After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 301 Sun Lin with fever

In the Jun Yuexi presidential suite, Shen Lingxi was reporting the latest situation to Su Xiao:
"The news we deliberately revealed to Lingmu Capital has spread, and Tonghe Group's stock price has temporarily stabilized!"

"Boss, when will we close the net?"

Shen Lingxi was wearing a pair of rimless glasses. Her eyes were shining with admiration at this time. Although there were many layouts in the stock market that she and her subordinates operated, all of them were almost incompatible with Su Xiao's original plan. not bad!

Although this makes her have no sense of existence, it does not affect her admiration for Lidya Su at all!

Of course, her admiration for Su Xiao was not limited to this. Anyway, without the support of others to disperse the firepower, she would not dare to arouse her boss's desire alone.

After listening to her words, Su Xiao touched Luo Yunsheng's hair in front of her, then thought about it and said:

"After a week, let the prey relax first. After they feel that the danger has passed, then kill them with one strike to make them feel complete despair!"

He took a deep breath, then let it out for a long time, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

This feeling of having all the enemies at your fingertips is very wonderful!
Ding, I received a WeChat message. I picked up my phone and saw that it was from Mi Shu.

After reading the content of the message, Lidya Su's eyes became cold.

He patted Luo Yunsheng and Shen Lingxi's heads and said:
"Come on, come in and help me change my clothes. I have something to go out to!"

Although they were a little confused, the two girls nodded obediently.

The three of them entered the bedroom and closed the door. It took more than an hour to open it. Su Xiao, who had re-disguised herself and changed into a casual suit, came out. Oh, strictly speaking, this look should be called Shen Chu!
The middle-aged successful man, Shen Chu, is also the male protagonist Shen Jun in Sun Lin's dream!

As for Luo Yunsheng and Shen Lingxi who followed him into the house, they were naturally busy and exhausted. They were hugging each other to rest.

Arriving at the underground parking lot of Tomson Yipin, Su Xiao just walked to the elevator when the elevator door dinged open and Sun Lin in a gray stepmother dress appeared in the elevator.

Su Xiao, who was originally thinking about what topic to strike up a conversation with, was stunned for a moment after seeing Sun Lin's favorability.

Because the favorability seen on other people is either positive or negative, but the favorability on Sun Lin shows two values.
60 / 100!
The logo representing the favorability level also shows a black heart and a big red heart at the same time.

This was the first time this happened, and Lidya Su was a little confused.

The moment she saw him, Sun Lin, who originally seemed a little trance-like and listless, suddenly seemed to have been injected with a tonic, and her whole person was rejuvenated.

The negative buffs she had on her body: tiredness and daze, suddenly disappeared and turned into joy and excitement!
This made Lidya Su even more confused. What is this woman doing?
However, seeing that her exclusive Phoenix Bond is between the second and third stages, one can probably guess the reason. Is this woman dissatisfied with Lin Yixing, so she wants to fight back?

But, how could she be so happy to see him?
What Sun Lin said next made him even more confused:
"Dad...ahem, no, you are Mr. Shen, right?"

"I'm sorry, this may make you feel a little strange, but I am so excited to see you... That is, you look very much like my late father, so when I see you..."

She was a little incoherent, and Su Xiao blinked, her thoughts racing in her mind. Although she didn't quite understand what this lady was doing, it was still a good opportunity, so she smiled gently and said:

"Madam, don't be so excited. Stay calm and speak slowly if you have anything to say!"

Ah, this smile and this voice are exactly the same as in the dream!
An indescribable numbness rushed straight into Sun Lin's heavenly spirit, making her body go limp. The fatigue accumulated during this period also burst out, making her suddenly weak and ready to fall to the ground.

Su Xiao hurriedly held her and felt that she seemed to have no bones.

Suddenly, an indescribable disgust surged out of Su Xiao's heart, but in order to figure out the reason, he temporarily suppressed the urge to push Sun Lin out.

"Madam, are you okay?"

he asked, feigning concern.

