After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 262 Zuo Yi died of illness, his own reaction

Chapter 262 Zuo Yi died of illness, his own reaction
The second day Su Xiao went to Tianzifang, the Li family in the magical capital!

Sitting at the main seat in front of an exquisite tea table, Lin Yixing, with a calm face, looked at Sun Lin opposite, who was carefully making tea with admiration.

Although at the beginning, he only followed the words of Master Zuo of Fugui Hall and looked for someone who could gather his luck for him. Then he found Sun Lin, and then used some small tricks to create several coincidences when his mind was lost. Slowly conquered Sun Lin's heart and finally brought her back to the Magic City.

But in the past two years, he has become increasingly inseparable from this woman.

She is beautiful, intellectual and sensible. If her family background were not so poor, he would have wanted Sun Lin to become the mistress of the Lin family in the future.

However, when I think about my goal, this obsession fades a lot.

Because he was an illegitimate child, he lived with his mother since he was a child. It was not until he became an adult that he knew who his father was.

Later, his mother died of illness, and the cold and cheap father found him and sent him abroad. While abroad, he continued to study and become stronger, in order to one day return to the Li family and take revenge on the entire Li family.

However, when he became the head of the Li family and brought the Xunli Group to the top five in the Magic City, he realized that he was reluctant to take revenge, because the result of revenge would be that the industry he had worked hard for would be annihilated.

He once hated himself until the Qingcheng Group appeared.

The rise of Qingcheng Group was later than that of Xunli Group, but its speed was countless times faster than that of Xunli Group. In just a few years, various industries have blossomed everywhere, and they have become the nation and even the whole world. Look at the behemoth.

While its founder remains a mystery, the remaining key members are not.

But this is even more difficult for Lin Yixing to accept, because whether it is Ye Xinyi from Qingcheng Corporation, Yun Wangqing from Qingcheng Real Estate, Bai Keer from Qingcheng Entertainment, Qi Lanwei from Qingcheng Technology, or Chen Shu from Qingcheng Highly Selected, these five people In every one of them, achievement crushed him.

Not to mention the most mysterious founder of Qingcheng Group.

He has always wanted to be strong, but he instantly found his goal for the rest of his life. He wanted to create a business empire that could rival or even catch up with Qingcheng Group, and in the process, he would crush the Li family into dust.

But before that, he first found Zuo Yi from Tianzifang Fugui Hall, a numerology master highly respected by many of the top rich men in the city.

As soon as Zuo Yi saw him, he told him that his destiny was weak. Because he knew his fate and was not afraid, he made a new start every day, and he achieved success and became a prince!
And he also saw his ambition to reach the sky. After he paid a lot of money for advice, the other party hesitated for a long time and then gave him a way to condense his luck.

Calculating the time, it has been almost 640 days since Sun Lin was around to gather luck. In another half a month at most, it is time to make the next plan.

He picked up the tea that Sun Lin had poured, tasted it carefully, and then smiled:

"Linlin, your tea skills are getting better and better!"

Hearing this, Sun Lin showed a sweet smile on her face:

"Honey, as long as you like it!"

Although she almost didn't have sex, Sun Lin still relied on Lin Yixing. After all, he was not only capable, but also very gentle to her.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Lin Yixing has two mobile phones. One of them is only known by the people he trusts most and some of the most important people. The other one is turned off when he is resting or busy.

Being able to come in at this time is naturally very important.

Although he was a little unhappy to be disturbed, Lin Yixing still answered the phone:


However, the other party's first sentence made his expression change:
"Boss, Master Zuo passed away at the Ninth People's Hospital at eight o'clock this morning..." After hanging up the phone, Lin Yixing stopped thinking about sipping tea. He closed his eyes and leaned on the solid wood armchair and frowned.

"Did that old guy Xue Jingshan sense that something was wrong? So he wanted to ruin my luck?"

After thinking for a long time and still having no clue, he got up, got dressed and walked out with Sun Lin.

At the same time, Xue Jingshan and Lu Yao also received the news, and their expressions changed drastically like Lin Yixing.

Xue Jingshan, who was in his sixties, was pacing back and forth in the room. He was very energetic because he was used to getting up early. As early as more than ten years ago, he paid great attention to keeping healthy. Although he had laid such a big foundation, he still wanted to let Xue Jingshan The home is in his hands and it will climb higher.

Moreover, people of his age attach great importance to numerology, so he got to know Zuo Yi very early.

Of course, whether it is him, Lu Yao or Lin Yixing, their success does not depend on a fortune teller. After all, there are countless people who have approached Zuo Yi, but how many of them have truly succeeded?
But he had to admit that under the guidance of the other party, he had avoided many detours.

At this time, he was also shocked when he heard the news that Zuo Yi had died of illness.

He didn't believe that a master like Zuo Yi could die of illness so easily. He must know that the other party paid more attention to health than he did.

Then Zuo Yi's death was definitely not an accident.

"Is it because the boy from the Li family is dissatisfied with me rubbing his Qi-gathering baby?"

"But what's the benefit of him doing this?"


Someone who had similar thoughts to him was Lu Yao, the head of the Lu family.

Lin Yixing, Xue Jingshan and Lu Yao brought people to the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Jiaotong University School of Medicine in Shanghai. In addition to the three of them, there were also several wealthy people who had deep connections with Zuo Yi.

After talking to the young woman who accompanied Zuo Yi, Lin Yixing and others looked a little gloomy.

They looked at each other secretly, both of them a little surprised.

Although the surface is still as usual, the relationship between the three people has already developed slight cracks.

When leaving the hospital, both Lin Yixing and Xue Jingshan looked very bad.

Because of their own ambitions, they had long expected that the relationship between the three parties would break down one day. After all, as long as they wanted to take their own industry further, there would definitely be conflicts between them, but no one thought that this day would come. So fast.

When they left, a young man with glasses in a white coat showed a gleam in his eyes. He looked around, opened a door and walked in. When he came out again, his glasses, mask and white coat were gone. Instead, they had become An ordinary patient who comes to the hospital for medical treatment.

When he returned to the car waiting outside the hospital, he smiled softly and said in a voice that only he and the driver could hear:

"I originally thought it was a three-party alliance with close ties, but I didn't expect that each of them had their own agenda..."

"Even without my intervention, they would have been biting each other very quickly, right?"

After speaking, he shook his head and said to Mi Shu, who was acting as the driver:
"Let's go, Xiaomi, go back to the hotel!"

Hearing this, Mi Shu, who was wearing a black shirt and black pants, nodded and started the car directly.

(End of this chapter)

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