After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 253 Wen Qixin’s thigh?

Chapter 253 Wen Qixin’s thigh?

"Hey, isn't this our super anchor Qiqi? If you don't seize the time to kneel down and lick your big brother, how come you have time to come back to a small place like ours?"

Hearing this annoying voice, Wen Qi couldn't help but feel a sense of boredom in her heart.

Sure enough, when I turned around, I saw two annoying people walking down the spiral staircase. The person speaking was one of them, the Asai in Ma Houtao's mouth, the assistant of the FG team.

Next to him is FG's mid laner, Xiao Li.

The two people Wen Qi hated the most in the team were all here at once!

Before Wen Qi could say anything, Xiao Li, who was wearing glasses next to He Sai, teased:
"Asai, you can't say that. After all, Mr. Qi still has the status of a professional player. Although there are no competitions, he can still use it to increase his popularity!"

"Really, Mr. Qi?"

The title of Mr. Qi in his mouth is not an honorific. When Wen Qi joined the first team, in order to prove his strength, he challenged everyone in the first team in five positions. Needless to say, the result was that the entire first team was defeated by Wen Qi. Qi hit the ground with a hammer.

Although she did this when she joined the second team, the effect was completely opposite!
Among them, Xiao Li was the one who had been abused the most by Wen Qi. When he was given instructions from his boss, he was the most excessive.

The word "General" in Mr. Qi means that he always likes to show off his strength, always likes to grab the economy, always likes to show off his operations, always likes to give blind orders, and always likes personal heroism!
However, the scene where they expected Wen Qi to blush with anger did not appear. They only saw Wen Qi shrugging his shoulders in a matter-of-fact manner:

"Yeah, I just come to the team to take a few photos, and then post updates and Weibo etc. to remind my 5000 million fans that you are still a professional player!"

As she said that, she looked at the two annoying guys walking towards her and said with encouragement on her face:
"But you have to work hard. I heard that you only finished 14th in the regular season? Tsk, tsk, you didn't even make it to the playoffs. If you don't work hard, you might fall out of the second-tier league next year..."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the increasingly livid faces of the other two, he turned around and patted the little fat man Alu on the shoulder and said:
"Alu, if a team of big brothers falls to the second-tier league, you should work hard..."

"Oops, I almost forgot, the league stipulates that each club can only have one team in the same league..."

She didn't confront Ma Houtao before because he was the general manager of the club and she was afraid of causing trouble to Su Xiao, but these team members were different and there was no need to give them face at all.

Sure enough, the two people who were exposed went straight to Hong Wen, and Xiao Li said angrily:

"Ha, that's better than you. Aren't you very capable? You don't even have to play in the game. So what if you become the first sister of Yinyu? There is a contract with the club. No matter how much money you make, it won't matter. your!"

Wen Qi's contract is no longer a secret in the club. While they are laughing at Wen Qi, they are also lamenting that her father is so illiterate that it is rare to sell his daughter directly!

He Sai beside Xiao Li also sneered and echoed:
"That is, when your contract expires, you will become a has-been anchor, right? Haha, according to me, you should find a rich man to marry while you are young..."

"However, rich people should also look down on a vase like you with a technical secondary school diploma..."

In response to their ridicule, Wen Qi was calm and composed, with no intention of getting angry at all.

On the contrary, Alu next to him couldn't help it anymore:
"You are going too far. If you hadn't deliberately squeezed out the captain, would the captain not be able to compete in the game with his ability?"

"Humph, I only know how to fight with my opponents. When I have the ability to compete, I can fight with my opponents!"

When it comes to Wen Qi, He Sai and Xiao Li may only dare to give it a try. After all, if the other party really becomes the boss's woman, they may have to change clubs. But Aluke is different, he is just a member of the second team. , why dare you speak like this?

"Who do you think you are? Do you have the right to interrupt when we are talking?"

Jose said angrily.

Xiao Li also stared and said:
"You damn fat man, get out of here now, don't make me slap you!" Seeing that A Lu was still glaring at them with a frown on his face, the two of them prepared to come over and hit him. Wen Qi stepped forward and protected A Lu. behind.

Before they could continue talking, a crisp voice came:

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Wen Qi and Xiao Li were familiar with this voice, but A Lu had never heard it before.

Hearing this voice, Wen Qi frowned subconsciously, while He Sai and Xiao Li turned to flattering faces and said hello:
"Haha, brother Li, it's been a long time since we last met. We miss you so much after not seeing each other for so many days!"

"Yes, yes, Brother Li's top laner, Garen, is a powerful weapon for us to score points. Without Brother Li, it has become difficult for us to score points!"

I saw that the person coming was none other than the former owner of FG Club, Li Yiping!

He was dressed more formally today. He was not wearing a flashy pink suit like the first time Su Xiao saw him. Instead, he was wearing a navy suit and trousers with a light blue striped lining and a pair of trousers. The red and blue striped tie looks quite energetic.

Well, it’s a bit like selling insurance...

In the past, Li Yiping would have been very happy to hear other people praise his gaming skills, but today he just nodded casually, patted He Sai and Xiao Li on the shoulders, and then came to Wen Qi .

"Qiqi, long time no see!"

Wen Qi naturally didn't have a good look towards him. She said with a cold face:

"It's better never to see each other again!"

Although he was choked, Li Yiping was not angry. Instead, there was a flash of apology in his eyes. However, he hesitated for a moment, said nothing, and turned around directly towards the office.

However, just halfway through, he saw two people walking towards him, it was Su Xiao and Ma Houtao.

Yan Qi was looking at the club's information in the office, so Su Xiao suggested that Ma Houtao take him to meet the club's players.

FG Club has four branches, namely DOTA2 branch, League of Legends branch, King of Glory branch, and Peace Elite branch. Because of Wen Qi, Ma Houtao naturally wanted to take Su Xiao to see the league branch first, but he didn't want to There are so many people here.

"Haha, are you Mr. Su? Hello, hello, I'm Li Yiping!"

Although he had met Su Xiao before, Su Xiao was disguised at that time. Except for his height, his face and temperament were completely different from now, so Li Yiping naturally didn't recognize him.

But he felt a sense of familiarity from Lidya Su, but he thought it was his illusion.

Su Xiao also smiled and stretched out her hand, shook his hand, and then said:
"Hello there!"

His voice now was also different from when they first met.

After some business exchanges, Su Xiao looked at several people in the field, looked at He Sai and Xiao Li with insight, and finally looked at Wen Qi. When he saw A Lu, he showed a hint of surprise, but did not reveal anything. .

Regarding the appearance of Su Xiao and the attitude of Ma Houtao and Li Yiping towards him, He Sai and Xiao Li secretly thought that something was wrong.

Isn't this Wen Qixin's thigh?
(End of this chapter)

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