After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 271 Xue Lu’s meeting, similar scene

Chapter 271 Xue Lu’s meeting, similar scene
"What, the other party refused to meet?"

After hearing the secretary's report, Xue Jingshan looked in disbelief.

How dare an investment company with so little qualifications dare to reject me?

Ye Shan, the middle-aged but still charming female secretary, stretched out her hand to adjust her glasses and replied:
"Yes, Chairman, Lingmu Capital responded that their person in charge has recently gone abroad!"

going abroad?

Damn it, you can think of such a rigid reason to go abroad?
Xue Jingshan cursed in his heart, but quickly calmed down. Now he can see that Lingmu Capital is not a fledgling small investment company. It is a beast showing its fangs!
"By the way, what is the name of the legal person of Lingmu Capital?"

Although his secretary reported it two days ago, he couldn't remember it clearly.

Ye Shan replied without thinking:
"Chen Xuehai, but I asked people to inquire later. This person is just a little-known financial practitioner. He cannot have such great energy and courage!"

Hearing this, Xue Jingshan nodded. He was able to acquire 10% of Tonghe Group's shares from the secondary market in such a short period of time. With his abundant funds and courage, he would definitely not be a small player.

It is obvious that the other party is here for Tonghe Group and has made it clear that he wants to be the major shareholder of Tonghe Group. He may even be here for himself.

Although there are many advantages to relying on state-owned assets, the disadvantages are also obvious. That is, as long as the other party's background and funds are strong enough and the shareholding ratio is increased to 30%, it can become the actual controller of Tonghe and have the right to reorganize the board of directors. and management.

After calming down, Xue Jingshan kept thinking about all the possibilities. Since the other party refused to meet, it must be because the person who came was evil. Even if they finally met, it probably wouldn't change anything.

He said to the secretary in front:

"Go and find out about Lingmu Capital's funding sources, and contact Huatie Group to see if we can get them to increase their shareholding!"

"Oh, by the way, let's talk to Mr. Pei and see if he is willing to go to Huatie!"

After receiving the instruction, Ye Shan nodded:

"Yes, Chairman!"

Then, Xue Jingshan waved his hand, indicating that she could go down, and Ye Shan left the office.

Xue Jingshan, who was sitting on the office chair, frowned and thought for a while, then took out his cell phone and dialed Lu Yao's number.

The phone rang a few times and then connected:
"Hey, brother Lu, are you free tonight?"

"Hey, what can I do? I haven't seen each other for a long time. I want to sit down and have a chat with you, Brother Lu!"

"Old place? Okay..."

After hanging up the phone, Xue Jingshan's complexion improved a lot. Although Lingmu Capital was coming fiercely, he was not without any options. As long as Tonghe's largest shareholder Huatie Group could take action, Lu Yao could stand with him. On the same front, no matter who the opponent is, he will definitely be defeated!

"If you want to chew the flesh of Tonghe Group, you must be prepared to leave a mouth of teeth!"

Xue Jingshan said with a cold expression.

After sorting out his emotions and facial expressions, and after returning to normal, he left the company, got into his car, and then asked the driver to drive to a high-end club he often visited.

An hour and a half later, after enjoying the massage by the technician, Xue Jingshan and Lu Yao leaned on the soft massage chairs, each holding a cup of tea in their hands and took a sip. Xue Jingshan said:

"Brother Lu, do you know Lingmu Capital?"

Hearing this, Lu Yao finished his tea slowly and put the cup on the table: "Well, I heard a little bit about it. I heard that Lingmu Capital acquired 10% of Tonghe's stock in just three days. , raised the sign twice in a row?"

Xue Jingshan paid attention to the expression on Lu Yao's face, but couldn't see any clues, so he sighed:

"Yes, the other party obviously came prepared, and the person who came here is not evil!"

In response, Lu Yao showed a hint of surprise:
"Isn't that true? With Tonghe's background and your energy, brother Xue, who dares to make a bad idea?"

Damn it, old fox!
Xue Jingshan cursed secretly, but still smiled bitterly:

"Sigh, it's not like Brother Lu doesn't know the current situation of Tonghe. Several large and small shareholders are just waiting for profit distribution without any contribution. There are still so many stocks scattered in the secondary market, and the hidden dangers are huge!"

That's right, you are among the shareholders mentioned by labor and management!

However, Lu Yao seemed unable to understand what he meant. Instead, he looked surprised:
"Ah? Isn't this what you asked for in the first place, Brother Xue? Whether it's Huatie or other shareholders, it's just a purely financial investment and they don't care about Tonghe's operation and management!"

Come on, you old fox, you were so loud in the past and controlled your power like an old hen guarding her cubs, but now you dislike shareholders and don’t contribute anything?

Hearing this, Xue Jingshan's eyes flashed with embarrassment, but the shame he had cultivated over the years made it impossible to see any flaws. He continued:

"Oh, you can't say that. Although I ask shareholders not to ask about management, they have received a lot of dividends in recent years, right?"

"After all, we are all in the same boat. If something goes wrong with Tonghe, it won't be everyone's interests that will be lost, right?"

This is true, but if something goes wrong with Tonghe, Xue Jingshan will definitely lose the most. This is something the two old foxes know very well.

Although Lu Yao also valued his own interests, he had some guesses about the background of Lingmu Capital, so he did not express his attitude directly, but said vaguely:
"I must absolutely believe in you, Brother Xue, otherwise I wouldn't have purchased Tonghe's shares in the first place!"

"Brother Xue, don't worry, I will find my position when needed!"

I definitely have to find a position. After all, I am also one of the shareholders of Tonghe, but it is the instinct of businessmen to pursue profits. When the time comes, I will definitely stand with whichever side has the advantage!

As for whether he will support you, it depends on your ability.

Xue Jingshan also heard this meaning, so he nodded and said:

"Brother Lu, I'm relieved with your words!"

After so many years of ups and downs in the business world, I still have this confidence.

At this point, the two parties stopped continuing the topic and started a new round of tea tasting.

Xue Jingshan clapped his hands, and a manager in a straight suit walked in, followed by a group of more than a dozen high-end technicians!
All of them are wearing uniform business attire, with white shirts with deep-cut necklines, and sky-blue hip-hugging skirts, which are perky and plump, with long legs made of various silks, straight and slender, every one of them is top-notch!
Similar to the scene that Xue Jingshan and Lu Yao were in, there was Su Xiao who was in the Jun Yuexi presidential suite on the 83rd floor of Jinmiao Building.

After eating with Shen Lingxi and others, Su Xiao received a call shortly after returning to the suite. The caller was Yu Ziqing!
He said he wanted to bring someone to visit!
Although she was a little confused, Lidya Su still asked her to come to Jun Yuexi to meet.

Then, when Mishu opened the door, he saw Yu Ziqing, whose figure had changed drastically, walking in with a group of five women.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that these women look very familiar.

Su Xiao took a closer look, good guys, aren't these all celebrities?
(End of this chapter)

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