After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 303 A plain business war

In Xue Jingshan's chairman's office, Xue Jingshan frowned as he listened to Xiao Ya's report.

"Lin Yixing is really stubborn and resisting!"

After the news released by Lingmu Capital spread, Tonghe Group's stock price slowly stopped its downward trend. Of course, in addition to the news, the money invested by Lingmu Capital was also very important.

However, this little trick could not stop Xue Jingshan. He continued to ask Xiao Ya to spread news about the internal discord and management turmoil of Tonghe Group.

It is strange to say that as the chairman of Tonghe Group, not only did he not find any way to increase the stock price, but he kept looking forward to his own stock price falling. On the contrary, his enemy Lin Yixing worked hard to help him restore the stock price.

Perhaps, this is the stock market, what you see is always just the appearance!

The lights in the originally bright office suddenly turned off, and even the computers and air conditioners were turned off at the same time.

Xue Jingshan looked unhappy and said:

"what happened?"

Xiao Ya quickly responded:

"I'll go out and see!"

After a while, Xiao Ya came back. She looked strange and said:

"It seems to be a circuit failure..."

Xue Jingshan frowned:
"Are the people down here working for a living? Is there something wrong with the circuit?"

The next moment, the lights flashed again.

The strange expression on Xiao Ya's face has not disappeared yet, she guessed:

"Chairman, could it be Lingmu Capital?"

Xue Jingshan immediately came to his senses and cursed:

"Fuck, this bitch is disgusting with me, isn't it?"

Listening to his scolding, Xiao Ya looked away, afraid that she wouldn't be able to help laughing.

Chairman, there seems to be no difference between you and Lin Yixing...

On the other side, in Lin Yixing's office, looking at the dying money tree, Lin Yixing cursed angrily:

"Xue Jingshan, you are a bitch. If you have the ability to fight head-on, how can you be considered a hero if you bribed the cleaning lady to pour boiling water on my money tree?"


After cursing in a circle with the other party's mother as the center and the eighteen generations of ancestors as the radius, I felt more comfortable. I picked up my mobile phone and made a call:

"Keep on, don't stop, unplug Tonghe's network cable for me three times a day without interruption, five thousand a time, and it will be paid every day!"

The secretary who just came in coughed lightly and pretended not to hear.

After Lin Yixing hung up the phone, he returned to the office chair and sat down, and asked solemnly:

"How is the contact between Zhenming Network and Zhixin Technology? When will the board of directors be held?"

The secretary quickly replied:

"We have made clear contact, and the board of directors will be held in a week. They said they can accept our technical support, and all senior executives will give their full support!"

Hearing this, Lin Yixing said that this was expected. The market value of these two companies is tens of billions. Lingmu Capital used a method similar to that of Tonghe to obtain relative controlling stakes in the two companies in a short period of time. In addition, these two companies do not have major shareholders like Huatie, so they are easy to control.

Although the harvest is not as good as the profit from taking Tonghe, it is still a good piece of pork belly.

As long as he stabilizes these two companies, he can continue to raise funds, and he is not afraid at all even if he fights a protracted war with Tonghe!
As long as the shares he holds in Tonghe exceed 30.00%, then he can slowly disgust that old bastard Xue Jingshan!

Thinking of this, he felt a lot more relaxed.

He waved his hand and said:
"You go down first..."

His eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the pot of money tree that had been poured with boiling water to death, and he added:
"Take it out and remember to replace it with a pot that is in better condition. Oh, prepare a few more pots!"

The secretary nodded, and then dragged the dying money tree out.

When calm returned to the office, Lin Yixing twisted his neck, thinking about the secretary's slender waist and perky butt when he exited just now, and suddenly felt homesick.

Of course, I mainly missed Sun Lin at home. She raised her hand and looked at the watch on her wrist. It was not yet six o'clock, so let's get off work early!
When he walked out of the office, he couldn't help but smile slightly as he thought about Sun Lin's surprise when she saw him!

Xue Jingshan, you old guy, let me let you be proud for a while longer!
In the flat floor on the 36th floor of Building A of Tomson Yipin, Sun Lin, wearing only a white shirt, was leaning on the soft sofa. She held her collar in one hand and put it to the tip of her nose, sniffing greedily. She could smell Mr. Shen's scent from above.

This made her feel that Mr. Shen was beside her and intimate with her.

The other hand was skillfully forming water ninjutsu seals, and he was murmuring softly like a babble:

"Mr. Shen, husband, master, brother, father..."

As for the connection between these titles, it is temporarily unknown. Maybe she just feels lonely and misses her relatives and husband.

