After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 292 Sun Lin’s strange dream

Tomson Yipin, Building A, 36th floor.

Lin Yixing panted heavily and said with an apology on his face:
"Linlin, I've been worried a lot these past two days, so I'm a little out of shape. I'm sorry!"

After saying that, he sat down on the edge of the bed a little depressed, lit a cigarette and started puffing away.

It is said that a cigarette afterward is better than a living god, but at this moment, Lin Yixing's heart was in a mess and he seemed very irritable.

Sun Lin, who was wearing light lace pajamas, hugged him from behind and said softly:
"I know, husband, don't work too hard, your body is the most important thing!"

He said this, but when he smelled the smoke exhaled by Lin Yixing, he still frowned inadvertently.

She didn't like the smell of cigarettes. This was a habit she had developed in the past few years. Later, after following Lin Yixing, Lin Yixing also took good care of her habit, but today was an exception.

Sun Lin just assumed that Lin Yixing had been busy with work recently and had a lot of worries, so she suppressed her unhappiness for the time being.

However, her mind couldn't help but think of the man who always doted on her and took care of her in every possible way.

The most important thing is that that person can satisfy her!
She was excited and quickly shook this absurd idea out of her mind. After Lin Yixing finished smoking, he hugged her and fell asleep together.

After finally falling asleep, Sun Lin dreamed of the man she had only seen twice in the parking lot.

Although the man looked about the same size as Lin Yixing, his masculinity was countless times that of the latter.

I don't know if it was because she knew it was in a dream, or for other reasons, Sun Lin, who was a little dissatisfied, began to let herself go in the dream.

In the dream, she was wearing a white V-neck suspender belt and a gray cotton hip-hugging skirt, carrying a garbage bag and went out to throw out garbage. Then she met "middle-aged man Shen Chu" next to the sorting trash can who was also going out to throw out garbage. .

"Oh, I'm so stupid. I make the wrong distinction every time. Brother, can you teach me?"

The pitiful Sun Lin was bent over, with her collar slightly open, and her eyes flickered towards the burly Shen Chu in front of her.

Yeah, from this angle, he looks so handsome and manly!

This is what Sun Lin is thinking at the moment.

Shen Chu, on the other hand, glanced at a certain scene and seemed to be caught in a flash. He quickly looked away and coughed lightly:

"Okay, it's actually very simple..."

Then, the two squatted down and started sorting the garbage. Shen Chu explained and helped sorting, but his eyes inadvertently glanced somewhere above the floor again, and he coughed again, and his expression became a little unnatural.

Sun Lin, on the other hand, seemed not to notice his "strangeness" at all, and continued to pretend to be a young woman like tea.

After a long while, the large bags of garbage were finally sorted. Sun Lin stood up, bowed sharply and said:

"Thank you very much for your help, brother. If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would have done!"

In the eyes of Shen Chu who swallowed his saliva, Sun Lin straightened up cutely, hugged Shen Chu's right hand and said:
"To thank you for your help, why don't you go to my house and let me feed you?"

Eat below?
She seemed to see the movement on Shen Chu's face, but she couldn't make up her mind, so she smiled and said:
"It's okay, brother, my husband is not at home!"

Then, she dragged Shen Chu into the flat floor on the 36th floor...

Bang, as soon as the door was closed, Sun Lin suddenly woke up from her sleep, gasping for air.

Lin Yixing, who was awakened by her movements, frowned, but still managed to endure it and said gently:
"What's wrong Linlin, are you having a nightmare?"

Sun Lin, who covered her chest with one hand and reached for her legs with the other, gasped for air. She rubbed her legs unconsciously for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, keep sleeping!"

Lin Yixing was so sleepy that he pulled Sun Lin into his arms, then hugged her softly and continued to sleep.

The charming scene just now was still swirling in Sun Lin's mind. She couldn't wait to force herself to fall asleep, as if she wanted to continue the plot just now.

However, when she finally fell asleep, she found that the scene had changed. This time it was not a garbage room or a sofa in the living room on the flat floor, but a corridor.

Still wearing only a white suspender belt and a cotton hip skirt, she was cleaning the already clean corridor with a broom. While cleaning, she would involuntarily bend over and stick out her buttocks. At the other end of the corridor, her temperament became a bit lewd. But Shen Chu was squatting in the corner and peeking.

Although she knew all this, Sun Lin was not panicked or disgusted, but instead felt a little inexplicably excited!

After a while, she changed various positions to clean the dust. Finally, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Just when she was about to turn around and go home, she seemed to have just seen Shen Chu. She smiled sweetly and raised her head. Hand greeting:
"Mr. Shen, what a coincidence!"

In the dream, she didn't seem to care why her Tomson first-class flat-floor apartment turned into a petty building, and Mr. Shen Chu even became her neighbor!

Shen Chu, who was found to be a little flustered, quickly stood up, forced a smile and said:

"Yes, Mrs. Lin, what a coincidence, you are working hard cleaning again?"

Sun Lin pulled her collar, which seemed to be a little hot. She wanted to use this action to cool herself down. At the same time, she said helplessly:

“There’s always dust here, and the property management doesn’t do anything, so what can we do?”

Shen Chu swallowed his saliva and echoed intently:

"Yes, yes, Xunli Property is so unreliable, I have long wanted to file a complaint against them!"

Sun Lin looked at the strong body of the man in front of her with a warm smile on her face:
"Mr. Shen, did you just come back from get off work?"

Shen Chu nodded quickly:

"Yes, yes, why, President Lin hasn't come back yet?"

Hearing this, Sun Lin showed a look of distress on her face, then nodded and said:
"Yes, my husband has been working overtime every day during this period, and he hasn't slept at home for several days!"

Shen Chu looked surprised:
"Ah? Is President Lin so busy? He actually has such a beautiful wife at home?"

As he spoke, he touched his chin in confusion:
"But, yesterday I saw him taking a woman in a suit and skirt... Sorry, Mrs. Lin, maybe I saw it wrong. Mr. Lin must love you very much!"

Shen Chu seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly apologized and then turned back to his home.

But Sun Lin was shocked. Sure enough, it wasn't because she was busy with work at all, nor was she in a bad state. Her eyes flickered, as if she was struggling or hesitating, and finally she looked at the room that her neighbor Mr. Shen had just closed. Door.

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust..."

Then, the light in the room happened to be broken. She moved a ladder to change the light bulb, but the ladder was unstable. Mr. Shen happened to be passing by at the door and kindly came to help.

In line with the principle of finding someone to repair the water pipes, but fixing the lights if they are broken, Mr. Shen helped her stabilize the ladder and also used a flashlight to help her illuminate.

After some difficult attempts to aim correctly, the light finally became brighter, but because of her instability, she fell down and fell on Mr. Shen... (End of Chapter)

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