After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 302: Skip Step 1 of Cheating

At around six o'clock in the evening, Su Xiao, who still maintained his middle-aged appearance, was leaning on the head of the bed, with Mi Shu lying next to him, who had fallen asleep.

He recalled the scene when he met Sun Lin in the afternoon, and his expression became increasingly weird:
"Is it true that one's true nature is hard to change, so that woman wants Hongxing to cheat on her?"

Su Xiao began to analyze the situation. Shen Chu's identity was unknown to anyone except Li Yiping and Yu Ziqing. Although he had seen Sun Lin and Lin Yixing twice in the underground parking lot, he had not touched them at all other times. Meet.

Then, the possibility of Lin Yixing using Sun Lin to arrange for himself is almost zero, not to mention that Lin Yixing's character is a very possessive person like Huan Shuyu. It is impossible to use this method of arrangement. After all, even if the cuckold is not worn, That's also a cuckold.

Anyway, Lidya Su herself can never accept similar things.

In this way, there is only one possibility. Because she is dissatisfied with Lin Yixing's energy or other aspects, Sun Lin starts to look for new targets. After all, she is this kind of person.

He was so good to her at the beginning, and he just disappeared!

Thinking of her extremely burned face just now, Su Xiao felt nauseated. At the same time, she also had an impulse in her heart. She wanted to treat Sun Lin in an even more excessive way than she treated Luo Yunsheng. After completely conquering her, she would Restore your original appearance.

By then, Lin Yixing had already fallen into the abyss. Under multiple blows, she wondered what Sun Lin's expression would be like when she saw him.
Thinking about it this way, I actually still have some expectations.

He smiled wryly:
"Is it possible that I was led astray by Yun Sheng?"

But then I thought about it, no matter how excessive the way we treat Sun Lin, it is the right thing to do!

Just as she was thinking this, the doorbell suddenly rang outside. Su Xiao was stunned. Could it be that woman Sun Lin who was here?

He stood up and put on his trousers, then put on a shirt casually, buttoning the middle button of the shirt as he walked. In this way, while the collar was slightly open to expose the collarbone, the mermaid line was also faintly visible!

Looking through the peephole, it turned out to be Sun Lin.

Su Xiao adjusted her emotions, replaced the sarcasm on her face with a calm and gentle smile, and then opened the door.

Seeing Mr. Shen whom she missed so much, Sun Lin's eyes were watery and she had a sweet smile on her face:
"Mr. Shen, you probably haven't eaten yet. I made some food and brought it to you as a thank you for your help before!"

At this time, Sun Lin put on a white V-neck top. Because the neckline was a little deep, she looked a little fair and dazzling.

The lower body is a goose yellow tight-fitting hip-hugging skirt. The skirt is very short, almost twenty centimeters above the knees!

She watched Mr. Shen glance at her clothes without trace, her throat rolled involuntarily, and she felt very proud. She was still very confident in her appearance, temperament and figure, especially in the past two years. I insist on practicing yoga and pay attention to my diet. I have become more attractive than before.

Furthermore, she knew very well that as long as he was a man, he had some Cao Gong attributes. With the buff of someone else's wife, no matter who he was, he would definitely be defeated by her!

When she saw Mr. Shen's figure under his white shirt, she swallowed involuntarily. This figure was simply perfect, not at all what a middle-aged man should have!

This made her more and more obsessed with Mr. Shen, and she became more determined to take him down!
This kind of middle-aged man with a lot of money, self-discipline and a good body is even rarer than a giant panda. Even if there is no TV series in her dreams these days, she will not let him go.

Shen Chu looked inside the room subconsciously, and then his face was confused:
"Madam, it was just a simple task, you don't have to be so polite!"

Is there anyone in the house?

Looking at his clothes again, a picture appeared in Sun Lin's mind. She felt a little sour in her heart. She leaned forward slightly and blinked:

"Mr. Shen, you saved my life. If I fell in the elevator, I don't know when someone would save me. This is no small matter!"

Seeing the other person's eyes straighten and then moving away as if he was electrocuted, Sun Lin continued:

"Besides, it's just a little meal, so your wife won't mind, right?"

She is probing!

Shen Chu felt a little moved, then reached out to take the lunch box and said:

"Thank you very much. I'll wash it off after eating and then bring it down to you!"

When taking the lunch box, Sun Lin's fingers seemed to accidentally brush across the back of Shen Chu's hand. Shen Chu took it back as if he was electrocuted, and actually felt a chill in his heart!
This woman's true nature is indeed hard to change!
Sun Lin straightened up, looked behind Shen Chu curiously and said:

"The decoration in Mr. Shen's home is very avant-garde. I wonder if it would be convenient for me to go in and take a look?"

