After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 287 Do you want it or not?

On the sunbathing deck on the top floor, Shen Lingxi and Wen Qi, who were relatively thin-skinned, hurriedly fled to the next floor after hearing the ups and downs of music.

As for Xi Tianyue and the others, they have long been used to it, even Mi Shu, who used to be more cheeky, is the same.

In the increasingly fast frequency of the music, Su Xiao changed dance partners one by one. However, there were more women present. By the time the last dance number was finished, the sky was already dark.

The temperature is still a bit low at night in autumn, and it is easy to catch a cold if you are on the top floor with the sea breeze blowing.

The others had already returned to the lower level first, and Su Xiao took the energetic Luo Yunsheng back to the conference living room on the lowest level.

Seeing them coming back, everyone who was preparing to eat around the dining table had different expressions. Xi Tianyue and Li Ruzhen smiled knowingly, while Wen Qi and Shen Lingxi had bright red faces and lowered their heads without daring to look up.

"Brother, come and eat quickly, I'm waiting for you!"

It was Xi Tianyue who patted the seat next to him first and shouted loudly.

The restaurant on the bottom floor is very large, and the dining table is large enough for about twenty people to sit around, so although Su Xiao and the others are crowded, it does not seem crowded.

When Su Xiao and Luo Yunsheng sit down, dinner officially begins!
However, during the meal, Wen Qi, who was always lively, kept his head lowered and only dared to pick up the food in front of him.

Shen Lingxi was better, but still didn't dare to look at Lidya Su.

After finishing the meal, two female crew members dressed as maids came up to clean up promptly.

Su Xiao was about to sit on the sofa and rest for a while, but noticed Wen Qi heading outside. After hesitating for a second, she followed him.

On the deck of the second floor, Wen Qi held onto the railing of the boat and looked at the gradually twinkling night sky. The whistling sea breeze blew over her cheeks, cooling her pretty face that was hot.

When she was confused and confused, someone hugged her from behind, and a pair of strong hands wrapped around her waist.

He only panicked for a second before realizing who it was, and immediately became quiet, but did not speak.

Su Xiao put her chin against Wen Qi's ear and asked softly:
"Qiqi, do you regret it?"

Wen Qi trembled, but still shook her head and said:


Her voice was ringing, as if she had a cold.

As someone who dreams of being together for the rest of her life, she must be very conflicted and confused.

Originally, she thought that she was ready to treat Su Xiao indifferently as he loved her and others, but when so many girls gathered together, and...she felt a little at a loss, not knowing what to do!

Lidya Su could feel her mood, so she comforted her warmly:

"It's okay. If you don't like it, then I'll just stay with you alone when I see you in the future!"

"You don't have to force yourself to do things you don't like. What I like most is the optimistic and cheerful Qiqi!"

Hearing this, Wen Qi fell into silence.

The cool breeze from the sea seems to be whimpering!
Su Xiao turned Wen Qi's body over and saw a faint glimmer of water in Wen Qi's eyes.

Seeing her tears rolling down, Su Xiao's heart almost melted. He hugged her tightly in his arms, patted her back gently and said:
"Be good, don't cry. It's my fault. I will definitely take you out to play alone next time!"

Unexpectedly, Wen Qi, who was held in his arms, shook her head and pushed him gently.

Su Xiao let go of her, with doubts and inquiry in her eyes.

Wen Qi sniffed her nose and said with red eyes:
"I just, I just saw that other sisters have become husbands, but I still..."

She didn't seem to know what to say at the back, and she replied several times without saying anything. Finally, she just skipped it and continued: "That's why I feel unhappy!"

This made Lidya Su a little stunned, is this it?
Women are indeed the most difficult creatures to understand in the world. No, Wen Qi is still a girl!
He couldn't help laughing and said:

"But you said you weren't ready last night!"

Speaking of this, Wen Qi even pouted and said with a hint of cuteness:
"Don't you know that when a girl says no, she wants it?"

Su Xiao tried her best not to laugh, but her hand around Wen Qi's waist tightened:
"Then Qiqi, do you want it now or not?"

Hearing this, Wen Qi turned away and hummed:

Hearing this angry answer, Su Xiao immediately picked her up:
"You said this, I didn't force you!"

Being hugged by his hands in a standard princess hug, Wen Qi panicked and subconsciously put her hands around Su Xiao's neck. After hearing his words, she struggled and said angrily:

"You bad guy, I said yes, yes, no!"

But Su Xiao didn't care about her. Since he was holding her and walking inside, he said in a domineering and straightforward voice:
"Then I don't care, all I heard was you saying you wanted it!"

"As a good young man, I cannot go against a woman's will!"

Although she struggled, Wen Qi's strength was actually very small, and she seemed to like this kind of flirting between young lovers. She lightly patted Su Xiao on the shoulder and said charmingly:
"You are the woman!"

After saying that, she raised her chin and hummed:
"Then I don't want it anymore, please put me down quickly!"

Hearing this, Lidya Su directly blocked her with his lips. After a few seconds, he smiled evilly and said:
"This is what you said. If you don't want it, you just want it. Then let's hurry up. A moment of spring is worth a thousand pieces of gold!"

After saying that, the pace of his feet became faster.

The automatic door on the second floor opened and closed slowly after a few seconds.

Only Wen Qi's angry voice with a hint of joy was left:
"Oh, you are so bad. I said no, no, no, no..."


More than an hour later, Su Xiao walked out of the master bedroom in a loose bathrobe. In the small living room on the second floor, there was a staircase leading to the master bedroom on the lowest floor. And although the sound insulation of the master bedroom was very good, there was still a faint sound. Some noises were heard, so everyone playing "Who's the Undercover" in the conference living room knew what was going on inside.

Seeing Lidya Su coming out at this time, he did not show any surprise.

"Brother, do you want to play together?"

Xi Tianyue waved and shouted.

The game of who is the undercover is really childish, and half of the girls present can't lie, so it's not difficult to play.

After Su Xiao joined, he played five games in total and won the first three games. Only in the last two games did the girls work together and vote her out first without asking for any reason, which ended his winning streak.

After the fifth game, Su Xiao drank a glass of beer and said helplessly:

"You are completely unreasonable. How can you play games like this?"

Others ignored him and were happy to see him being defeated. However, it did get boring after playing the same game too many times.

At this time, Yan Qi, who had always been a little transparent, raised his hand and suggested:

"How about we change the game?"

Everyone looked at her, and she took out a deck of playing cards from under the table and said:
"How about we play King Game?" (End of Chapter)

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