After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 268 Platinum Level Kidney Fighter, Expensive Resource Package

Chapter 268 Platinum Level Kidney Fighter, Expensive Resource Package

Next, Su Xiao took everyone to spend a day on the luxury yacht booked in advance, watching the sunset on the sea, and got up early on Sunday to watch the sunrise on the beach.

Then the group went to the White House and T-shaped Dam, where they caught crabs and went to the sea. After a delicious seafood dinner cooked by Ye Fanyan, they slept well all night before rushing back to the Magic City.

However, Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi and Ye Fanyan naturally rushed to the airport directly, and Su Xiao returned after putting them on the plane.

When we returned to Jun Yuexi, it was already noon.

As time passed into the early morning, Wei Wei, a water ninjutsu enthusiast who lived near Hengsha Island and liked to wear silk pajamas, looked at the pictures on the computer screen with increasingly resentful eyes.

"I've been tired of it for so long. Is it over yet?"

Just at this time, Qingqing, who had left early due to work, sent a message:
"Weiwei, can you please stop sending it to me? You can send it to Ke'er or Shushu. The little girl has a weak body and cannot keep up with the nutrition!"

Taking out a tissue from the side to wipe his hands, Weiwei replied with a smile on his face:
"That's not okay, you can't let me suffer alone!"

"I've sent both Ke'er and Shushu, don't worry, I'll treat everyone equally if I'm the main one, and you don't have to watch it!"


"┭┮﹏┭┮Who can endure this?"

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly:
"Then we hope that our President will take over Qingcheng as soon as possible, otherwise Sister Xinyi will not allow you to meet with the President so early!"

"Of course, I'm different!"

Qingqing: "..."


January 9, five o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Xiao, who was reading in the study, received a message from Yan Qi:
"Boss, Lingmu Capital purchased 5% of the tradable shares of Tonghe Group in the secondary market and just submitted a placard report to the Shanghai Stock Exchange!"

"Tonghe Group has not responded much at the moment!"

Looking at these two messages, Su Xiao nodded. It was basically the same as expected. He originally thought that Lin Yixing would raise the placard for the first time later, but he didn't expect to be so anxious.

The so-called placarding means that when an investor purchases the shares of a listed company on the secondary market at a rate of 5% or a multiple of 5%, he or she shall make a written report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange within 3 days from the date of occurrence of this fact. , notify the listed company and make an announcement, and perform its obligations under relevant laws.

This is to prevent large institutional investors from manipulating stocks and harming the interests of small retail investors.

It is also expected that Tonghe Group and Xue Jingshan did not respond much to this. After all, under the current environment, even the flourishing Tonghe Group is developing slowly, and the stock market has been declining.

The main body of Tonghe Group is real estate, but the real estate market has been sluggish in the past two years. The "Golden Nine" of the "Golden Nine and Silver Ten" has now passed more than half, but the real estate market continues to cool down, with no intention of turning around. The real estate inventory crisis has begun to emerge.

When the stock price drops like this, there are actually people who are willing to buy in large sums. This is naturally a good thing and can boost investors' information. I believe that no listed company will say no.

"It's a pity that I was a little anxious..." Su Xiao smiled lightly, then sank into the system space and spent a huge amount of money to purchase a resource package: [Qingchen Venture Capital Resource Package].

However, compared with the two resource packs purchased before, this one is a bit expensive, requiring a full 2888 wealth points.

If I hadn't spent it randomly before, I would have more than 500 wealth points left, plus the mood improvement and side mission rewards later, a total of [-] points, which is probably not enough at this time.

But expensive means expensive. Qingchen Venture Capital is the best in China and also enjoys a high reputation abroad.

Since Qingcheng Group separated its strategic investment department and established Qingchen Venture Capital, it has since begun to flourish in many industries at home and abroad. As long as companies valued by Qingchen Venture Capital, nine out of ten will succeed, and even Like its parent company Qingcheng Group, it has a touch of legend.

Therefore, when Lin Yixing wants to make a splash in the stock market and take advantage of the opportunity to rise, buying the resource package of Qingchen Venture Capital is definitely worth the money.

Moreover, Qingchen Venture Capital’s resource pack was only added after the system upgrade.

Of course, in addition to changes in the mall, system upgrades bring far more benefits than this. For example, Su Xiao's own attributes and skills have increased.

[Main panel: Su Xiao (No. 001)]: Age (27 years old), height (183cm), weight (76kg);
Appearance rating: SS+;

Body rating: SS-;
Temperament rating: SS;

Overall rating: SS.
Skills: Reader-level appearance (exclusive skill, currently activated), banknote ability (partially activated), platinum kidney fighter, legendary driving skills, master-level Liuhe Quan, master-level driving skills, master-level management, flower stand-level taekwondo, elite sea king .

During these two days of camping, his original Golden Kidney Fighter had advanced to the platinum level. As for the effect, you can see the difference between gold and platinum.

After this period of hard work and hard work, the previous master-level driving skills have been promoted to the legendary level, and the entry-level Sea King at the beginning has also been promoted to the elite level. However, there is still a long way to go to reach the legendary level. After all, there is a master level in the middle!

After purchasing Qingchen Venture Capital’s resource package, the system prompt sounded the next moment:

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing the Qingchen Venture Capital resource package. The relevant team and person in charge will contact the host within three days. Please keep your mobile phone open! 】

Hearing the sound of the system, Su Xiao nodded. There was no rush now. It didn't matter if we contacted him again in three days. But I didn't know who would be the leader of Qingchen Venture Capital this time?
In the game, although he established an investment department, he did not assign roles at all. In this way, he was only responsible for setting up departments or industries without assigning roles to manage them. Ye Xinyi usually managed them by himself.

You can't. Ye Xinyi will lead the team personally this time, right?
As soon as this thought arose, Lidya Su couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat, but she quickly gave up the thought.

For this mission, even the four secretaries were not allowed to help, so how could Xiao Yezi lead the team himself?

He smiled mockingly to himself. He must have missed Ye Xinyi too much. How could he think that spending 2888 wealth points to buy a resource pack would enable him to see her?
Take a deep breath, shake your head, get rid of these unrealistic thoughts, and then continue to check the information.

Although there is a master-level stock market skill book in the system mall, it is obviously unrealistic to snipe or even defeat Lin Yixing in the stock market by himself, so he wants to find a team.

In this regard, he is very similar to Lin Yixing. He likes to leave professional matters to professionals.

I just don’t know whether Lin Yixing’s team, which has successfully attacked many listed companies, is better than his Qingchen Venture Capital?
Although she already knew the answer, Lidya Su was still curious about the process!

(End of this chapter)

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