After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 291: Gossip, lower limit

During lunch, everyone was extremely satisfied. In addition to Ye Fanyan's superb cooking skills, there was also the bonus of his own labor. Of course, this did not include Su Xiao.

After eating, eating, and then taking a nap, I woke up and started trying various sea sports, such as diving, wake surfing, motor boating, and motor boat parasailing.

The relevant tools are all brought on board the yacht, and many of the projects are very exciting. People who are timid, like Mu Jingwan, don’t dare to try it. In the end, they gave it a try with Xi Tianyue’s encouragement. Then he screamed in fright.

Time passed so quickly.

October 10th was the day I originally planned to return to Shanghai.

But the weather was unpredictable, and the sky became extremely gloomy early in the morning, and then the wind started to blow strongly.

"Boss, it's not safe to go back now. My suggestion is to wait until the weather improves!"

This was the feedback from the captain of "Qing No. [-]". Su Xiao also reported this situation to Xue Jingshan while the communication was not interrupted.

The general meaning is that there was bad weather when I went out to play, and my return to the Magic City may be delayed. As for the situation after the opening of the market today, Xue Jingshan can just figure it out.

When he received the news, although Xue Jingshan said that Dong Su should pay attention to safety, he did not have any worries in his heart.

After all, people at their level know best how much they care about their own safety.

Moreover, in his opinion, the current situation has stabilized, and it doesn't matter whether he has Lidya Su's help or not.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the stock market opens!
This is also the day when Lingmu Capital raises its placard for the fourth time. At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lingmu Capital raises its placard for the fourth time!

This means that Lin Yixing's holdings of Tonghe Group's shares have reached 20%, and he is not far away from obtaining a controlling stake of 30%!
Moreover, if he can find allies to join forces, the speed will be even faster!
However, this time, Xue Jingshan was not as panicked as before. After Lingmu Capital raised his sign for the fourth time, amidst Xue Jingshan's extreme calmness, a large amount of "grapevine news" began to spread through various channels!

Such as:

"Originally, Huatie Group, the largest background of Tonghe Group, and Tonghe had a huge conflict due to interests..."

"Huatie will never have any contact with Tonghe Group..."

"There are major differences within the management of Tonghe Group..."

"Tonghe Group..."

It was fine that night, but on the opening day of October 10, Tonghe's stock began to plummet due to a large amount of negative news. Originally, others thought that Xue Jingshan would speak out or take some action to stabilize the situation, but Xue Jingshan, on the other hand, seemed to have disappeared from the world. He did not appear in public or publish any comments on any public platform.

Ever since, on October 10, Tonghe Group's stock plummeted 11%, directly hitting the daily limit.

Regarding this result, Xue Jingshan and Lin Yixing had completely opposite reactions.

Although he is the chairman of Tonghe Group, Xue Jingshan hopes that the stock price will continue to fall. As long as it falls to the limit for another three days, Lingmu's holding cost will be broken down. If it is not increased, Lingmu will be liquidated!

Naturally, what Lin Yixing wants is to do everything possible to stabilize the stock price!
In the office of the chairman of Tonghe Group, after listening to secretary Xiao Ya's report, old man Xue Jingshan leaned on the office chair, humming in an ancient accent, tapping the fingertips of his right hand lightly on the armrest, and followed his movements. The chair swayed slightly, looking very relaxed and contented.

After Xiao Ya finished reporting, he slowly opened his eyes:
"Well, I understand. Let's properly announce some matters from the previous board of directors. Pay attention to your words and scale!"

Xiao Ya understood instantly, nodded and backed out.

After the secretary went out, Xue Jingshan leaned back and continued humming the song just now, like an old man who had retired to live in retirement.

On the other side, in Lin Yixing's office, looking at the trend of Tonghe Group's stock price and the news spread on the Internet and through various channels, Lin Yixing's face was cold.

When the secretary saw his expression, he held his breath and did not dare to speak.

After a while, Lin Yixing sneered and said: "Haha, old man, you want me to blow up my position? You think too much..."

He looked up at his loyal secretary and said firmly:

“Continue to buy tomorrow and continue to scan and buy!”

At present, without the intervention of external factors, the only way to stabilize the stock price decline is to continue to add shares.

The secretary said yes and backed out.

Lin Yixing stood up and paced back and forth in the office. After a while, he started again. He took out his mobile phone and made two calls. However, after making the call, his expression became even more gloomy.

"Madeh, what's going on with that old guy Du Qiu?"

He had just contacted Lu Yao first, and the result he got was that the two companies were helping each other. However, he didn't have many shares, so Lin Yixing didn't take it to heart. However, although Du Qiu of Huatie Group didn't refuse the call directly, he didn't care at all. Agree, which annoyed him.

According to the news he received, Xue Jingshan had indeed fallen out with Huatie Group. According to the principle that the enemy of his enemy is his friend, the other party should be very happy with his overtures.

After all, with more than 20% of Tonghe in his hands, plus the part in Huatie Group's hands, it is enough to gain control. In this way, both parties initiated a board of directors to directly attack Xue Jingshan and remove him and other management. Everything is settled.

But listening to Du Qiu's tone, it was obvious that he was not interested in this.

"Is it because you are afraid of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission?"

Lin Yixing guessed so.

After thinking hard to no avail, he stopped worrying about it. Let's see if his additional addition has any effect after the market opens tomorrow!

He walked out of the company building with a sullen face and asked the driver to take him to Tomson Yipin. He needed the comfort of the lucky bag!

At this time, the wind and waves on the sea were getting stronger and stronger, and there was no intention of getting better at all.

Originally, the "Qing No. [-]" that Su Xiao and others were riding on was fixed in a sheltered place by the captain and crew, but it was still very risky to stay on the ship, so on the first day of the storm, Su Xiao decided to stay on the island After finishing school for a while.

As for why this small island happens to have a large sea cave, is spacious and comfortable, and has enough supplies, that is unknown.

Beside the blazing bonfire, I looked at the grilled fish prepared by Ye Fanyan. Not only was it attractive in color, it was also sizzling with oil, and the spices sprinkled on it were also dispersed into the air.

But Su Xiao didn't have any appetite. He curled his lips and said:
"Are you eating fish again?"

Xi Tianyue said matter-of-factly:
"Yes, there are still a lot of fish left in the pond over there that we caught before. We can't waste them!"

Ji Yi squeezed his shoulders comfortingly and said softly like coaxing a child:

“Boss, if you don’t want to eat fish, then we can catch abalone or octopus tomorrow!”

Su Xiao's eyes lit up and she looked at Ji Yi, but when she saw his gaze, Ji Yi spat:

"Boss, what do you want?"

"Hey, I haven't eaten meat for two days, what do you think?"

"No, Captain and the others live over there..." (End of Chapter)

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