Ding dong ding dong!

At this critical moment, the doorbell rang, and Sun Lin trembled and almost used the water ninjutsu Water Dragon Bullet!

Her thoughts were spinning. Could it be that Mr. Shen was here?
This thought made her happy, and she quickly put on her slippers and headed for the door.

Click, Sun Lin opened the door with a look of joy on her face. She was about to call Mr. Shen's name, but she saw Lin Yixing in formal clothes.

Seeing her stunned, Lin Yixing thought she was too happy, so he hugged her, kissed her hair, and said warmly:
"My dear, I've been too busy during this period and I'm really sorry for neglecting you!"

But Sun Lin was really stunned. Damn, how could he be this stinky man?Why don't you die outside? It's best never to come back!

Where is my Mr. Shen?Ahhhh, I want my Mr. Shen...

Although her inner activities were extremely active, Sun Lin was not stupid. She adjusted her mentality in a second, gently pushed Lin Yixing away, and then said with a smile:

"Husband, I miss you so much. You haven't eaten yet? I'll cook for you!"

The cry was sweet on her lips, but she was extremely disgusted in her heart. She apologized to her Mr. Shen in her heart: Wow, I'm sorry, Mr. Shen. I had no choice but to do it. You know I have mysophobia. If I couldn't help it, I would I won't call him that, you must forgive me...

Only then did Lin Yixing notice what she was wearing and wondered:

"Honey, why are you wearing this?"

Sun Lin's heart skipped a beat and she quickly said aggrievedly:
"I didn't miss you too much, so I wore your shirt..."

As she said this, she showed a hint of shyness:
"You know, when casting a spell, you always need some casting materials..."

These words made Lin Yixing tremble, and he suddenly felt his blood surge. He picked up Princess Sun Lin by the waist and walked quickly towards the bedroom.

Sun Lin hypnotized herself, imagining the man holding her as Mr. Shen in her dream!
So, a few minutes later, watching Lin Yixing enter the bedroom, Sun Lin, who was holding her collar to the tip of her nose and sniffing, had a look of resentment on her face and whispered in her mouth:

"Sure enough, fantasies are just fantasies after all. He will never be as good as Mr. Shen..." After a while, Lin Yixing came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. Seeing that she was still leaning on the bed with her eyes out of focus, his heart suddenly doubled. , chuckled and said:

"My dear, take a rest and I will reward you later!"

Sun Lin came back to her senses and felt disdainful when she heard this, but she had to lower her head under the eaves, so she had to pretend to be scared:

"I don't want to!"

After saying that, he rushed into the bathroom and started cleaning.

Seeing her look like this, Lin Yixing laughed, leaned on the bed with a sense of accomplishment, and muttered:

"Lin Yixing, you must be useless as an old bastard, right? At least I can still crush you in this aspect!"

At the same time, in an unknown villa in Xue Jingshan, a young and beautiful woman leaned against Xue Jingshan and said in a lazy voice:

"Husband, you are still so brave!"

Xue Jingshan was a little tired. He wiped the sweat from his forehead while breathing, and sighed:

"It's far worse than when I was young!"

Since he was young, he has paid great attention to physical maintenance, whether it is diet or habits.

I had a lot of worries some time ago. After Tonghe Group's recent improvement, I just wanted to relax.

The woman kissed him on the face:
"Husband, you are the best!"

Xue Jingshan turned his head and raised an evil smile:

"is it?"


In the early morning, the whole world is cool, and the sunlight shines gently on everything through the light mist, which is very pleasing to the eye.

For a super first-tier city like Shanghai, it is busy even in the early morning. The sound of the whistle from the beach heralds the beginning of busyness, and Su Xiao, who transformed into Shen Chu, got up early on time, wearing a neat sportswear and Wearing a black sweat-absorbent sports headband made him look like a middle-aged man, somewhat juvenile.

I ran along the river for five kilometers and then returned along the road. After entering the community, the speed had slowed down.

Arriving at the elevator room, the elevator came up from the first floor and opened with a ding. Sun Lin, dressed in an avocado-colored dress and a black shawl, was standing inside.

Seeing Shen Chu who was still sweating on his forehead, Sun Lin was stunned for a moment, then said with joy on her face:
"Mr. Shen?"

Shen Chu was also stunned, then nodded and said:
"Mrs. Lin, good morning!"

After saying that, he also entered the elevator. The elevator door slowly closed. When he was about to reach out to press the 37th floor button, a hand pressed the button first, and his finger pressed on Sun Lin's finger.

