After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 279 Husband, how many sisters do I have?

Chapter 279 Husband, how many sisters do I have?

Seeing Wen Qi crying and calling her husband, Su Xiao's heart almost melted, and she immediately stepped forward and held her in her arms.

Wen Qiye turned around and hugged Lidya Su's waist tightly, pressing her face against his abdominal muscles.

Because of her persistence in exercising, Su Xiao's mermaid line has begun to take shape, and you can feel it being very strong when leaning on it.

"Be good, don't cry, don't cry!"

Lidya Su’s voice was very gentle, as if coaxing a child.

In fact, girls are no different from children at this time.

Seeing this, the others quietly retreated out of the room. If they didn't have any eyesight at this time, their emotional intelligence would be too low.

Even TheShy, who wanted to thank him for helping him recover from his hand injury, followed other teammates out of the training room with an aunty smile on his face.

Wen Qi's emotions went away as quickly as they came, and she calmed down in Su Xiao's arms for more than half a minute.

Feeling Lidya Su's hand gently caressing the back of her head, her heart became calm, and she felt extremely warm. The worry about gains and losses that she had left the training room during this period disappeared without a trace.

Before this, although Su Xiao had done a lot for her, when she thought of Xi Tianyue and the others' excellence, she would feel inferior, no matter how naive and optimistic she was in the past.

Facts have proved that a girl, no matter how she was before, will worry about gains and losses once she falls in love.

Of course, the same goes for men.

However, Su Xiao is an exception. He does not worry about gains and losses, and he has no time to worry about gains and losses!
Wen Qi raised her head and looked at Su Xiao. Su Xiao looked at her lovingly and raised his hand to gently wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Wen Qi, whose eyes were reddish, looked even more adorable now, so he couldn't help but stretch out his index finger to scratch her nose.

"Who bullied you and made you cry when you see me?"

Wen Qi wrinkled her nose and hummed:
"You, it's all your fault!"

As he spoke, he pushed his head against Lidya Su's stomach in a cute and yet fierce way.

Su Xiao pulled her up, let her sit on the gaming chair, and then let Wen Qi sit on her lap.

Such an intimate gesture made Wen Qi a little shy, but she felt it was very sweet.

Putting his hands around her waist and hips, Su Xiao asked:

"Oh? Then tell me, why did I bully you?"

Hearing this, Wen Qi pouted and said aggrievedly:
"You haven't come to the club to see me for more than twenty days!"

"And you and sister Yueyue and the others didn't take me with you when you went camping..."

Su Xiaowaner:

"It's my fault for not coming to see you, but I called you several times when we were camping. How can you blame me for not coming?"

Wen Qi turned her head away:

"Anyway, it's your fault. If I don't go, won't you be more aggressive and tougher?"

In the legend, a girl wants something even if she says she doesn’t want it?Say you want it or want it?

Su Xiao could naturally tell that she was not really angry, but just acting coquettishly, so he grabbed her hand on her lap:

"Okay, it's my fault, I should come and tie you up myself!"

Hearing this, Wen Qi's little face became a little tense, and she chuckled, but soon became serious again:

"Do you think you are a bandit and kidnapping people?"

Su Xiao put her hands on her shoulders and put her shoulders to his chest, her laughter was a bit ruffian:
"Yes, I am a bandit. I want to kidnap you to be the wife of the stronghold. Girl, are you willing?"

Wen Qi struggled slightly, wanting to say she didn't want to, but she opened her mouth and didn't say anything. She just put her head on Lidya Su's shoulder and hummed softly.

Seeing this, Su Xiao gently rubbed her chin against Wen Qi's pretty face, tickling her so much that she giggled.

"You still dare to humiliate me and say, would you like to be Mrs. Yazhai?"

"Hahaha...itchy..." "Tell me quickly, are you willing?"

"Will, will..."

Only then did Su Xiao let her go, really like a king of the mountain, looking down at Wen Qi who was huddled in his arms.

Wen Qi also looked up at him, with unabashed affection in her eyes.

Su Xiao lowered his head and kissed the girl's lips. The girl didn't dodge, but closed her eyes and slightly moved up to greet him!

After a while, the two separated. Wen Qi's pretty face looked as if she had been touched by the best rouge in the world, and it was so red!

"Girl, we plan to go out to sea tomorrow, you should come too!"

Su Xiao looked at the aura-filled girl in her arms and said softly.

going out to play?
Wen Qi blinked her big and smart eyes and asked curiously:
"Sister Yueyue, are they going too?"

Lidya Su nodded:

"Yes, I will introduce the other sisters to you when the time comes!"

Although it was a pity that she couldn't go out alone with Lidya Su, Wen Qi couldn't help but light up when she thought of getting to know other people.

She wanted to know how many women Lidya Su had.

"Husband, how many sisters do I have?"

Her big eyes blinked, full of curiosity.

Su Xiao observed her expression and saw that there was no emotion like worry or jealousy, then she clasped her fingers and said:
"Let me count, 10, 15, 25, 50..."

Every time he said a number, Wen Qi's mouth opened wider, and she was stunned when she reached the end.

Are there so many?

Are they really just three thousand beauties in the harem?

No wonder I don’t have time to see her!
Thinking that she had to share Lidya Su's love with so many sisters, her eyes couldn't help but dim.

Su Xiao, who kept glancing at her from the corner of his eye, couldn't help but get a more teasing look on his face every time he read a number, until Wen Qi discovered,

"Oh, you are such a bad, bad husband, you deliberately teased me!"

Wen Qi also reacted, and punched Su Xiao's chest with her small fist in shame and annoyance.

Su Xiao laughed and grabbed her pink fists in her hands, and then said with a smile:

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding you, you'll know when the time comes!"

The two played around for a while before Wen Qi struggled and said:

"But, I still have to train. The team is new, and my integration with my teammates is not good enough..."

Hearing this, the smiles on the faces of the team members lying outside the wall suddenly froze. AD and assistant almost rushed in and shouted, Captain, in fact, we are running well together, and we also need to rest...

Fortunately, I was restrained by TheShy and Guo. Damn it, if you go out now, wouldn't we be discovered?
If you want to die, don't drag us along!
When Su Xiao in the room heard Wen Qi's words, she rubbed the tip of her nose affectionately with her, and then said dotingly:
"It's just for better training results that I take you out to relax, otherwise the strings will be too tight and easy to break!"

Seeing that she wanted to refute, Su Xiao continued:

"Besides, even if you are not afraid of getting tired, what about others? They don't have as much energy as you!"

"Anyway, just listen to me. If you go out with me for a few days, you can also give the other people in the club a holiday. They will train with you in the club during the National Day holiday. You, the boss wife and captain, should understand something." thing?"

After hearing the previous words, Wen Qi nodded obediently, but when she heard the words "proprietress" behind her, her face turned even redder. However, she did not refute, but nodded obediently and said:
"OK then!"

As soon as she said her voice of agreement, she heard the cheering sounds of melon-eating people in the corridor outside:

"Long live the boss, long live the boss lady!"

(End of this chapter)

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