After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 261 Tian Zifang, Master Zuo

Chapter 261 Tian Zifang, Master Zuo

"Xiaomi, you've worked hard these days!"

Returning to the flat floor on the 37th floor, Su Xiao pulled the serious-looking Mishu into his arms and said warmly.

Mishu nodded:

Su Xiao looked at Mi Shu who still couldn't help but blush, couldn't help but lowered her head and kissed her, and then said:

"There is no need to follow Sun Lin anymore. Stay with me and protect me!"

Hearing this, Mi Shu nodded subconsciously, but remained skeptical about the word "protect". No one knew Su Xiao's strength better than her.

After these days of investigation, she found that no matter whether it was Lin Yixing, Xue Jingshan or Lu Yao, there were strong bodyguards or security teams around them, but none of them could threaten Su Xiao's safety.

Of course, this is because in China, it is not necessarily the case abroad.

After all, a gun is fast from seven meters away, and it is accurate and fast within seven meters!

Even she herself has to be very cautious when dealing with opponents with guns.

Seeing the suspicion in Mi Shu's eyes, Su Xiao read from it that you didn't want me to protect you, you just wanted to be close to me, and immediately became angry:

"It's only been a few days since I taught you a lesson, so you've forgotten the power of my old Su family's family methods, haven't you?"

Hearing this, Mi Shu was obviously taken aback, I didn't say anything?

But he quickly came to his senses, his heart skipped a beat, his delicate chin raised, and he said arrogantly:
"Afraid you'll yell?"

Seeing her being so provocative, how could Lidya Su endure it?He held his waist with one hand and picked up the crook of his leg with the other hand and carried him away.

The destination is naturally the most severe interrogation room, which has a large interrogation area of ​​2.2*2.4!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Xiao and Mi Shu, who had changed their faces, arrived at Taikang Road in Shanghai. They looked up at the old workshop in front of them. There were three big characters written on it:
On both sides it says:

The fields are harvesting abundant grains, and the new ones are welcoming guests from all over the world!
Further inside is one of the neighborhoods with the most distinctive neighborhood style in the Magic City Historical District. The neighborhood was basically formed in the 20s and is composed of the French Concession Administrative Area, Shikumen Lane Area, and Lane Factory Area.

Su Xiao came here not to check in for travel, but to find someone.

According to the location investigated by Yan Qi, Su Xiao took Mi Shu through the scattered lanes. The specialty snacks and art workshops that can be seen everywhere are one of the characteristics of Tianzifang.

Here, the city's well-known art design studios, creative shops, teahouses, cafes, bars, and galleries are all available. The destination for Su Xiao and the two of them is a numerology parlor located in the central area of ​​Tianzifang.

It may not look like an inconspicuous place, but it enjoys a great reputation among the upper echelons of Shanghai.

According to Yan Qi, this numerology center already existed in the 40s and [-]s, but it was not called Tianzifang at that time. It was called "Zhichengfang" at that time!
Tianzifang was changed from the homophonic pronunciation of the painter "Tian Zifang" in "Zhuangzi" by the contemporary painter Huang Yongyu.

Su Xiao had previously seen from Lin Yixing's detailed information that Lin Yixing's rise was due to the guidance of the owner of Fugui Hall.

Fuguitang means bringing great wealth to guests and having a fulfilling life and career future.

Originally, if it was just ordinary Feng Shui and numerology, Su Xiao wouldn't care, but when the other party actually moved his hands and feet on his body, he couldn't bear it.

Soon, the two came to the small courtyard of Fugui Hall.

Boom, boom, boom!

Mi Shu, who was wearing a cheongsam, knocked on the door, and Su Xiao, who looked like a fat, middle-aged man, stood calmly with his hands behind his back.

Soon, the courtyard door opened, and a young woman wearing a light-colored cardigan appeared. She looked at their outfits, then smiled and nodded as a greeting, and then raised her hand:

"Please come in, Master Zuo has been waiting for a long time!"

Entering the courtyard, Su Xia took a look. Although this small courtyard is not big, it is still valuable in a place like Tianzifang where every inch of land is precious.

Moreover, the layout of the courtyard is simple and charming, giving people a self-contained feeling.

Under the leadership of the woman, Su Xiao and the two quickly came to the back room. "Master Zuo, two distinguished guests have arrived!"

At this time, an old man in a black robe was sitting in the house with his back to the door. In front of him was an offering table, with three statues of gods enshrined on it, but they were not the three common Taoist statues, but the three officials. .

The Three Official Emperors are also known as the Three Yuan Emperors. The Three Official Emperors are Tianguan, Diguan, and Shuiguan. Their full names are the first-rank Tianguan Blessing Emperor in Shangyuan, the second-rank Diguan Jiaoxin Emperor in Zhongyuan, and the third-rank Shuiguan Jie in Lower Yuan Dynasty. Emperor Er.

It is said that the Sanguan appeared earlier than the Sanqing.

The moment Su Xiao and the two stepped into the house, the old man in black robe opened his eyes, and then the futon under him did not move at all, but the old man's body slowly turned around.

He wore a wide-brimmed black hat with a low brim, hiding his eyes in shadow.

"Please sit down!"

The old man's voice was deep, as if it had been washed away by the torrent of time.

Su Xiao and the two sat on the futon next to them as instructed.

The first time she saw this person, Su Xiao opened her eyes. After seeing clearly, she couldn't help but nodded secretly. Unlike those fools in Tianqiao, this old man was indeed a bit real.

After the two of them sat down, the old man asked slowly:

"The victim is here and doesn't know what he wants?"

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows:

"I heard that Master Zuo is straight-forward and his divination is wonderful and extremely accurate. Why don't you take a guess?"

Master Zuo was accustomed to this. Many wealthy businessmen came here and liked to explore the bottom.

He raised his head slightly and cast his gaze on Su Xiao's face, not as if he was looking at the face, but more as if he wanted to see something deeper through Su Xiao's eyes.

After a few seconds, Master Zuo frowned, but soon relaxed:
"The numerology of your distinguished guest is much younger and more energetic than it looks. He had a rough life in his early years, but now he has experienced hardships and gained happiness. He is so valuable. He must be asking about his luck, right?"

He wanted to say that you have one soul and two faces, but judging from the slight glimpse of wealth, the person in front of him had extraordinary wealth, even heavier than what he had seen before, so he couldn't help but speak tactfully. Some.

Lidya Su nodded and said with a smile:

"Master Zuo is indeed as powerful as the rumors say. Yes, I am here today to ask Master Zuo about my future destiny!"

Master Zuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked:
"Can you tell me your birthday?"

"95, the fifth day of October!"

Hearing this, Master Zuo nodded, then closed his eyes and began to calculate.

It was okay at first, but less than half a minute later, he was shaken violently, and then he opened his eyes in horror, looking at Su Xiao who was sitting on the futon like a smiling Buddha with a look of uncertainty.

He couldn't believe why a fate that should have fallen into dust became so precious.

This fate, in ancient times, would have been a proper emperor.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the person in front of him actually coincides with the numerology of his formation that broke the bottom line and designed a luck-stealing situation a few years ago.


Master Zuo spat out a mouthful of bruised blood, and his breath suddenly became weak.

Seeing that the [Luck Counterattack Talisman] she purchased in the system mall took effect, Su Xiao looked very disappointed, shook her head, and then stood up:
"It seems that Master Zuo, the master of divination, is nothing more than this..."

The young woman who had been guarding the door hurried in to check on Master Zuo.

(End of this chapter)

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