After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 266 Barbecue, Greedy, Xi Tianyue

Chapter 266 Barbecue, Greedy, Xi Tianyue

The salty sea breeze blows gently, and the air is filled with the moisture of memory.

Time is like reaching out to pick up a handful of silver sand on the beach. It slips through the fingers in a lingering and lingering way. Amidst the faint sound of waves, the beautiful time of the afternoon has passed.

Two hours later, Su Xiao carried the sleeping Xi Tianyue back to the camp, carefully placed her close to the tent, then covered her with a quilt, and then Su Xiao walked out.

The tent in the camp is the kind of tunnel tent that is very popular in Europe, with perfect space and excellent wind resistance.

Of course, what Su Xiao likes most about this kind of tent is its space. Compared with that kind of small tent, this kind of tunnel tent can accommodate more than a dozen people, as if it was tailor-made for them.

However, it is not without its shortcomings. The disadvantage of this large tent is that it lacks the compactness and privacy that many small tents can have.

Originally, Su Xiao wanted to give it a try and sneak into other tents at night for a camping adventure, but this big tent killed his idea directly at the source.

Seeing Su Xiao coming over, Mu Jingwan buried her head with a red face and didn't dare to look at her.

Although they have been together many times, this is outside after all. She is very thin-skinned and is still a little uncomfortable with it.

But inside, she longed for it, longing that she could be like Yueyue, being alone with Su Xiao outside, like a sweet couple mixing sweet things with oil.

"Boss, come and try the tea brewed by Sister Yan!"

Yan Qi didn't have so many twists and turns in his mind. He was going to play here for two days and two nights anyway, so he was worried that he wouldn't have a chance?
Su Xiao sat down safely and took the tea cup from Yan Qi. She saw that the tea soup was a beautiful ginger color, clear and bright. When she put it to her nose and sniffed it, she felt that the tea had a long and lasting rhyme.

Take a gentle sip and roll it on the tip of your tongue two or three times, and it feels so mellow!

"Well, good tea!"

Su Xiao didn't have much experience in tea ceremony, so he could only give this evaluation.

Fortunately, the others had no intention of communicating with him about tea art, and only nodded in agreement.

Ye Fanyan, who was in charge of making tea, had a gentle smile on his face and didn't speak. He just silently refilled Su Xiao's tea cup.

Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran guessed what Su Xiao and Xi Tianyue had done from the expressions on Mu Jingwan's faces when they ran back. They also did not interrupt, but envied their besties in their hearts. At the same time, they also thought, if they could also compete with Su It would be nice if Akatsuki was alone for a while.

Li Ruzhen was a little annoyed because he didn't follow him just now.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yan Qi continued:

"Boss, how about we have a barbecue later?"

Lidya Su nodded:
"Okay, but are there any barbecue ingredients here?"

Ye Fanyan replied:
"Yes, and the seasonings and barbecue equipment are all complete!"

In this case, what else is there to consider? Let’s get started immediately!
Except for Xi Tianyue who was sleeping soundly in the tent, everyone worked together and quickly set up the barbecue grill and a set of utensils.

How about the matching of men and women, so the work is not tiring. Not only is it not tiring, but the efficiency is also great.

Although there is only one boy, there are nine girls!
Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi, Ye Fanyan, Yan Qi, Ji Yi, Mi Shu, Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran!

After finishing her work, Su Xiao watched the girls busy with admiration. It was very pleasing to the eye!
In the evening, Xi Tianyue in the tent moved his nose, sniffing like a little hamster, then sat up with his eyes closed, sniffed again and then opened his eyes.Seeing that he was lying in a tent, his little brain finally read the archive slowly, thinking of the scene on the big rock by the sea cliff in the afternoon, thinking of Su Xiao's response to her love, thinking of...

She couldn't help but twist her body. She thought she would be very tired, but she didn't expect that her whole body felt so comfortable, as if she had just finished a full-body SAP. It was very relaxing.

I opened the thin blanket and was about to go out, but when I lowered my head to look at my clothes, I noticed that my dress had been stained while sitting on the ground. I looked around, found my suitcase, and pulled out a Barbie co-branded set. Put on the pink sportswear, well, it looks very comfortable!
Then he hunched his body and got out. As soon as he stepped out, he could smell the strong aroma of barbecue in the air, as well as the people laughing softly.

Seeing this, Xi Tianyue pouted, "It's too much. Why don't you call yourself barbecue?"
Yan Qi had sharp eyes and immediately saw her emerging from the tent. He immediately waved and shouted:
"Yueyue, come quickly, Sister Yan's barbecue is almost ready, we just said we would call you!"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue ran over and saw that everyone was distributing tableware, and not far away, Su Xiao and Ye Fanyan were barbeque.

No one has started eating yet!
Xi Tianyue stuck out his tongue and apologized for what he had just said in his heart.

Seeing her full of energy, Su Xiao smiled gently. When he sent her into the tent, he bought a [medium physical recovery potion] from the system mall for Xi Tianyue to use, so that she could recover after waking up. .

Compared to the [Small Physical Recovery Potion], the [Medium Physical Recovery Potion] can restore half of the user's physical strength on the spot, and the remaining half will take effect slowly over the next few hours.

Of course, there is also a [large physical recovery potion] in the mall, which can restore the user's physical strength to full on the spot, but this is a bit contrary to common sense. Su Xiao will not use it on anyone except herself unless necessary. .

"Boss, you go and eat with them first, I can bake it alone!"

Next to him, Ye Fanyan was constantly flipping the kebabs with a smile on her face. She enjoyed this time very much, but she still said this.

Su Xiao also kept turning the kebabs, memorizing the techniques Ye Fanyan said by heart, and brushing them with oil or sprinkling some seasonings from time to time.

"It's okay, you are too tired alone, let me help you share some of the burden!"

“And barbecue is fun too!”

The barbecue skewers they use are very large stainless steel barbecue skewers, about half a meter long. There is a wooden handle at the starting point, and the barbecue sticks on the skewers are also very large.

At this time, it was roasted until it was golden in color and sizzling with oil. As the two of them continued to turn it, the aroma of the barbecue lingered and spread, making the waiting girls swallow their saliva.

"Brother, are you okay? I'm so hungry..."

Xi Tianyue stared at the tempting barbecue, and the aroma penetrated her nose so much that she almost ran out of greed.

In order to stay in shape, she hasn't eaten barbecue for a long time. She was used to it before and thought it was okay if she didn't eat it, but she couldn't wait any longer.

"I'm coming!"

Su Xiao and Ye Fanyan put the grilled meat skewers on stainless steel plates and served them, one on each side.

As soon as they put it down, the girls couldn't wait any longer. Each of them picked up a piece of barbecue and started to feast on it!
Ye Fanyan looked like a big patriarch, smiling gently:

"Be careful when it's hot and eat it slowly. If it's not enough, I'll bake it for you again!"

Lidya Su pulled her to sit down:
"Stop being busy now and let's eat together!"

For a time, there was a lot of fun on the table!
Su Xiao was so stupid that she took a lot of photos and sent them to Wen Qi who was still training with a wicked smile!
(End of this chapter)

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