Sun Lin couldn't help but tremble slightly. After a while, she slowly came back to her senses. Although she felt a little embarrassed, she was also very happy. She leaned on Lidya Su and said softly:

"Mr. Shen, I seem to be feeling a little uncomfortable. Could you please help me go? I live on the 36th floor!"

so smooth?

Originally, I came to Tomson Yipin just to strike up a conversation with Sun Lin and then implement the follow-up revenge plan, but I didn't expect it to go so smoothly!

Could it be that this woman discovered something and therefore retreated in order to advance?

Or is this all a trap set up by Lin Yixing?

He remained vigilant in his heart, but he was fearless. No matter what the intentions of this couple were, with his current strength, he was not afraid of any tricks.

Then let's take advantage of the trick and follow him first to see what kind of medicine this woman is selling in her gourd!

Thinking of this, he nodded and said:

"Okay, let me help you up. Do you have any medicine at home? I think you feel a little unwell. If not, I have some at home. I happen to live on the 37th floor, above you!"

His vicissitudes of life and magnetic voice blew through Sun Lin's heart like a spring breeze. During this period, the long-lasting TV series in her dream suddenly reappeared. The image of several male protagonists was instantly different from the burly middle-aged man in front of her. The combination of young men and women makes it difficult for her to extricate herself!

Moreover, he... no, he lives upstairs in my house. No wonder he appears as my neighbor so many times in the dream.

She trembled slightly, but still managed to say:
"No, it's okay. I'll just go back and rest for a while. I'm probably thinking about...thinking about things during this period, so I didn't have a good rest!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao... No, it should be called Shen Chu now. Shen Chu nodded and opened the elevator with his palm prints, and then pressed the elevator button on the 36th floor.

When the elevator started, the slight feeling of weightlessness made Sun Lin involuntarily hug Shen Chu a little tighter, her head gently pressed against his broad shoulders, and her hands inevitably touched those strong abdominal muscles!

As expected of Mr. Shen, the man I am destined for...

The elevator door opened. Shen Chu helped the weak Sun Lin out of the elevator. Then Sun Lin opened the door with her palm prints, and Su Xiao pushed the door open easily.

The two entered the entrance hall. Su Xia looked around and found that except that the layout of the house was no different from the one upstairs, the decoration and layout of the house were completely different.

Well, Su Xiao can tell that this house is decorated according to Sun Lin's aesthetics. Many decorations in the house are mainly purple and light purple, such as purple crane ornaments, light purple ceilings, purple chandeliers, and balconies. of wisteria flowers.

In the past, Su Xiao also liked purple for a while because of Sun Lin. It was like the lyrics in a song by Xu Shangao, "My sister said purple has a lot of charm!"

However, after experiencing betrayal, purple has become the color Su Xiao hates most. Like Xi Tianyue, if she wears purple clothes or underwear, she will also be severely punished by Su Xiao!So later, other girls around him did not dare to wear purple, but there was one exception, and that was Luo Yunsheng. She often stroked her beard, and of course, she was severely punished by Su Xiao every time.

However, because of her non-directional skill, not only was she not afraid, but she was excited and enjoyed it every time.

All thoughts only happened in a moment. Shen Chu helped Sun Lin sit on the sofa, then straightened up and asked:
"Madam, where are the medicines at home? Can I help you get them?"

Sun Lin was leaning on the sofa, her curvy figure outlined by her stepmother's skirt, looking a little charming and tempting.

"I feel much better. Mr. Shen, please sit down and I'll pour you some water!"

Just as she was about to stand up, her feet went weak again. On one side of her body, her hands subconsciously pulled Shen Chu's trouser legs.

Fortunately, he stretched out his belt, otherwise his underwear would have been exposed.

He frowned slightly, something was indeed wrong. He looked around, wondering if there were cameras hidden somewhere in the house. I had heard this routine a lot before, and it also had a nice name: Immortal Jump!
After thinking about it, he decided to make a move first to try to retreat:

"Since you're fine, madam, I'll go back first!"

