After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 277 Tonghe Board of Directors, Xiao Ya’s on-the-spot kill

Chapter 277 Tonghe Board of Directors, Xiao Ya’s on-the-spot kill
September 9th, Tonghe Group Conference Room!
At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room was a little tense.

Tonghe Group's 11-seat board of directors has 10 members, of which Tonghe Group's management occupies 4 seats, Huatie occupies 3 seats, and the remaining 3 are independent directors.

Under normal circumstances, the company's independent directors tend to be closer to the company's management, which is where Xue Jingshan's confidence lies.

If the ten board members present vote, Tonghe can basically secure 7 votes in favor, which means it will exceed two-thirds and the reorganization plan can be passed smoothly.

However, there is only one variable, and that is the independent director who has not yet arrived, Song Mingzhi, because he was nominated by Huatie.

If Song Mingzhi supports Huatie, Xue Jingshan's plan will be rejected, otherwise it will succeed!
Regarding this point, Xue Jingshan was unsure and could only hope that the other party would favor him because of the recent large-scale transaction with Tonghe.

The time was almost up. Du Qiu and Xue Jingshan were both looking at their watches, but Du Qiu looked more anxious.

"How is it, have you got in touch?"

Du Qiu turned his head and asked the assistant beside him.

The other party shook his head helplessly:

"Unable to contact, Mr. Song has turned off his phone!"

Seeing that the scheduled time had arrived, Xue Jingshan's eyes flashed with a smile, and then he said loudly:
"Okay, now that the time has come, let's get started!"

Hearing this, Du Qiu frowned and said:

"Director Xue, don't worry, right? Song Mingzhi knows that the director hasn't arrived yet!"

In response, Xue Jingshan shrugged:

"Mr. Du, I remember that you are a person with a strong sense of time. Why are you today..."

He didn't finish what he said later, but the meaning was already obvious.

Du Qiu choked and snorted:

"Then let's get started!"

Since the call cannot be reached, there is no point in delaying for a few more minutes.

Seeing this, Xue Jingshan was satisfied. With a wave of his right hand, his men began to distribute documents to everyone present.

After everyone got their reorganization plan, Xue Jingshan signaled to Xiao Ya, who was presiding over the meeting, that the meeting could begin.

Xiao Ya nodded and said:
“Dear shareholder representatives and attending representatives:
good afternoon everyone……

Let’s start with the first topic of the day…”

He began to briefly introduce the cooperation memorandum signed between him and Su Xiao to everyone present. The main content was that Tonghe exchanged interests with Su Xiao by issuing new shares.

In this regard, the three shareholders of Huatie Group, including Du Qiu, naturally had the same position and expressed opposition.

There is no other choice but to vote by show of hands!

Seeing that the management and the three independent directors all voted in favor, Xue Jingshan smiled, and then heard Xiao Ya say unhurriedly:

"The board of directors plans to issue a topic today, a memorandum of cooperation signed with Jun Yuexi. There are 10 board directors present, 7 people agree with the topic, and 3 people oppose the topic..."

However, before she could finish speaking, the cell phone of the assistant who had contacted Song Mingzhi rang. It was Song Mingzhi who called. Seeing this, Du Qiu was overjoyed and hurriedly said:

"Wait a minute, Mr. Song is calling. You can participate in the meeting and vote remotely!"

Everyone present immediately turned their attention to the mobile phone in front of Du Qiu.

The phone was connected, turned on the speakerphone, and Song Mingzhi's voice suddenly came:
"Sorry, directors, the plane is delayed. I just got off the plane now!"

It suddenly dawned on everyone, no wonder they couldn't be contacted.

However, now is not the time to pursue this matter, Du Qiu hurriedly said:
"Mr. Song, we are in progress..." He explained the content of the meeting's vote simply and clearly, and then asked Song to choose whether to agree or disagree.

However, before Song Mingzhi voted, Xue Jingshan said enthusiastically:

"Haha, Mr. Song, long time no see. This vote is very important to Tonghe. I hope Mr. Song will think it over carefully!"

Song Mingzhi on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then said:

"Citigroup, where I currently work, has transactions with China Railway and Tonghe. In particular, there is currently a large transaction with Tonghe. I have sought the advice of my lawyer. I have a conflict of interest, so I abstain!"

Hearing this answer, Du Qiu's face lit up, while Xue Jingshan's heart skipped a beat.

Because if they abstain, the number of voters calculated is 11, and the yes vote accounts for 7/11 of the total number of people, which is less than 2/3, which means that Xue Jingshan’s reorganization proposal has failed.

When Du Qiu was about to speak, Xiao Ya, who was in charge of presiding over the meeting, spoke:

"Director Song Mingzhi, according to your statement, you are related to the interests and are avoiding the vote. Is that true?"

Song Mingzhi on the other end of the phone paused for a second and then replied:
"That's right!"

Xiao Ya continued to ask:

"You're sure you're avoiding the vote, right?"

Song Mingzhi confirmed again.

Xiao Ya continued:
"Then I want to remind you that if you decide to withdraw from the vote as an independent director, you must give us the reason for your withdrawal in writing and sign it, and then we will express it in the announcement!"

After listening, Song Mingzhi said in a firm voice:
"That's the reason I just mentioned. Because of conflict of interest, I must recuse myself from the vote. I will provide you with written opinions. Give me some time!"

Beep, hang up!

Because the Q&A between Xiao Ya and Song Mingzhi was very fast, many people present had not yet reacted. After the call was hung up, when everyone was thinking about the reasons for doing so, they heard Xiao Ya say in one final word:

"Today's board of directors meeting, the number of people participating in the vote was 10, 7 voted in favor, and 3 voted against. More than two-thirds of the votes in favor were approved. It is in compliance with the law and the company's articles of association. Next, the signing procedure will be carried out..."

There are two ways to avoid voting due to conflicts of interest, one is to abstain, and the other is to avoid voting. Although they both do not participate, the results are very different at this time.

If he abstains from voting, Song Mingzhi will be counted among the voters, but if he avoids the vote, he will not be counted.

The reason why Xiao Ya asked Song Mingzhi to confirm that she was avoiding the vote was so that she would not be counted among the voters.

Du Qiu was stunned. He stood up and pointed at Xiao Ya and said angrily:

"You are obviously leading, it cannot be counted!"

In response, Xiao Ya said calmly:

"Song clearly knows that President Song is the head of Citigroup's China region, so how could he not know the difference between abstention and avoidance of voting?"

Du Qiu was speechless, punched the table angrily, and then sat back on the chair, with a glum look on his face!

The situation took a turn for the worse. Xue Jingshan's originally sinking face suddenly became happy. The speed of his face change was astonishing.

Sure enough, according to the law of conservation of energy, smiles will not disappear, but will only move from some people's faces to other people's faces.

After the meeting, Xue Jingshan, who was somewhat satisfied, returned to his office and praised his secretary Xiao Ya without hesitation!
Xiao Ya, who blushed a little after being praised, took off the little finger-sized Bluetooth headset from her ears and said:
"Chairman, this is all down to Attorney Yan's alertness. I don't dare to take the credit!"

Xue Jingshan was stunned:
"Barrister Yan?"

Xiao Ya nodded:
"That's the lawyer next to Dong Su. She is the senior executive of Qingqi Law Firm!"

Xue Jingshan understood what he said. Thinking back to the beautiful woman in professional attire who followed Su Xiao, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. She was worthy of being connected to the Qingcheng Group. Anyone around her was so powerful!
And when they were so happy, Du Qiu, who had walked out of the building where Tonghe Group was located angrily, got into his luxury car, and as soon as the car door closed, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc!

(End of this chapter)

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