After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 288 The Clown Is Actually Me?

King Game?

Everyone present was stunned when they heard the name of the game.

Except for Shen Lingxi, everyone present had played Couples Ludo together, and had played several versions.

Those who had played looked at each other, then looked at the surrounding environment and atmosphere, and they all saw the eagerness to try in each other's eyes.

Shen Lingxi, on the other hand, thought of the passing game in the afternoon and thought it couldn't be bolder than that, right?

Xi Tianyue looked at Lidya Su:
"Brother, do you still have the strength?"

Well, she is more direct and has already made it clear.

After her skills were upgraded from gold level to platinum level, Su Xiao's recovery ability was very good. Although she danced all day in the afternoon, everyone except Shen Lingxi danced once or even twice, but this meeting was indeed a dance again. Returned to peak condition.

He raised his eyebrows and said:

"What do you say?"

Seeing this, Xi Tianyue was relieved. It may be difficult to say anything else, but in terms of physical strength, Su Xiao is definitely trustworthy. This has been verified many times.

Since Su Xiao agreed, others had no reason to disagree. Yan Qi said enthusiastically:
"Then let's get ready to start. Let me tell you the rules of the game first!"

She was mainly afraid that some people present would not know the rules.

"Because Qiqi is resting, there are fourteen of us now. There are A to K plus King and King. There are fifteen cards in total. A represents No. 1, and so on, K represents No. 13!"

"Little Wang represents No. 14, and Big Wang is the king!"

"Everyone draws a card, without looking at each other. The one who draws the king is the king. The king shows the card, and then gives the remaining card to the king. The king designates any two numbers to make small numbers without looking at the last card. game!"

No one present was stupid. After hearing her explain the rules, they all nodded to show their understanding.

Compared with several people taking a few cards, playing with one more card is more exciting. After all, the number designated by the king is also likely to be hit. In this case, the person who draws the king will be more cautious.

"By the way, if you don't draw the king, the game will be restarted!"

Yan Qi added, then glanced around and asked:
"Are you ready? If so, let's start?"

Seeing everyone nodding, she scrambled the cards in her hand, then put them on the table and spread them out.

Everyone drew one card, then held it in their hands and looked at it with different expressions.

Yan Qi looked at her card. It was a 6 of hearts. Well, it’s very good. It’s a red and a six. Everyone must choose me. She urged:
"Who got the king?"

Luo Yunsheng, who was wearing blue pajamas, raised his hand and then showed his king.

Seeing that it was her former teammate who got the king card, Yan Qi was greatly relieved. He immediately pushed the last card left on the table in front of her, and then said with a smile:
"Then Yun Sheng, start giving orders. Any two numbers will do. Whether it's truth or dare, any punishment is fine!"

Luo Yunsheng nodded, glanced around everyone's faces, and then said:

"No. 2 and...No. 6!"

Hearing this, Yan Qi felt something familiar in his heart. What's going on?

However, she remained calm. Yun Sheng was so simple, so he would definitely not formulate an outrageous punishment. As soon as this thought came up, she heard Luo Yunsheng say:
"No. 2 and No. 6 took a photo of each other holding hands, and then posted it on WeChat Moments saying: 'We are together!'"

"You cannot block anyone, and you are not allowed to delete it within three days!"

Hearing this, Mu Jingwan immediately said "ah". When she turned over her card, it turned out to be a 2 of hearts.

Seeing this, Yan Qi also turned over his playing cards, pointed at Luo Yunsheng angrily and said:

"Yun Sheng, you are so bad!"

If I were the boss, I would definitely be willing to do it, but there were fourteen people present, thirteen of whom were girls. Isn’t this just asking a girl to hold a girl’s hand and then post an official announcement on WeChat Moments?

This is the rhythm that will kill my Yan Xiaoqi Club!

Seeing it was the two of them, everyone burst into laughter.

"Haha, congratulations to Barrister Yan for proposing a girlfriend!" "Wanwan, when are you going to get your certificate? I'll send you a red envelope!"


Mu Jingwan, who never blushed no matter how intimate she was with Lidya Su, was blushing like a ripe red apple.

Luo Yunsheng urged:

"Wanwan, Qi Qi, hurry up, don't delay!"

Yan Qi glared at Luo Yunsheng angrily, then came to Mu Jingwan's side and said openly:

"Come on, Wanwan, it's just a photo shoot, what's the big deal!"

Mu Jingwan's face turned red, but she still hummed weakly and stretched out her white hands.

The two of them each took a photo of holding hands, and then posted it on WeChat Moments under the supervision of everyone, which was still visible to everyone.

Seeing this, everyone was happy.

The next round of the game continues!
However, before the second round of the game started, Mu Jingwan's cell phone started buzzing with messages from relatives and friends.

She didn't dare to reply at all and quickly silenced her phone.

On the contrary, Yan Qi felt like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, her mobile phone was full of colleagues from the Qingcheng Group. If she couldn't fight, she would be laughed at.

"Wanwan, won't you reply to the message?"

Xi Tianyue suppressed a smile and asked pretending to be concerned.

Mu Jingwan's face became more and more rosy, she shook her head and said:
"No, I'll just explain it to them tomorrow!"

At worst, just send a handsome photo of Lidya Su to your relatives and friends!

"Okay, keep going!"

The talented and fun-loving Yan Qi shuffled the cards again and urged!

After drawing the cards, Yan Qi slowly turned over a few cards like a god of gambling, and said while blowing:

"My lord, my lord, my lord!"

Sure enough, it was the king. She immediately stood up, stood up, leaned on her waist and laughed:
"Haha, it's finally my turn to be the king. Dear concubines, are you ready to accept my favor?"

Even when she met Lidya Su's gaze, she did not flinch, but was very excited!
Xi Tianyue pushed the last card to Yan Qi and urged while smiling apologetically:

"Yes, yes, you are ready, Your Majesty, you can start flipping the cards!"

This made Yan Qi even more proud. She put her hands on her waist and said with great pride:

"Then I will choose... No. 7 and..."

As she spoke, she scanned the expressions of everyone present, and then said slowly:
"Number 14!"

"No. 7 and No. 14 walked over there and pointed at each other and said, 'I'm going to destroy you on behalf of the moon!'"

"When talking about it, I will help them shoot the video. Remember to send the video to the video account, Yinyu, Little Sweet Potato and Balabala!"

As soon as her voice fell, everyone present could not help but gasp. Isn't this too social?
Yan Qi is indeed Yan Qi, so ruthless!

Yan Qi was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, but after a few seconds, only Xi Tianyue turned over the 7 of hearts, but Xiao Wang, who represented the number 14, did not appear for a long time. She frowned and urged:
"Where's No. 14? Why don't you come forward quickly?"

Still no one responded. Finally, Leng Yiyi, who was sitting next to Yan Qi, turned over the last card that Yan Qi had not seen yet. It was Xiao Wang!
Seeing this, everyone looked at each other in shock, and then burst into laughter!

Yan Qi was also stunned, ah, I am Xiao Wang?

After a long time, the clown turned out to be me? (End of chapter)

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