After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 289 Mission ABCDE

Chapter 289 Mission ABCDE
"Okay, okay, I've posted on several platforms, let's continue!"

Since he had already died once, the second time would be insignificant. In line with the principle of not itching if there are too many lice, Yan Qi blew a strand of hair hanging down from his forehead and hummed.

Xi Tianyue didn't feel bad about it. She just watched the video taken by the two and found it very interesting.

Especially as soon as she posted it, many people liked and left messages saying she was so cute. This made her smile so happily, so she also urged:
"Yes, yes, keep going!"

So, a new game started again, but the first few rounds were fine. After about ten rounds, the game penalties began to become gradually bolder.

Such as eating cookies, passing ice cubes by mouth, filming kissing videos...

After six or seven rounds of punishment in similar games, Shen Lingxi's cheeks were as red as rouge, but she had no intention of quitting.

Wen Qi's voice before the game really stimulated her, and she felt that she had to be more relaxed and couldn't afford to play.

Ever since, in the next round of the game, she was hit by King Xi Tianyue again, and the game punishment was:
"No. 12 put the cream on No. 9's heart and then clean it up!"

"By the way, you can't use your hands!"

Number 12 was naturally Shen Lingxi. When she was looking for who was number 9 with a blushing face, Ye Fanyan showed his red heart 9 with a slightly red face.

Shen Lingxi's face turned even redder. If the other party were Lidya Su, she would think it was nothing, but as a girl...

But since you want to play, you must abide by the rules of the game and cannot afford to play, Shen Lingxi warned herself.

So, she picked up a small plate with cream on the table and came to Ye Fanyan's side.


A few minutes later, everyone applauded to encourage Shen Lingxi for completing the task bravely.

Many people were even a little eager to try it. They thought the game was quite fun and urged the game to continue!
Ever since, the next game has become more and more interesting.

In the next N round of the game, Guan Zhiyao drew the king, specifying numbers 1 and 13, completing the task of planting strawberries on each other's necks.

This round No. 1 is Liu Sujin and No. 13 is Ji Yi.

In round N+1, Ye Fanyan is the king, designated No. 5 and No. 6, complete mission A!

In this round, No. 5 is Mishu and No. 6 is Leng Yiyi.

Then, in round N+2, Xi Tianyue and Guan Zhiyao completed mission B!

Round N+3, Xie Yuran and Yan Qi completed mission C!

In Round N+4, Su Xiao and Shen Lingxi completed task D. However, when completing the task, Shen Lingxi had zero gaming skills, so Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen and others guided them, and it took a long time to complete the task.

In round N+5, Mu Jingwan and Xi Tianyue completed task E.

Then, after gaining everyone's consent, the king can directly target one of them when appointing one of them. For example, if Yan Qi is the king and she holds grudges against Luo Yunsheng for the social death task assigned to her, then he can directly appoint Luo Yunsheng. Yun Sheng and Jihao completed a certain punishment.

Ever since, Su Xiao was among the people appointed by the king.

As for Su Xiao, it can only be said that she is in pain and happy.

In round N+6, Su Xiao and Leng Yiyi completed task F.

In round N+7, Su Xiao and Ye Fanyan completed task G.

Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen completed task H, Su Xiao and Luo Yunsheng completed task I... (If you don't understand the task, please make an instruction manual in the group)
By the time the game ended, it was already early in the morning, so they all went back to the bedroom to sleep, otherwise they would not have the energy to play tomorrow!
Since there are not so many guest rooms on the yacht, at least two girls sleep in each secondary bedroom. Only Su Xiao's master bedroom is larger. In addition to Wen Qi who took a rest in advance, Xi Tianyue also rested in the master bedroom. .

Early the next morning, Su Xiao got up early as usual and exercised in the fitness area on the yacht.

Each dumbbell on the yacht weighs ten kilograms. Most people are not used to it at all, but Su Xiao is definitely not included.

After more than two months of consistent exercise, his six-pack abs have gradually taken shape, and his mermaid lines are also obvious. However, unlike those who specialize in fitness, his muscle lines are very soft and look more natural and beautiful.

With a dumbbell in each hand, he performed reverse-grip arm curls. Every time he curled the arms, the muscles on his arms would flex, making him look very powerful.

Less than 5 minutes after he exercised, other people arrived one after another. Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen, Ye Fanyan and others were used to practicing yoga, so they spread yoga mats on the deck in front of Su Xiao.

Girls with good figures do yoga, and their postures are very graceful, which is a visual enjoyment to the eyes.

On the two spinning bikes next to them, Mi Shu and Yan Qi were exercising, but their frequency was obviously not at the same level. At first, Yan Qi could keep up with Mi Shu's rhythm. After less than a minute, Mishu gradually started to become outrageous.

Yan Qi stopped with his eyes full of shock, and began to watch Mishu's training with dumbfounded eyes. Good guy, if this speed were on land, even a professional player would be crushed, right?

I have to say that the quality of this spinning bike is so good. Mishu’s legs were even left with after-images from kicking, but there was still nothing wrong with the spinning bike. If it had been replaced by a Haro, it would have been designated for scrap, right?

After watching for a while, Yan Qi swallowed, turned around and went to practice yoga with Xi Tianyue.

The last ones to get up were Wen Qi and Shen Lingxi, but one of them came out of the master bedroom and the other from the secondary bedroom, and their walking steps were a bit unnatural.

Although Su Xiao used [medium physical strength recovery potion] on them when they fell asleep, this potion can only restore physical strength and has little effect on wounds or flesh injuries.

Seeing everyone getting up so early to work out, Wen Qi's face turned red, but she still came to Su Xiao and said hello:
"Good morning, hubby!"

Shen Lingxi also walked closer:

"Good morning, boss!"

Su Xiao gently put down the two dumbbells in her hands and said with concern on her face:
"Morning, if you feel unwell, please rest more. It's okay to sleep in!"

Hearing this, the others couldn't help but cast their eyes on them, with a teasing smile in their eyes.

Noticing their looks, both Wen Qi and Shen Lingxi blushed, but they still nodded and hummed softly.

At the same time, my heart is filled with the sweet thought that from today on, I will be just like everyone else!

At this time, the morning sun was already high in the sky. Xi Tianyue, who was doing the "Summitana" in yoga movements, said with some regret:

"What a pity. I originally wanted to see the sunrise over the sea!"

Li Ruzhen did the "Boat Pose" easily and said with a steady breath:
"What's such a pity? We can just get up early tomorrow and watch it?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up:
"Okay, okay, I haven't seen the sunrise over the sea yet!"

"Then I have to get up before four in the morning!"

"Why don't we just stay up all night?"

"good idea!"

(End of this chapter)

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