He retracted it as fast as lightning, then nodded and said:

"Thank you!"

Sun Lin shook her head, moved closer to him, and said with a hint of excitement in her voice:

"Mr. Shen, I have washed your clothes. I will bring them to you later, right?"

"Oh, by the way, your wife should have gone out, right?"

She was anxious. Yesterday, Shen Chu said that his wife was going on a business trip.

Shen Chu nodded:
"Well, I went on a business trip this morning!"

Sure enough, the joy on Sun Lin's face could not be concealed. Although she did not continue the topic, she still couldn't help but want to talk to him:
"Mr. Shen, does he go out for morning exercises every morning? Why don't you practice at home?"

When she went to Shen Chu's house yesterday, she saw a treadmill and dumbbells, so she asked this question.

Shen Chu said naturally:

"I feel better when I go out for a run. It's so stuffy in the house!"

Sun Lin nodded:
"Yes, Mr. Shen, please ask me to come with you tomorrow. I also like to go out for morning exercises, but it's too boring to be alone, so I don't go out much!"

"Okay, then we'll meet downstairs at 06:30 tomorrow morning!"


When the elevator arrived, Sun Lin reluctantly walked out of the elevator and said before the elevator closed:
"Mr. Shen, I will bring you the shirt in a moment!"

Shen Chu nodded with a smile on his face, which turned into a sneer when the elevator door closed.

After returning upstairs, less than half an hour later, the doorbell rang. Shen Chu, who had changed into home clothes, got up and walked to the door to open the door.

After not seeing each other for half an hour, this woman actually changed into another set of clothes!
At this time, Sun Lin was wearing a black tube top and hot pants of the same color, and a black shirt and pajamas that were very transparent. Through the almost semi-transparent material, her slender arms and tube top could be seen. The small waist between the hot pants.

Her hair was tied up with a black hairpin, and hair strands hung down from both sides in front of her forehead, highlighting the elegance of that young woman!
Next to the exposed collarbone, there is a silver shoulder strap connected to the shirt and a diamond necklace that is worth a lot at first glance.

The makeup has not changed much. The eyebrows are curved, the eyelashes are long, and the watery peach blossom eyes seem to be talking. The color of the lipstick is not too bright, like two cherries with a cherry texture. Looks hydrated and shiny, plump and resilient!
Shen Chu pretended to be bright-eyed and looked up and down at Sun Lin's outfit in amazement, and then his throat rolled unconsciously.

Sun Lin was very satisfied with his reaction. She leaned forward, and when Shen Chu subconsciously turned sideways, she naturally entered the house with her hands behind her back!
Behind her was a white bag containing clean shirts.

"Wow, has Mr. Shen's house been cleaned?"

Seeing the spotless stall on the living room floor, Sun Lin was surprised.

Shen Chu closed the door and followed. Hearing this, he replied:

"Well, after hearing what you said yesterday, I also thought it was time to clean up, so I hired a housekeeper. I couldn't really trouble Mrs. Lin!"

Hearing this, Sun Lin put the bag in her hand on the table and turned to look at him unhappily:
"Mr. Shen, do you think I'm annoying? If so, I will never bother you again!"

Gee, this is a very skillful way to use retreat to advance. Shen Chu secretly cursed, but still said:
"No, no, I just think that a beautiful and generous woman like Mrs. Lin shouldn't do such menial work!"

Fortunately, the weather is good today. Otherwise, if I say this sentence, I don't know how many thunders will be attracted. This is just the way for immortals to overcome tribulations, right?

However, the effect of these words was immediate. Sun Lin's sullen face suddenly cleared up. She snorted, then said with a bright smile:
"Mr. Shen, you are really good at talking. I wonder how many little girls you have coaxed?"

Shen Chu's face looked a little unnatural, but he still shook his head seriously and said:
"No, I'm just telling the truth!"

High-end hunters often know when to stop. Sun Lin stopped pestering her and began to wander around the room curiously. Soon, her attention was attracted by the wedding photos on the table beside her.

She walked to the table, bowed slightly, and her hot pants outlined a beautiful arc!

The photo shows Shen Chu and Mi Shu when they were young, but the figure of Mi Shu in the photo looks like Ye Fanyan's.

Sun Lin looked at young Shen Chu with a look of obsession in her eyes, but when she looked at Mrs. Shen who was wearing a cheongsam next to her, she turned into cruelty and jealousy.

However, when she straightened up and turned to Shen Chu, her face returned to a harmless look:

"Mr. Shen, is this your wife? She is so beautiful and has such a good temperament!" (End of Chapter)

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