After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 267 It’s so dark over there, I don’t dare to go alone

Chapter 267 It’s so dark over there, I don’t dare to go there alone

…There is a story…

"Wow, I really want to eat barbecue..."

On the other side of Hengsha Island, two beautiful girls in hot bikinis were lying on beach chairs under umbrellas, watching the scene of Su Xiao's barbecue party on their mobile phones, whining with greed.

Although they were dressed very hotly, there were almost no people around the scenic spot, except for a few female bodyguards standing solemnly not far away.

The short-haired woman named Qingqing approached Weiwei who was holding the phone and said with envy:

"I really want to eat the barbecue grilled by the president himself. It looks so delicious!"

He clicked his lips slightly, nodded and said:
"I want, too!"

Then, she seemed to have thought of something, raised her eyebrows and joked:

"Why did you want to eat everything just now? You wanted to take over from Yueyue and eat the big baby!"

Hearing this, Qingqing's cheeks turned red, she grabbed the other person's body a few times in retaliation, and then hummed:
"Just tell me, don't you want to?"

Wei Wei hummed arrogantly:
"I don't want to, because I will be able to eat it in a few days, unlike you, who don't know how long it will take..."

Shrimp and pig heart, shrimp and pig heart!

Sure enough, after hearing this, Qingqing became even more angry and threw herself directly on Weiwei...

On the other side, Wen Qi, who had just finished training and was going to eat in the club restaurant, immediately took out her mobile phone from the cabinet and started browsing WeChat messages.

Then, she saw a bunch of photos that Lidya Su sent her!
There are the beautiful views of Hengsha Island and the busyness of the campsite. Of course, the most important thing is the tempting barbecue.

Just looking at it made her drool. She couldn't help but roll her throat. After a while, she couldn't help but pouted:


What should I do if I suddenly feel a little regretful?
If I had known earlier, I would have agreed to his invitation and went camping together. The scenery on Hengsha Island is so beautiful, and it will definitely be fun with so many people!
Of course, the most important thing is that he is there...

"Captain, why don't you go to dinner?"

The little fat guy A Lu who came out from behind saw his captain in a daze, so he couldn't help but remind him.

His voice brought Wen Qi back to her senses, and she responded with a smile:
"Aluzhen, go ahead, I'll be there soon!"

After saying that, she looked through Su Xiaofa's photos again, and the regret in her eyes turned into determination:

"My task now is to train hard and I must not let him down!"

Then he twirled his fingers and replied:
"Boss, you guys have fun, remember to prepare some gastrointestinal medicine, eating barbecue can easily cause diarrhea!"

"Also, I miss you very much..."

After replying the message, she locked her phone in the cabinet again, quickly went to the restaurant to eat, and then returned to the training room to continue training!
Her enthusiasm also inspired others. TheShy, who had just finished the video with his girlfriend, heard Alu talk about his proposal for double row training, and said with a bright smile:

"Broad, wide!"

Returning to the campsite on Hengsha Island, when it comes to pairing barbecue with wine, the more you drink, the better!
In such an occasion, with the gentle evening breeze and the setting sun as the backdrop, eating barbecue and drinking beer is simply not too enjoyable!

"Come, let's toast Sister Yan together. Sister Yan has worked hard today!"

Yan Qi, the leader of the atmosphere team, blushed and said loudly while holding up a cup.

Others cheered in agreement. Chef Ye Fanyan smiled gently and shook his head, but still raised his glass.

Everyone drank it all and the atmosphere became more and more lively!
After the barbecue was finished, but there was still room for beer, Ye Fanyan put away the barbecue picks and plates, and brought fruits and other snacks.Yan Qi ran over and lit the bonfire that had been prepared in advance, and the originally dark environment suddenly became a little brighter.

Everyone sat around the campfire with beers and began to share interesting things in their lives.

After a while, Yan Qi came to Su Xiao's side and whispered:
"Boss, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable. Can you accompany me to the toilet?"

Lidya Su turned her head and looked at her suspiciously.

Yan Qi dodges his eyes twice, but still frowns and says:
"It's a bit dark over there, I don't dare to go alone..."

Su Xiao didn't expose Xiao Jiujiu, who had it all written on her face, and nodded:
"Well, let's go!"

The two put down their beer bottles and headed towards the portable toilets at the campsite.

However, halfway through, Yan Qi took Su Xiao's hand and walked quickly into the woods, running nearly 200 meters before stopping.

After stopping, Yan Qi didn't speak either...

About half an hour later, the two came back. Yan Qi pretended that nothing was wrong, returned to his seat, picked up the beer bottle and continued drinking.

But after wiping it and looking again, I found that there was nothing. I immediately knew that I had been tricked and my face turned red!
Seeing this, the others also covered their mouths and laughed, but their eyes were filled with emotion.

They were also a little uncomfortable and wanted to go to the toilet. It was dark and they were very scared. They wanted to be accompanied by someone...

However, compared to the timid Mu Jingwan and others, Li Ruzhen was more natural. She stood up and said:
"Honey, I also want to go to the bathroom, you go with me..."

Lidya Su, who had not had time to sit down, had no choice but to accompany him.

Who told him to be the only man here?

It’s understandable that girls are afraid of the dark!

After they left, the remaining people looked at me and I looked at you, as if communicating with their eyes. Who will go next?
Finally, he set his sights on Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi, who were the first to follow Su Xiao.

Xi Tianyue's face turned red, but he had occupied Su Xiao for more than two hours in the afternoon, so he might as well give it to someone else:

"I'm not feeling uncomfortable. Sister Yiyi, can you go next?"

Hearing this, Leng Yiyi blushed and nodded:


At this time, melodious music came from not far away, ups and downs, very beautiful.

Affected by this, Yan Qi also took out his mobile phone and started playing music to liven up the atmosphere, and also turned the sound to the maximum!
Almost 40 minutes later, Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen came back. At this time, the sky had become dim. Except for the lights and firelight in the camp, the surroundings were dark. This made the timid girls even more afraid to go alone.

Su Xiao had to accompany them one by one, first Leng Yiyi, then Ye Fanyan, Mi Shu, and Ji Yi. The last time they met was relatively late, so Mu Jingwan, Xie Yuran and Liu Sujin went together.

And Xi Tianyue, who had eaten a lot of barbecue and drank a lot of beer, couldn't help but follow.

When the five of them returned, the campfire had burned out, and everyone who was suddenly sleepy returned to the tent and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Xi Tianyue stuck out his tongue and said:

"Brother, shall we sleep too?"

Su Xiao nodded, returned to the tent and saw that everyone had left a place for them, and then lay down gently.

Since the location was relatively tight, I had to squeeze in a little. I held Xi Tianyue in my right hand and Mu Jingwan in my left hand. Then Xie Yuran held Xi Tianyue from behind, and Liu Sujin held Mu Jingwan from behind. The space was just right!
The breeze blows in the forest, and there is no talk all night!
(End of this chapter)

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