After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 280 allows you to reorganize the language. Am I bad?

Chapter 280: Allow you to reorganize the language. Am I bad?

2022, April 10.

Today is the last day of the National Day holiday, and it is also the first day that Su Xiao and others prepare to travel.

It was still the back seat of the Rolls-Royce Phantom specially prepared for Su Xiao by Jun Yuexi. Su Xiao went to the airport early to pick up Xi Tianyue and others. At this time, she was holding Xi Tianyue on her lap and Li Ruzhen in one arm. The passenger seat was in front. Looking at Leng Yiyi, it was Mi Shu who was in charge of driving.

There was a car behind the Rolls-Royce Phantom, driven by Yan Qi, and sitting in the car were Ye Fanyan, Luo Yunsheng and Guan Zhiyao.

Compared to the silence of the car behind, the car in front was obviously much more lively and busy.

Su Xiao held Xi Tianyue's waist with her left hand to prevent her from sitting still, and placed her right hand under Li Ruzhen's waistline.

While he was busy rubbing his ears with Li Ruzhen, his cell phone rang, but he had difficulty with both hands, so Li Ruzhen released his grip on Su Xiao's earlobe, and then thoughtfully helped him choose to answer.

Seeing Su Xiao answer the phone, Xi Tianyue immediately covered his mouth to prevent himself from disturbing her.

"Hey, hubby, where are you?"

It was Wen Qi's voice. Because she was "not ready" last night, Su Xiao simply held her and slept until dawn.

In this regard, there will never be a shortage of theories that animals are inferior to animals.

Wen Qi felt sweet in her heart at being respected, but also felt a little pity. No, she thought about it again just after being separated from Lidya Su for more than an hour.

Maybe it was because of the uneven road. Xi Tianyue's body was bumping up and down one after another. Su Xiao said as gently as possible:
"Well, I'm already on my way back. We should be here in half an hour!"

Hearing this, Wen Qi said curiously:

"Is Sister Yueyue with you? Can I talk to her?"

It's been a long time since we last saw each other. Wen Qi was still grateful to Xi Tianyue who took good care of her in the beginning.

However, while feeling grateful, I also felt a little guilty. It was a bit unkind to snatch someone else's husband while someone took such good care of me.

Su Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xi Tianyue who covered his mouth and shook his head.

However, Su Xiao would not care about her. He cast a look at Li Ruzhen, who immediately understood and raised the phone to Xi Tianyue's ear.

When Xi Tianyue was determined not to speak, Su Xiao spoke up:
"Yueyue, here, Qiqi wants to talk to you!"

In response, Xi Tianyue showed a hint of anger in his eyes, but he still let go of the hand covering his mouth, bit his lip, and then squeezed out a smile and said:

"Qi, Qi Qi, hello!"

At this time, the car bumped several times, and Xi Tianyue turned to look at Lidya Su in warning.

"Sister Yueyue..."

Afterwards, Wen Qi started chatting with Xi Tianyue. Xi Tianyue, who didn't want to talk and wanted to sing, was helpless, but he had to grit his teeth and continue chatting.

After a while, Wen Qi noticed something was wrong and said doubtfully:

"Sister Yueyue, are you very tired? You are panting even when you talk!"

Xi Tianyue's face turned red, and Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen next to him had playful expressions on their faces.

After glaring at Su Xiao fiercely, Xi Tianyue said intermittently:

"Well, well, well, I'm a little, a little tired, cough cough..."

The simple Wen Qi didn't think too much, but apologized:
"I'm sorry, sister Yueyue, I'm disturbing you when you're so tired. Then you can take a rest first and then you can rest when you get to the yacht!"

"All right!"

After hanging up the phone, Xi Tianyue said angrily:

"Brother, you are too bad!"

At this moment, the car jolted violently, and Xi Tianyue's head almost hit the roof of the car, causing him to scream in fright.

Su Xiao innocently said:
"What's wrong with me? It's just that Qiqi misses you and wants to talk to you. Don't you like Qiqi? Do you hate her?"

Xi Tianyue gasped for breath, and it took him a while to recover from the shock, and said angrily:

"You, you are making excuses, I, when did I say, no, I don't like Qiqi?"

"If I, if I didn't like her, how could I have arranged for people to help her move and decorate the room for her?" "Ah, brother, you are a bad guy!"

Su Xiao ignored this and continued to argue:
"If you don't like her, why don't you feel happy to even talk to Qiqi on the phone?"

Xi Tianyue blushed and gritted her teeth. If it weren't for the big hand holding her, she would have turned around and bit him. It was so bad!
"You, you are necrotic!"

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows:

"is it?"

He turned to look at Li Ruzhen on the right and asked curiously:

"Bao, am I bad?"

Li Ruzhen nodded:
"Bad, so bad!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao was not happy anymore. He hooked hard with his right hand, and Li Ruzhen was also manipulated:
"Really? Give you another chance to organize your words!"

Li Ruzhen snorted, but still changed his words:

"No, it's not bad. Husband, you are the best, invincible and the best in the world!"

After hearing this, Su Xiao was satisfied. She continued to hook her fingers and looked at Xi Tianyue:

"Look, you're the only one who thinks I'm bad, so whose problem is it?"

Xi Tianyue turned away and hummed a few times, then ignored him.

But the road conditions were not good and the car kept bumping, so she had to hold Lidya Su's hand tightly.

Seeing that she was silent, Su Xiao looked at Leng Yiyi in the front seat and Mi Shu, who was concentrating on driving.

From time to time, the two of them would peek through the car's rearview mirror to see their flirting in the back seat, and their eyes were covered with layers of mist.

"Yiyi, you are usually the best, tell me, am I bad?"

Leng Yiyi, who was suddenly cueed, was startled and hurriedly looked away. After hearing his words, she said calmly:

"No, not bad!"

Su Xiao asked Mi Shu again:

"Xiaomi, do you think I'm bad?"

There happened to be a traffic light ahead, and Mi Shu braked causing Xi Tianyue and Li Ruzhen to scream in surprise.

After the car stopped, Mi Shu breathed a sigh of relief and then said:

"Well, not bad, the boss is the best person in the world!"

OK, there were five people in the car. Su Xiao got four votes in favor with a crushing advantage. Xi Tianyue's vote against seemed pitiful and helpless.

She pouted and said unconvinced:
"Hmph, you all bully me!"

As she spoke, she leaned back, turned around and wanted to bite Su Xiao's neck, but Su Xiao opened her mouth and held her red lips in her mouth. She hesitated and was unable to resist.


Half an hour later, the Rolls-Royce Phantom finally drove into the underground parking lot of Jinmiao Building. The three people in the back seat sat in the car for a while before getting out of the car.

After getting off the car, Su Xiao hugged Xi Tianyue, who was a little weak due to car sickness, and then took out her mobile phone to call Wen Qi and the others:

"Qiqi, we're downstairs, you can just come down, and then we'll set off together!"

The things needed for the trip have been delivered to the yacht in advance, so they don't have to pick them up themselves, so there is no need to go upstairs.

While he was on the phone, the four girls in the car behind also got out of the car. They all looked at Xi Tianyue who was held in Su Xiao's arms with envy on their faces.

Among everyone, only Xi Tianyue could be so favored by Su Xiao.

After waiting for a few minutes, several figures came out of the elevator. Seeing Su Xiao, Wen Qi was the first to run forward happily.


(End of this chapter)

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