After saying that, he pulled Sun Lin's hand down, then turned and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Sun Lin felt anxious, thinking that Mr. Shen was indeed a gentleman, and he didn't have any bad thoughts at all.

But just because he didn't, doesn't mean she didn't!

She groaned, leaned weakly on the sofa, and began to hum.

"Shen, Mr. Shen, I seem a little out of breath..."

As expected, Shen Chu paused in his steps, turned around and came back, saying in a concerned voice:

"Then do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Ward play?

Sun Lin's mind moved, and the relevant plot automatically emerged. Although it was very emotional, she still swallowed and said:
"No, no, no, Mr. Shen, just help me into the bedroom and lie down!"

"Don't worry, my husband has been very busy recently and hasn't been back for more than a week!"

Well, the second half of the sentence made Shen Chu stunned. Why do these lines and the plot feel familiar?

Does this woman Sun Lin want to go to Sakura to shoot an action movie?
While lifting her up, he opened Insight to check her status. After seeing it, he was really shocked:
[Black character - Sun Lin] Age (24 years old), height (162cm), weight (41kg);
Favorability: -60/100;
Appearance rating: SS;

Body rating: SS-;
Temperament rating: SS;

Overall rating: SS.
Current status: Emotional!

Role skills: master makeup, elite yoga, elite cooking, elite tea art, elite flower arrangement, elite wine tasting, skilled financial management, entry-level management.

Character bonds: Yuhuang-Canary (exclusive bond, third level of activation), Yan Ruyu (activated), Fu Xi (activated), Mu Qiang (activated).

Driving record: number of vehicles driven (2), driving experience (two years), number of driving (549).
The attributes haven't changed much. The previous S+ figure has been upgraded to SS-. No wonder it looks more and more charming just now. In addition, it is a state similar to a negative buff: emotional!

He is very familiar with this. After all, the girls around him have this buff in most cases.

Looking at the number of drives again, it has only increased twice since last time. So is it because Lin Yixing can't satisfy her, so she has such a fever?

Su Xiao... No, it's Shen Chu. Shen Chu felt contempt in his heart, but he didn't show it for the time being.

At present, it seems that this woman just has a fever and is not trying to jump herself, so let's give it a try. This time she will definitely remember it for the rest of her life!
As a qualified hunter, you must have enough patience.

But now, he is very patient!

He helped Sun Lin into the bedroom, and then helped her sit on the bed. Shen Chu opened the quilt and let her lie in. He didn't want to hear Sun Lin say as soon as he covered her with the quilt:
"Mr. Shen, I'm so hot. Can you help me take off my coat?"

Sure enough, it was the plot of an action movie. Shen Chu looked at her tight cotton stepmother skirt, pretended to have a lump in his throat, and then apologized:

"This, this is not appropriate. Madam, you should take it off yourself. I will leave first!"

After saying that, she quickly walked out of the bedroom. This unhesitating attitude made Sun Lin slightly stunned!
However, she turned her eyes and recalled the way Shen Chu looked at her just now, and couldn't help but feel her heart flutter. When she heard the sound of the door closing outside, she said to herself with burning eyes:
"Mr. Shen is indeed a gentleman. Even so, he would not take advantage of others' danger, but..."

"I will definitely make you fall in love with me, Mr. Shen..."

Su Xiao has returned upstairs, and Mi Shu, who was assigned to keep an eye on Sun Lin, is waiting respectfully at the door.

Seeing Lidya Su come back, the corners of her mouth inadvertently raised.

Seeing her, Lidya Su also said gently:
"Xiaomi, you've been working hard these days!"

Mishu shook his head:
"It's not hard, I can do anything for you!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao was extremely moved and thinking about the next plan, he pulled Mi Shu back into the house and said:
"Next, you go back to Jun Yuexi and wait for me. When everything is done here, we will return to Yuncheng!"

Mi Shu nodded obediently:


Lidya Su hugged her waist:
"But before that, I have to reward you first!"

Mishu was shocked:

"Ah? No, no, I'm alone..."

Lidya Su comforted her:

"Don't worry, no one will die!" (End of Chapter)

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