After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 276: Suspension and Counterattack, Memorandum of Cooperation

Chapter 276: Suspension and Counterattack, Memorandum of Cooperation
The day after meeting Du Qiu, Xue Jingshan returned to the Magic City.

"Chairman, the China Securities Regulatory Commission said that market-based behavioral supervision will not intervene!"

Xiao Ya, the secretary who still retains her charm, said with a solemn expression.

Before going to the Imperial Capital, Xue Jingshan asked her to report Lingmu Capital's hostile acquisition to the relevant departments, and pointed the finger at Lingmu's unknown source of funds.

However, under Lin Yixing's operation, the China Securities Regulatory Commission gave a reply that market-oriented behavioral supervision would not intervene.

Xue Jingshan nodded. He just tried it. He didn't expect it to have much effect. He took a deep breath and waved his hand:
"I know, you go down first!"

After Xiao Ya left, Xue Jingshan regained his composure.

After thinking and analyzing all the situations, he sighed helplessly:
"Lin Yixing, Lin Yixing, if I were 20 years younger, I would have the patience to compete with you!"

Even though he has his sights set high, he has to admit that Lin Yixing is a powerful opponent. Of course, it is not just because of the acquisition of Tonghe, but from the beginning of Lin Yixing's rise.

He took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his sore nose. Although he was in his early sixties, although he took good care of himself, his energy was not as good as before!
In his opinion, there are many ways to break the situation, but except for the method of adding new allies, the rest are all about fighting a protracted battle. As the soul of Tonghe, he cannot relax at all during this period. This is very important to his Physically, it is also a great challenge.

If the chosen ally were someone else, he would probably hesitate again and again, but given the opportunity to board the big ship of Qingcheng, he would no longer hesitate.

"Then stop trading!"

he murmured.

The next day, September 9, Monday, Tonghe Group suddenly applied for a three-day trading suspension on the grounds that the company would undergo a major asset restructuring, and also issued an announcement!

This made Lin Yixing, who was about to continue to vigorously purchase goods and continue to increase his holdings, stunned and said bitterly:
"You old guy, does this delay make sense? It's just delaying death!"

He leaned on his office chair, frowned and thought for a while, and then decided to postpone the acquisition plan for the remaining targets. He had to wait until the situation with Tonghe became clear before taking action. Otherwise, the risk would be too great, and he would be completely unlucky if he was not careful. All bets are lost!

On the other side, not long after Xue Jingshan announced the suspension of trading, Du Qiu, the spokesman for Huatie, received the news and immediately became furious because Tonghe's decision to suspend trading was not notified to Huatie's directors at Vanke. This was a complete failure to let himself go. In my eyes!

A phone call was made to Xue Jingshan, but because Xue Jingshan went to the imperial capital Du Qiu in person before and did not give him face, so this time Xue Jingshan also did not give Du Qiu face. After arguing with each other, they broke up again on bad terms!

That afternoon, Xue Jingshan made an appointment with Su Xiao again.

When she heard the news about Xue Jingshan's appointment, Su Xiao was playing games with Ji Yi, Yan Qi, Mi Shu, Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran. She immediately replied to the mobile phone held by Yan Qi to her ear. :
"Huh, I'm quite busy now, how about eight o'clock in the evening?"

Xiao Ya on the other end of the phone nodded repeatedly and said:
"Okay, okay, Mr. Su, please do your work first, I won't interrupt you!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Ya's face turned red. As a woman in her late forties, how could she not hear what was happening on the other end of the phone?
My mind couldn't help but recall the scene when I met Su Xiao in Jun Yuexi that night. Although Su Xiao was wearing loose physiotherapy clothes at that time, it could be seen from the exposed parts of his shoulders, leg bends and collar that his The body is very strong, and not the kind that piles on muscles, but the kind that is very healthy.

Coupled with his age and handsome appearance, he is simply every woman’s dream man!
It is said that women are like wolves at thirty and tigers at forty, and she is at the age where she is like a wolf and a tiger. She is used to being busy and not thinking about it. But now that she was provoked by the movement on the other end of the phone, she immediately calmed down. No more.


Her full chest rose and fell, and after taking a few deep breaths, she temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​practicing water ninjutsu, and then backed away from the door of the chairman's office:

"Chairman, Director Su is free at eight o'clock in the evening!" Hearing this, Xue Jingshan nodded:
"I understand. With so many properties, it's reasonable for Director Su to be busy!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Hey, it's better to be busy. Young people have energy. Unlike me, I will be exhausted after flying to the imperial capital!"

Noticing that Xiao Ya's face was a little red, he asked with concern:

"Xiaoya, are you feeling unwell?"

Xiao Ya quickly shook her head and said:
"No, no, maybe it's too hot!"

"Chairman, if you don't have any other instructions, I'll get started!"

Hearing this, Xue Jingshan nodded, waved his hand gently and said:
"Okay, let's go!"

Xiao Ya felt relieved and walked out quickly with a slightly unnatural pace.

As soon as she left the office, Xiao Ya headed towards the bathroom. When she met someone who said hello on the way, she just smiled and nodded in response without stopping.

Although he doesn't practice often, given his age and qualifications, Xiao Ya can definitely be regarded as an elite among water ninjas. His seal techniques, strength and angles are very precise, and his chakra is also very huge. He used two spells in succession. The large water dragon bomb still did not affect physical strength!

At eight o'clock in the evening, Su Xiao hosted a banquet for Xue Jingshan at Jun Yuexi. Of course, this was just a term for high emotional intelligence. Low emotional intelligence meant filling his stomach while meeting Xue Jingshan. After all, he was too busy in the afternoon and did not have time to finish the meal.

Looking at the six beauties around Su Xiao, each with their own merits, Xue Jingshan couldn't help but show a young and handsome smile. At the same time, he also admired Su Xiao's ability to control people and his physical strength.

Xiao Ya, who was sitting opposite Su Xiao, looked at Su Xiao who was still full of energy and couldn't help but cross her legs. When she lowered her head, there was a flash of light in her eyes.

Su Xiao, who was chatting with Xue Jingshan while eating, didn't pay attention. Otherwise, if he turned on Insight, he would definitely see that Xiao Ya's status bar always had a negative buff of "Emotion".

However, according to Lidya Su's preference, even if he sees it, he probably won't have any reaction.

After all, although Su Xiao understands that Mr. Cao is willing to be Mr. Cao, not all meat can be swallowed.

Although Xiao Ya is well maintained and has a plump figure, her B+ level appearance is really not Su Xiao's cup of tea.

"Director Su, I wonder if the memorandum of cooperation between us can be signed today?"

After the dinner, Xue Jingshan didn't hide anything and spoke straightforwardly.

Lidya Su said curiously:
"Has Huatie Group agreed to Xue Dongqian's restructuring plan?"

Hearing this, Xue Jingshan shook his head and said:
"No, so I decided to hold a board meeting tomorrow and let the board members vote!"

"Don't worry, Director Su, if the board of directors fails to vote, our memorandum of cooperation will automatically be invalidated, and you will not suffer any loss!"

(End of this chapter)

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