After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 290 Novice Protection Period

Chapter 290 Novice Protection Period

Naturally, you have to get into the water when you go out to sea, otherwise how can you go out to sea?
After lunch, Su Xiao asked the captain to drive the yacht to a relatively deserted island. Everyone got off the boat and played on the beach all afternoon before returning to the yacht to rest at dusk.

Because they had to get up early the next morning to watch the sunrise, they deliberately postponed their lunch break until the evening.

When everyone got up again after resting, it was already early in the morning. The captain had found a seat in advance. Su Xiao and others were eating barbecue and drinking beer on the top deck while sitting on small benches waiting for the sunrise.

After everyone had almost eaten and drank, they saw a faint red dot appearing where the water and the sky met. This small dot was like a room covered with a light red veil. Slowly, the small dot began to grow larger and larger. The brighter it becomes, as if it is covered with a layer of light red cream.

Finally, the dot slowly turned into a red arc!

Including Su Xiao, everyone stared at the place where the water and the sky met without blinking an eye, and even took out their mobile phones in advance to record this spectacle!

After many trials, the arc revealed a quarter of his face, and then half!
At this time, the sky, clouds, sponges and beaches, everything suddenly became much brighter!

Finally, the orange-red sun was revealed, and its light dyed everything around it red, but it didn't make people feel dazzling!
Until she rose higher and higher, the light she emitted became brighter and brighter, the fiery red ball gradually turned into golden yellow, and the light began to become dazzling!
And under the golden light, the sparkling sea surface became more and more beautiful, as if pieces of golden tiles were sprinkled!

I don't know who exhaled, the sound was very obvious, and everyone realized that just now, they even became cautious when breathing.

Sure enough, no matter who you are, you will always be amazed by a certain gesture of nature at a certain moment!

"so beautiful!"

Xi Tianyue seemed to be still immersed in the shock just now, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

She had seen the sunrise on the top of the mountain and the sunset on the plain, but this was the first time she had seen the sunrise on the mountain. It was a different kind of shock.

The other girls had similar reactions.

Afterwards, they began to edit the videos and photos they had just taken, and posted them on WeChat Moments, and posted short videos on WeChat Moments, leaving only Su Xiao who didn't know what to do.

Bored, he went back inside, dug out his fishing gear, went to the bow of the lowest deck and started fishing.

Su Xiao's fishing experience all came from the river in her hometown when she was a child.

When Su Xiao was a child, she cut down a slender bamboo with the fishing line and fishhook she bought from the village shop, and then made a fish float out of the corn stalks pulled from the field, and then went fishing with great interest.

It is said that fishing has a protective period for newbies, not to mention that at that time, he really gained a lot every time, and most of the adults who fished with him were from the Air Force.

However, fishing at sea is definitely very different from fishing in a small river, so Su Xiao is very self-aware and takes out her mobile phone to check the strategy.

"Live shrimp..."

He found some shrimps among the uneaten ingredients and started.

Unfortunately, he didn't know whether it was due to luck or skill. After fishing for half an hour, he didn't catch half the fish, which made him a little depressed.

"Isn't it the bait?"

Lidya Su thought as she touched her chin.

At this time, Xi Tianyue happened to come down and saw that he looked depressed, so he sat next to him and said:

"Brother, let me try, I haven't fished yet!"

Several other girls arrived and when they saw this, they gathered around him out of curiosity.

Lidya Su nodded:
"Okay, come on, I heard that fishing has a novice protection period, maybe you can become a soul in one shot!"

Hearing this, the interest on Xi Tianyue's face became more intense, he rubbed his hands, then held the fishing rod tightly while staring at the water in front of him.

"Hey, yes, yes!" Just as Su Xiao relaxed and twisted his sore neck, Xi Tianyue suddenly began to cry out in surprise, and suddenly raised the fishing rod without any fish or any skills. By brute force.

The next moment, a huge black snapper was thrown onto the deck!

Su Xiao was stunned and kept her eyes wide open.

Is there really a novice protection period?
Mi Shu quickly controlled the jumping black sea bream with quick eyes and hands. Su Xiao stood up and stepped forward to check. Good guy, this must be at least seven or eight kilograms, right?

How did Yueyue get those thin arms and legs?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly came to Xi Tianyue to check:

"Yueyue, is your hand injured?"

After checking it, I found that nothing was wrong. On the contrary, Xi Tianyue was very excited. Such a big fish. It was his first time to catch such a big fish!
Seeing this, Su Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, while the other girls' eyes lit up, and they all began to ask Su Xiao if she still had a fishing rod.

Facing this situation, what else can Su Xiao say?He immediately went back and brought a bunch of fishing rods, and then patiently taught them how to hang bait and swing the rod.

After they all moved a small pony and sat on the deck to start fishing, Su Xiao came to Mi Shu's side. The big black sea bream caught by Xi Tianyue had been put in a large white bucket by Mi Shu, and he was swimming calmly. While it was moving, there was absolutely no fear that it would become a delicacy.

"Xiaomi, why don't you try it?"

Lidya Su asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Mishu shook his head and said:
"I won't go. I used to fish a lot when I was on missions, and it's nothing new for me anymore!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao nodded, then looked at Ye Fanyan who was walking over and said:
"Yanyan, how about we eat this big guy later?"

Ye Fanyan had no intention of fishing. She approached the white bucket, looked over her head, and then nodded:

"Okay, this black sea bream looks very good and tastes good!"

She has legendary cooking skills and is familiar with most of the ingredients. She can tell at a glance that this black sea bream is of the highest quality.

"There it is again, there it is again!"

"I have mine too..."

"Bit the hook, bite the hook..."

At this moment, the group of girls behind them began to exclaim, and none of them had an empty hook.

Seeing this, Su Xiao sighed helplessly, good guys, are they all novices?

He had no choice but to work with Mi Shu as a fish-picking assistant, and he was very busy.

It was not until more than two hours later that Xi Tianyue and others' interest in fishing gradually weakened.

Of course, another reason is that the two big white buckets are full, and no more can be eaten!
Putting the fishing rod away, Xi Tianyue took Wen Qi's hand and said happily:

“I didn’t expect fishing to be so easy!”

The flush of excitement on Wen Qi's face had not yet dissipated. After hearing Xi Tianyue's words, she nodded and said:
"Yes, yes, those who make videos saying that the Air Force is flying every day must be fake!"

"It's just..."

Listening to their sweet words, Su Xiao's head was filled with black lines!

(End of this chapter)

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