After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 264 Camping, back seat of the car

Chapter 264 Camping, back seat of the car
…There is a story…

The girls hadn't seen each other for a long time, so the evening gathering to reminisce was a little late, especially Xi Tianyue and her three best friends, who didn't go to bed until two or three in the morning.

It's a pity that Luo Yunsheng and Guan Zhiyao's training is not over yet, otherwise it would be even more perfect.

At noon the next day, everyone who had slept in got up one after another. After lunch, everyone began to pack their things.

Today is Friday, September 9th, and the next two days are weekends. Originally, Xi Tianyue suggested that everyone go to Disneyland together, but Su Xiao felt that it was inconvenient for so many people to go to the amusement park, so she proposed to go camping.

During this period of time, I have been locked among the high-rise buildings in the magical city. I always feel a little depressed. I have to go to an empty sky to relax. Moreover, Lin Yixing's goal is the stock market. The stock market is not open on weekends, so he can take advantage of this time to relax. .

His proposal was supported by everyone, and Xi Tianyue and Li Ruzhen happened to be able to take a nearby plane to other places after the camping.

The destination of this camping trip is an uninhabited forest near Hengsha Island. It is said to be uninhabited, but in fact the large areas of green planting there have owners. However, Su Xiao does not need to consider these, as someone will arrange them. He just needs to take Xi Tianyue and the others to have fun.

Xi Tianyue asked the hotel to prepare three SUVs, and everyone set off directly after putting their things.

"Brother, didn't you call Qiqi?"

In the back seat of one of the cars, Xi Tianyue asked Su Xiaodao that Mi Shu was driving in front and Yan Qi was sitting in the co-pilot.

Hearing this, Su Xiao said helplessly:

"Of course she called, but she said she wanted to train with the team members, so she won't come this time!"

Thinking about this morning, he called Wen Qi right after his morning training. She was already training. When she heard that he asked her to go camping with him, although she was moved, she still refused.

Since it was determined that she could play professionally again, Wen Qi began to train like crazy. In her words, she wanted to reach her peak state as quickly as possible. After nearly a year without training, her competitive state dropped a lot.

This is unacceptable to Wen Qi, who regards e-sports as a dream.

Of course, the most important thing is that she doesn't want to disappoint Lidya Su.

However, this made Su Xiao, who had just conquered the beauty, a little depressed. He knew that her favorability was at full value, but he just couldn't find a chance to eat her.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of women around him, so he was only a little depressed.

Hearing his words, Xi Tianyue nodded. She also learned about Wen Qi from Yan Qi, so she sympathized with this strong and optimistic girl.

And now that the other party has become a sister to me, I must pay more attention to her in the future.

There is a distance of more than 50 kilometers from Jinmiao Building to Hengsha Island, so the journey will be boring. Xi Tianyue tilted his head and blinked. Suddenly, an idea flashed and he secretly glanced at Mi Shu, who was driving in front, and Yan Qi, the co-pilot.

Seeing that they didn't pay attention to the back seat, they leaned into Lidya Su's ear and whispered:
"Brother, I have learned a new massage technique. Do you want to try it out?"

The hot breath of her breath blew into her ears, and Su Xiao felt a little itchy. She turned to look at the innocent look in her eyes and nodded immediately:
"Okay, let's try!"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue showed joy on his face, twisted his buttocks, sat up straight, straightened his white skirt, then took Lidya Su's hand and put it away, then stretched out her slender, white, well-jointed Fingers like green onions gently pinched Lidya Su's arm.

Su Xiao relaxed her whole body, leaned gently on the backrest, closed her eyes, and tilted her head toward the roof of the car.

The strength of Xi Tianyue's fingers was neither light nor heavy, and the acupuncture points were found quite well. Although it was inferior to professional massagers like Ji Yi, it still had a unique flavor.

His fingers danced lightly, feeling the delicate feeling coming from his fingertips, and he suddenly felt very good.After squeezing his arms, he started squeezing his shoulders. Feeling Su Xiao's broad and strong shoulders, Xi Tianyue looked at Su Xiao's profile and the admiration in his eyes almost solidified.

Her mind automatically played scenes of the two meeting, acquainting, and getting to know each other... Although as Su Xiao told her at Suiyun Villa, there would be many women around him, but she could feel that Su Xiao It's the most special to her.

That kind of silent pampering was something that no one else could enjoy. Even Sister Ruzhen, whom she had known for a longer time, envied herself.

"Brother, I love you so much..."

She couldn't help but lean into Lidya Su's ear and exhale softly.

Su Xiao raised the corner of her mouth slightly, her left hand a little heavier, and her right hand raised to rub her head.

He turned his head slightly, then opened his eyes, looked at the pretty face close at hand, and said in a low and doting voice:

"I love you too, baby..."

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue couldn't help but lean forward slightly and put her red lips on her lips.

Although their voices were very low, both Mi Shu and Yan Qi could hear them clearly, especially the extremely powerful Mi Shu.

A hint of resentment flashed in her eyes. Does this playboy tell everyone this?

Sure enough, you can’t believe a man’s words at all…

However, when he said it to himself, he could feel that he meant it!
Recalling what Su Xiao said to her when she was alone with him, as well as the tone and expression when speaking, Mi Shu sighed helplessly.

He was sincere at that time, and he is sincere now, but his heart is a bit big, there are too many people in it, and he is just one of them...

In the passenger seat, as one of Su Xiao's favorites, Yan Qi looked at the scene in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but swallowed, and his breathing became a little thicker.

Her red lips parted slightly, her eyes were a little out of focus, but in her heart she was imagining that she was the one kissing Lidya Su passionately.

She is different from Mi Shu. She is a character that Su Xiao recruited in the game early on. She will not have so many random thoughts or entangled thoughts about her daughter. She just wants to get more favor from Su Xiao.

Su Xiao had doubts about this at first. Could the characters collected in these games be people similar to AI programs?

However, after spending this period of time together and observing, he denied this speculation.

He could feel that both Leng Yiyi and Yan Qi were real people, but their concepts were different from others.

Xi Tianyue's massage continued. After pressing her shoulders, she began to massage her ears, earlobes, and neck, areas with dense blood vessels.

Slowly go down, massage the upper body, and start massaging Lidya Su's thighs.

After this period of exercise, Su Xiao's leg muscles were very strong, and it was a little difficult for Xi Tianyue to pinch them, but she still persevered.

After pressing one side, naturally press the other side.

Yan Qi, who had been watching through the rearview mirror in the car, looked at Xi Tianyue with her mouth bulging and massaging her hard, and felt very envious...

(End of this chapter)

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