After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 270 Lingmu Capital raises its cards twice

Chapter 270 Lingmu Capital raised its flag for the second time
A few hours after Su Xiao and Shen Lingxi met, Lingmu Capital spent two days frantically scanning the secondary market, holding a total of 10% of the shares, and promptly held a second bid!

At this time, even Xue Jingshan, who had always been in a good mood, noticed something was wrong. When he couldn't sit still, he hurriedly said to his secretary:

"Contact the person in charge of Lingmu Capital and tell him that I want to have a chat with him!"

The secretary nodded in agreement and then withdrew.

In the office, Xue Jingshan paced back and forth, feeling increasingly uneasy.

Lu Yao on the other side also received the news and sent someone to investigate the background of Lingmu Capital again.

He had asked people to inquire before, but all they found were some very unfamiliar names. As for whether there was anyone else behind Lingmu Capital, he couldn't find out.

But the other party's actions in the past three days did not look like some low-key role. Instead, they showed decisiveness and sharpness. Moreover, he always felt that Lingmu Capital's acting style was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for the moment.


In the Jun Yuexi presidential suite, Su Xiao naturally also received the news, and received the news in a more timely manner. He smiled and said to Shen Lingxi:
"Lingxi, do you think it's time for us to enter?"

Shen Lingxi, who already knew this well, nodded and said:
"Yes, President, I will let someone start purchasing Tonghe's shares in the secondary market in the name of Jun Yuexi. After the first sign-raising, I can temporarily announce the end!"

"Before coming to see you, I have already met with all shareholders except Xue Jingshan and the management. In the subsequent battle between Lingmu Capital and Tonghe Group, I will choose the right time to take action!"

Shen Lingxi's plan was based on Su Xiao's idea, but she had made a series of preparations in advance, and it coincided with Su Xiao's plan, and was even more comprehensive and detailed.

This made Su Xiao have to sigh, this is professional!

If Su Xiao were to contact Tonghe's large and small shareholders on his own, to be honest, it would be a bit difficult without exposing the Tongtian background of Qingcheng Group.

After all, both Jun Yuexi and Tian Xingjian were a bit underwhelmed in front of those state-owned assets.

But Shen Lingxi is different. Everyone knows that her Qingchen Venture Capital is backed by the Qingcheng Group. Just by looking at their names, you can tell how close the two are.

However, in order not to arouse the alertness of Lin Yixing and Xue Jingshan, Qingchen Venture Capital can only secretly help Su Xiao in planning.

"Well, the rest will be your fault, Lingxi!"

Su Xiaowen smiled softly.

Hearing this, Shen Lingxi hurriedly said:
"Whatever the president says, this is what Lingxi should do!"

This gesture was more respectful and reserved than Mishu and Ye Fanyan's, which made Su Xiao even more curious about what happened between Ye Xinyi and them?
So he asked curiously:
"Lingxi, how did you and Xinyi meet?"

Hearing him mention Ye Xinyi, Shen Lingxi's expression turned respectful, and her eyes shone as if she saw the woman who combined the spirit of heaven and earth again, with admiration on her face as if she were facing a god!

"I was born in a poor mountain village. My parents always wanted to have a boy. Finally, when I was four years old, my mother finally gave birth to a younger brother..."

"Once I went to the market with my father, and a fortune teller told him that I was blessed and would have long-lasting wealth in the future!"

When he said this, Shen Lingxi's eyes looked a little lonely.

"After my father heard this, he changed hands and sold me to someone else. Because of the fortune teller's so-called good luck, he sold me for more money..."

Listening to her story, Su Xiao seemed to see an ignorant man holding the money from selling his daughter, smiling happily and saying:
"It's really a blessing!"

Shen Lingxi is only 26 years old now. In other words, she was sold by her father in 98 or 99?

Although it sounds unbelievable, it really happened.She was sold like goods by her biological father, and then used the money from selling her to support her younger brother...

"Later, did the person who bought you treat you well?"

Lidya Su said very distressed.

Shen Lingxi shook her head:

"The first person who bought me asked me to call him daddy, but within a month, he sold me to someone else..."

The misery that fate brings to people is often not brushed aside. It is always unforgettable and heart-breaking over and over again!
Shen Lingxi was tossed and turned about being sold so many times that she couldn't even remember the exact number of times.

Fortunately, she was young and ignorant. Although she suffered, she did not suffer more persecution.

She met Ye Xinyi when she was 12 years old. According to her description, when she first met Ye Xinyi, she was as beautiful as a fairy from heaven, with a dazzling light all over her body.

Then, Ye Xinyi rescued Shen Lingxi from the abyss and let her go to school so that she could enjoy the best conditions.

When she grew up, Ye Xinyi sent her to study abroad, where she studied financial management.

After returning to China, she directly joined Qingcheng Group and became the department manager of the Strategic Investment Department. Later, after the Strategic Investment Department became independent and established Qingchen Venture Capital, she became the person in charge of Qingchen Venture Capital.

Although the story is very tortuous and touching, Su Xiao has more doubts.

No, my exposure to "Shenhao Simulator" only started in my sophomore year, but from Shen Lingxi's description, she met Ye Xinyi when she was 12 years old, which means that it was around 08.


Is Ye Xinyi an adult in 08?And it hasn’t changed in all these years?
Why does it always feel so scary?

[Ding, Shen Lingxi’s situation is quite special. The host doesn’t need to worry about it. Ye Xinyi is the same age as the host this year, also 27! 】

At the critical moment, the system came out to refute the rumors. Although it did not explain much about Shen Lingxi's situation, it made Su Xiao feel relieved.

Thinking about it, if something weird is really harming you, why go to so much trouble? And even if it is really weird, please do more of this kind of weirdness of giving money and beautiful women!

Forget it, don’t worry so much, it’s better to ask Xiao Zizi in person when the time comes.

After thinking about this, Su Xiao suddenly felt that the depression in her heart had disappeared, so she smiled gently and said to Shen Lingxi:
"Okay, the past is in the past. Let's not think about the unhappy things. You must be happy in the future, Lingxi!"

Shen Lingxi nodded and looked at Lidya Su with the same respect.

Not for anything else, just because Su Xiao is the most important person to Ye Xinyi.

"Let's go, let's go eat together!"

Lidya Su stood up and said.

Although the hotel's chef is far inferior to Ye Fanyan, he is still very famous among the hotels in the entire Magic City. Especially after Jun Yuexi reached a cooperation with Tianshi Catering, his food has become even more famous. It's a step up.

Taking Shen Lingxi and Mi Shu, they called Yan Qi and went to the restaurant downstairs together.

They were eating in a harmonious atmosphere, while Tonghe's Xue Jingshan was anxious and restless!

(End of this chapter)

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