"Oh, by the way, your wife should be at home, right? I wonder if she would mind?"

Shen Chu showed a troubled expression, but hesitated for a while before nodding:
"It's okay. You can come in and take a look. She's going on a business trip tomorrow, so she's catching up on her sleep now. Just don't disturb her by making any noise!"

Hearing this, Sun Lin was immediately elated, but there was a hint of obedience on her face and she nodded:
"Okay, okay, I will be careful not to make any noise!"

But in my heart, I was thinking that Mr. Shen’s wife was going on a business trip tomorrow, wasn’t this my opportunity?

Now, just think of it as checking out the spots in advance!

He held out his lunch box and turned sideways to let Sun Lin enter the room.

"Oops, my shoes are not clean, I'd better change to another pair of shoes..."

As soon as she entered the entrance, Sun Lin let out an ouch, and when she saw the convenient slippers, she bent down to change them.

Looking at her bent back, Shen Chu was stunned. When did this woman learn the same habits as Li Ruzhen?

Aren't you afraid of catching cold or water leakage?

He coughed lightly and entered the house first.

Looking at his somewhat embarrassed back, Sun Lin raised her lips slightly. She was very particular about her body. In Sakura's action movies, she was a big killer, and men basically had no resistance to it.

After changing into slippers, she followed into the house and looked at the layout of the house curiously. It was completely different from the decoration downstairs. It had a simple but not simple beauty.

In the past, she liked houses decorated with various expensive works of art, but now she feels that such decoration also touches her aesthetic taste.

Could this be Aiwujiwu?
Sun Lin thought so in her heart.

Shen Chu put the lunch box on the table and had no intention of eating it immediately.

In fact, if Sun Lin was not still in the house, the first thing he wanted to do was to pour the box of food into the toilet.

"Mr. Shen, you have such good taste. I like the decoration style very much!"

Holding back the resentment in his heart, Shen Chu smiled lightly and said:

"Oh, my wife is responsible for the decoration. I usually don't care about this!"

Sun Lin nodded and sat on the sofa, just opposite Shen Chu. She pulled her collar and fanned herself and said:
"Mr. Shen, don't you have air conditioning at home? It seems a bit hot!"

Shen Chu rolled his eyes secretly, thinking that you must be hot, you have a fever!

But the play had to go on, so he apologized and said:
"If you get used to it, then I'll turn on the air conditioner for you!"

With that said, he picked up the air conditioner from the table and started adjusting the temperature.

Seeing that he was such a gentleman and caring and gentle, Sun Lin's eyes lit up, but it seemed that the temperature of the air conditioner was not cooling down so quickly, so she pulled up her skirt and fanned herself.

Shen Chu rolled his throat, then looked away unnaturally, stood up and said:

"What do you want to drink? I'll get it for you!"

Hearing this, Sun Lin said with a smile:

"Just boiled water, I'm trying to lose weight!"

As she spoke, she touched her non-existent belly.

Shen Chu nodded and stood up, walking towards the refrigerator and said:
"Do you still need to lose weight? I think you are too thin!"

Sun Lin's eyes lit up:
"Really? Mr. Shen, what kind of body shape do you like? Thin or fat?"

Shen Chu poured a glass of boiled water, took a bottle of juice for himself, looked in the direction of the bedroom, and then whispered: "Actually, it's not bad. It's better to be thin or slightly fat!"

Sun Lin took the boiled water, blinked and said:

"Mr. Shen means that if you lose weight, you will look better, but if you are a little fat, it will be useful, right?"

A car whizzes past!

Shen Chu coughed lightly:
"Ahem, that's right!"

Sun Lin was a little surprised that Mr. Shen was still shy at his age?

Shouldn't it be Thomas the veteran driver?

However, this made her even more excited. Only a man who is clean and self-sufficient can make her feel more conquered!

She took a shallow sip of water, but when she took the second sip, she "accidentally" spilled the water on her chest. Suddenly she put the quilt on the table in a panic and said:
"Oops, I'm sorry, I made the carpet wet!"

At the same time, she also pulled her collar that was wet with water.

Shen Chu was speechless. There were so many scenes with this woman. I really wanted to tie her up and give her a good beating, Mad!

But he had no choice but to perform the whole play, so he hurriedly said:

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll get a rag to wipe it!"

After bringing the rag, Sun Lin took it with an apologetic look, then lay on the ground and wiped the carpet:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, just let me wipe it!"

