a female assistant and bowed respectfully.

Su Xiao took a look at the other party's attributes and was a little disappointed.

Originally, he thought that if Ma Houtao had good abilities, he would use him first. After all, the most important thing about Wen Qi was Li Yiping, and Ma Houtao, a manager, would not dare to take care of him even if he wanted to.

Unexpectedly, after checking, it was found that this person not only had average management, but also had average management of the team and other aspects. He actually had an elite level flattery, which made Su Xiao very disappointed.

It seems that we need to find a new team to manage.

But he was not in a hurry now, so he nodded and said very indifferently:

"Well, Manager Ma plans to chat here?!"

Hearing this, Ma Houtao quickly shook his head, raised his hand respectfully and said:
"Look at my brain, please come to Mr. Su!"

After Su Xiao and Yan Qi walked in front, Ma Houtao approached Wen Qi who was following behind and said with enthusiasm:

"Haha, Qiqi, it's been a long time no see. You don't know, Xiao Li and Asai miss you and talk about you often!"

Wen Qi frowned as these words sounded so false, but in her opinion, today was the day for Su Xiao to redeem her life, and she tried not to cause trouble, so she nodded coldly and said nothing.

The Xiao Li in Ma Houtao's mouth is the mid laner of the first team of the FG team. His ID is Liquor, which means strong liquor. In addition, his surname is Li, so the club is used to calling him Xiao Li.

Asai is the assistant of the first team. His ID name is Sad and his real name is He Sai.

In the team before, these two people were the ones who tried their best to exclude her. Ma Houtao probably said something about her, but it was definitely not a good thing.

But Ma Houtao usually only flatters his boss and doesn't know much about the actual situation of the team. He must have listened to the two of them one-sidedly, so he feels that he has a good relationship with them, right?
Wen Qi sneered in her heart. If she didn't want to cause trouble for Su Xiao, she would have pointed at Ma Houtao's nose and scolded him. He was such a badass manager. He didn't think about how to improve the team's strength and thought about flattering him every day.

He, tui!

Seeing that Wen Qi looked unkind, Ma Houtao did not continue to lick hard, but quickened his pace to follow Su Xiao:

"Haha, Mr. Su, please come this way!"

He brought Lidya Su into his office, and then diligently started making tea!
Seeing that they were about to talk about business, Wen Qi coughed lightly and said:

"Boss, I'm going to the toilet!"

When Lidya Su nodded, she turned around and went out.

Although he was very happy to be escaping from this prison that restricted him, after all, it was the place that once held his dreams, and Wen Qi still felt a little reluctant to give up in his heart.

She came out of the bathroom, washed her hands in the sink, and came to the corridor. She was about to take a last look at the club where she had played when she saw a boy who was a few meters tall and with a shiny face.

"Hey, Captain, are you back?"

Seeing Wen Qi in a sweatshirt with breasts, the boy had a look of surprise on his face.

Seeing him, Wen Qi also smiled, raised her hand and said hello with a smile:

"Alu, long time no see!"

Alu, the mid laner of the second team of FG, game ID: Lost, although his personal skills are very good, but he is prone to losing his rhythm, just like his ID, he is lost. When the team lacks a qualified commander, it is easy to get lost. , not knowing what to do next.

After Wen Qi joined the second team, he led the team to crush many teams in the secondary league with his superb skills and excellent overall view.Under her leadership, Alu, the Lost One, also changed his career and frequently performed highlight operations, so he respects Qiqi from the bottom of his heart, even though she is just a girl.

Alu once dreamed of winning the secondary league championship under the leadership of Wen Qi...

Unfortunately, gold always shines, and Wen Qi was soon transferred to the first team. Although he was a little regretful, Alu was happy for Wen Qi from the bottom of his heart.

But what happened next was beyond the expectations of all the team members. When everyone pointed the finger at Wen Qi, Alu always stood by Wen Qi. In his heart, Wen Qi was his best captain. Although the captain's It's only a month or two.

Therefore, seeing Wen Qi appear in the club again at this time, Alu's happiness was beyond words.

He ran over quickly, his plump figure giving him an inexplicable sense of joy as he ran.

"Captain, can you play the game again? Should you join the first team or return to our second team?"

Alu's chubby face was full of smiles. Although he was almost twenty years old, he still looked like a child.

"With your level as captain, you must go to the first team. But if those people in the first team are not friendly to you, you can also go back to our second team..."

Looking at this fat little man who was one year older than herself but treated her like a sister, Wen Qi felt warm in her heart. Although she was very reluctant to let go, she took a deep breath and said:
"Alu, I came to the club to save money. I will no longer be a professional player from now on!"

As if she was afraid that the other party would be worried, she forced herself to smile and said:

"Sister is now a super anchor and the first sister of Yinyu. If you have any trouble in the future, Alu, just ask me. I will definitely help you if you can!"

Hearing his words, the smile on the face of the little fat guy A Lu suddenly disappeared, and he froze on the spot.

"Termination? Captain, you..."

He was a little at a loss. He was very similar to Wen Qi. He knew nothing but playing games. He had never thought that Wen Qi would not be a professional player one day.

Although the golden age of professional players is only a few years, usually between the ages of 18 and 22, every professional player is mentally prepared to leave this stage one day in the future.

But Alu didn't expect it to happen so soon. Wen Qi's skills were so good and he was only 19 years old and at the peak of his career. Why would he leave?

So it was a little hard for him to accept.

"Captain, are you giving up on your dream?"

Hearing this sentence, Wen Qi was in a daze. Yes, I am going to give up on my dream...

When she thought of this, her heart ached.

In a daze, Su Xiao's appearance appeared in her mind. He was gentle and tall, like a ray of light entering her world.

As a result, she seemed to be infused with strength again. Isn't that what life is like? There are gains and losses!
Wen Qi pretended to be calm and smiled:
"My sister is finally out of this prison. Alu, shouldn't you be happy for your sister?"

"Anyway, even if I can play games, I will still retire in two years. This will save me a few years of detours!"

She raised her face slightly, fearing that her tears would remain unfulfilled.

Before she shed tears, the fat man in front of her turned red-eyed.

However, such touching moments are always disturbed by some uninvited guests. At this moment, a strange voice came:
"Hey, isn't this our super anchor Qiqi? If you don't seize the time to kneel down and lick your big brother, how come you have time to come back to a small place like ours?"

(End of this chapter)

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