After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 263 Lin Yixing’s ambition

Chapter 263 Lin Yixing’s ambition
In a spacious office in an elegant office building in Qiantan, Pudong, Lin Yixing, who had changed into a royal blue suit, was sitting on an office chair. In front of his desk was his most trusted secretary.

"How's the fundraising going?"

Lin Yixing said with deep eyes.

Xiao Ya, the secretary of the Board of Directors who had followed him for many years, handed the document in his hand to Lin Yixing and said at the same time:

"Only 200 billion has been raised so far, which is still far from what was expected!"

Hearing this number, Lin Yixing frowned. Although Xunli Group's market value exceeds 4000 billion, it does not mean that he can spend so much money. In fact, Xunli Group's liquidity is only about 200 billion, and the money is still Not all of them are within his reach.

After all, although they control Xunli Group, a large part of the company's equity is still in the hands of the Li family, and the rest is scattered in the secondary market.

Lin Yixing read the information and then said:
"Pledge the non-Xunli Group stocks I hold and seize the time to raise funds. Our plan will be advanced!"

Hearing this, Secretary Xiao Ya showed a look of surprise on her face. Although she didn't understand why the chairman brought forward the plan scheduled for next month, she still nodded in response out of her absolute trust in Lin Yixing:

"Yes, Chairman!"

Naturally, she does not handle the equity pledge herself, but distributes it to the professionals below. What she has learned the most from following Lin Yixing over the years is that professional things should be done by professionals.

And she is just Lin Yixing's link or microphone to contact professionals.

After Xiao Ya left, Lin Yixing picked up the tablet on the table and looked at the A-share stock market. At this time, the real-time market price displayed on the tablet interface was: Tonghe A[000xxx]!

Stock price: 12.66 yuan, increase or decrease from the previous day: -0.16, increase or decrease: -1.25%.

"I originally wanted to wait for you to fall again..."

Lin Yixing's eyes were dark, like a vulture seeing fresh meat.

And Tonghe is the tender and delicious fat meat.

In addition to Tonghe, he also looked at several targets that he had locked in long ago, but unfortunately, the funds he could use at present were limited, so he had to take his time.

Finally, he looked at a document with "Zhengao Life" on the table, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes, but in the end it turned into determination.

Zhengao Life was originally an industry of the Li family, but its development was very slow. In Lin Yixing's view, this was simply a waste of this precious reinsurance license.

After taking over Xunli Group, he also relied on his radical style to make Zhengao Life's total assets cross the 2000 billion mark in less than five years.

Then, with the help of Zhengao Life Insurance, other industries of Xunli Group also rapidly increased in value.

In Lin Yixing's eyes, Zhengao Life Insurance is no longer completely an industry, but like a child raised by himself.

But unfortunately, this child is not his after all. No matter how outstanding and dazzling this child is, he will always bear the label of the Li family.

And this word "Li" is what Lin Yixing hates the most.

Since the goal is to be as huge as Qingcheng, we can't take the ordinary path, nor can we be timid.

Nowadays, Lin Yixing has accumulated enough energy. It is not an exaggeration to say that the army is strong and the horse is strong. He asked Xiao Ya to raise funds in order to enter the capital market strongly again.

The targets are listed companies with undervalued share prices and dispersed shareholdings.

However, it was always a small fight before, but this time his appetite was a bit bigger.

After finalizing everything in his mind, Lin Yixing stood up and came to the panoramic glass curtain wall. Looking at the rows of high-rise buildings on the foreshore, he felt proud.

Boom boom boom!
Then there was a knock on the door.

Lin Yixing frowned slightly, but still said loudly:


The next moment, a man in his thirties, wearing a gray suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose walked in, holding a folder in his hand. "Brother!"

Seeing that it was his half-brother Li Yinian, Lin Yixing's expression relaxed a lot, and he said with a smile:

"Yinian, what's the matter?"

With that said, he walked back to the desk and sat down, and raised his hand to signal Li Yinian to sit down as well.

After Li Yinian sat down, he handed the folder in his hand to Lin Yixing, and then said:
"Brother, I heard from the finance people that you are mobilizing a large amount of funds?"

Lin Yixing raised his eyebrows slightly:
"Yes, what's the problem?"

Li Yinian's expression remained unchanged:
"I think there's nothing wrong with it, but my father asked me to ask you about the role and movement of this fund..."

Hearing this, Lin Yixing's eyes flashed with a shadow, and then he smiled calmly and said:
"Of course it's the same as before. After so many times, you still can't believe my methods?"

Li Yinian quickly shook his head:
"No, no, I absolutely believe in you, brother. Father and the others must also be thinking about the group. Brother, don't take it to heart..."

Although he was mocking himself in his heart, Lin Yixing showed no concern on his face. He nodded and said:
"I know, it's all for the family, our goals are the same!"

Seeing this, Li Yinian looked better.

After chatting about other work matters, Li Yinian exited the office. When the office door closed again, Lin Yixing's expression turned completely gloomy.

"Old guy, I've worked hard for your Li family for so many years, allowing your family to live a life of masters, and you still don't trust me?"

"Sure enough, we can't expect you to have a conscience..."

"Fortunately, I didn't have any hope in the beginning. Since you are unkind, don't blame me. Anyway, I built these industries with my own hands. I should use them as a springboard..."

At the same time, Su Xiao was lying comfortably in the Jun Yuexi presidential suite, enjoying the grapes fed to her mouth by the beauties around her, with a look of enjoyment on her face.

Listening to the latest information from Yan Qi next to him, Su Xiao opened his eyes and thought about the properties and detailed information on Lin Yixing's panel before, and probably guessed Lin Yixing's intention to raise funds.

He turned his attention to Ji Yi and asked her to move on to the next step.

Taking a long breath, Su Xiao said:

"Stand still for now, wait until the two families start fighting first!"

Profit can only be made in chaos. Whether it is Xunli or Tonghe, it is worth hundreds of billions. For Su Xiao, whose assets have just exceeded [-] billion, it is not easy and not wise to challenge them head-on.

Moreover, now that he is in the dark, he is very suitable to be a hunter.

If you want to completely defeat Lin Yixing, you have to wait for him to kill Hongyan. At that time, it will be the best time to take action.

Before that, you have to raise enough funds.

Hearing his words, Yan Qi nodded and looked at Ji Yi with some envy. She was in a good position and he really wanted to take her place.

In the evening, Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi and Ye Fanyan, who had not seen each other for a long time, also returned to Shanghai. The four of them had just gotten off the plane and couldn't help but be surprised when they saw the tall figure at the pick-up gate.


Xi Tianyue was the first to rush forward and threw herself directly into his arms.

 During this period, I have fallen into an embarrassing period for Kavin. I know the plot behind it but I just can’t write it down...

  During this period, I received more than 300 subscriptions every day, and all of them were canceled. I was very tired...

  Temporarily change it to [-] per day, wait for the situation to recover and then see if the situation recovers...

(End of this chapter)

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