She wiped it and said:
"Mr. Shen, the carpet in your house is a little dirty. How about I come and help you clean the house tomorrow?"

But come on, I have to change everything in the whole house after you clean it, so forget it, he thought in his heart, but he said:

"Haha, don't bother, housekeeping will come to clean the house regularly!"

Unexpectedly, Sun Lin shook her head and said:

"How can the housekeeping make people feel at ease? Mr. Shen, you don't have to worry about it. Just think of it as my repayment for your life-saving grace today!"

Tsk tsk, this woman's ability to climb along the pole is almost perfect. Looking back at the beginning, she seemed eccentric, but she was able to wander downstairs in her community for nearly a month. It's not surprising.

Anyway, I probably won’t come back to live in this house anymore, so Shen Chu nodded and said:

"That's troublesome!"

Sun Lin turned her head and said with a sweet smile:

"No trouble, no trouble!"

After a while, Sun Lin stood up, put the rag aside, then sat down, looked at her collar and said with a grimace:

"Oh, you're all wet. It shouldn't be bad if someone sees you when you go out, right?"

As she said this, she looked at Shen Chu pitifully:

"Mr. Shen, do you have any shirts? Let me put them on first. I'll wash them and bring them to you tomorrow!"

Okay, another piece of clothing needs to be put on!
Shen Chu nodded:
"Then wait a moment and I'll get it for you!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the place covered by Sun Lin's hand, then turned and entered the bedroom.

As soon as the bedroom door closed, he saw Mishu getting dressed. When he came in, Mishu zipped up his zipper, then covered his mouth and chuckled.

Apparently, she heard everything that happened in the living room clearly.

Su Xiao rolled her eyes, and after getting closer, she said fiercely:

"You still dare to laugh, my husband will punish you even more when you come back!"

Mishu was startled and quickly hugged his waist and begged for mercy:

"Wrong, wrong, husband, I was wrong!"

Su Xiao took a sip on her lips and then picked up a white shirt and walked toward the door while softly saying:

"Go back and clean you up again!"

Click!The bedroom door closed again, but the smile on Mishu's lips still did not dissipate.

Seeing Shen Chu return, Sun Lin stood up with a grateful smile on her face and said:

"Mr. Shen, you are such a kind person. Your wife must be very happy!"

As she spoke, she glanced down intentionally, then reached out to take the shirt, looked around, and then walked toward the bathroom:
"Then I'll go change clothes first!"

Shen Chu nodded and sat back on the sofa.

Seeing the half-open door of the bathroom, he shook his head helplessly and whispered:

"This woman is really hopeless..."

How did he fall in love with her in the first place?

It can only be attributed to the fact that the lark effect in the first stage of True Phoenix is ​​too powerful. In that case, if you don’t have insight or your own experiences, any man will be deceived, right?

However, after thinking about it, it was a good thing that she left in the first place, otherwise she would be the one being cheated on now.

When she left, she at least broke up with her before leaving!
Tsk tsk, a moment of silence for Lin Yixing!

When I send these performances of Sun Lin to Lin Yixing, I wonder what his reaction will be?
It must be exciting!

After a while, Sun Lin came out after changing her clothes. When she saw Shen Chu sitting upright, although she was not surprised, she felt a little pity in her heart. It seemed that the half-open door was intentionally left for him.

She was holding the top and skirt she had changed into. The hem of her white shirt just covered her knees, and she looked inexplicably seductive.

Shen Chu glanced at it and quickly looked away, saying in an unnatural voice:
"If you have changed your clothes, go back first, otherwise my wife will be in trouble when she wakes up!"

Hearing this, Sun Lin looked at the closed door of the bedroom, then came to Shen Chu's side, lowered her body and thanked her softly:

"Mr. Shen, thank you for the clothes!"

After saying that, he put his lips to Shen Chu's ear and gently licked it, then turned and left.

Shen Chu was struck by lightning and was stunned for a while before he got up and sent her out the door.

Seeing Sun Lin turning her head three times with a charming and silky expression, Shen Chu's eyes were a little unnatural. After closing the door, his expression turned cold.

Under normal circumstances, the first step for a woman to cheat is to cheat mentally, which is to find the so-called spiritual resonance. Unexpectedly, Sun Lin was so familiar with it that she skipped this step.

Then the next step should not be far away, right?

Lidya Su raised a sarcastic smile on her lips, then walked to the bathroom of the master bedroom, took a thorough bath and put on new clothes before she felt much more comfortable.

Seeing this, Mi Shu said very sensibly:

"Then I'll ask the housekeeper to clean it up!"

Lidya Su nodded, and began to plan the next thing in her heart! (End of chapter)

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