After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 306 Mr. Shen, you don’t want your old Shen family to be extinct, right?

Chapter 306 Mr. Shen, you don’t want your old Shen family to be extinct, right?

"Mr. Shen, let's talk!"

Hearing Sun Lin's words, Shen Chu frowned subconsciously, and the aura on his whole body became colder. This made Sun Lin shrink subconsciously, but she still did not retreat at all, and mustered up the courage to face Shen Lin. The first sight.

Seeing the determination in her eyes, Shen Chu seemed a little unable to bear it. He hesitated for two seconds before nodding:

"Okay, let's find a place for you!"

Hearing this, Sun Lin felt secretly happy and nodded quickly.

The two of them left the community and, under the leadership of Shen Chu, came to a coffee shop with not too many people.

Seeing him come in, a waiter with a well-behaved face said enthusiastically:

"Mr. Shen, are you here?"

Shen Chu smiled and nodded, as a greeting, and then said:

"Give me a quieter private room, I have something to talk about!"

The waiter responded, then he did some operations on the computer in front of him, and then said with a smile:
"Mr. Shen, please come with me!"

Then, she walked out from behind the bar, took Shen Chu and Sun Lin to the second floor, opened a box and said respectfully:

"Mr. Shen, this is it. Do you think you and this lady need something to drink?"

Because he was anxious to talk, Shen Chu shook his head and said:

"No, let's leave after we finish talking. Don't let anyone come in until I come out!"

The waiter bowed slightly:
"Okay, Mr. Shen!"

Then, Shen Chu glanced at Sun Lin, who understood and walked into the box first. After she entered, Shen Chu also followed in and closed the door and locked it.

The decoration of the private room is relatively fresh and elegant, with a long ivory table in the middle and two-seater khaki sofas on both sides. There are several brown, yellow, and light green pillows on the sofa.

The curtains are two-layered, one layer of white gauze and one layer of dark blackout curtains. When he came in, he only closed the white gauze curtains. After sitting down, Shen Chu also closed the blackout curtains.

It seems that only in this way can he feel safe.

When Sun Lin first sat down, she intentionally moved in, as if to leave a space for Shen Chu, but Shen Chu sat directly opposite her.

As soon as he sat down, before Sun Lin could speak, Shen Chu said in a deep voice:

"Tell me what you want to do. If it's for what happened that day, I can make compensation. Whether it's money or something else, you can make a price. As long as it's not too outrageous, I can agree!"

There was a hint of impatience in his voice, as if he hated this entangled feeling.

Hearing this, Sun Lin showed a hurt look on her face. She blinked her peach blossom eyes and said:
"In Mr. Shen's heart, am I such an unbearable woman?"

"Does Mr. Shen think I like you because of your money? Or does Mr. Shen think I am short of money?"

Her eyes were red and she choked with sobs:
"My husband is the chairman of Xunli Group. Since Mr. Shen has a successful career in Shanghai, you must have heard of him, right? Does Mr. Shen think I am the kind of person who is shameless for money?"

Shen Chu gave an affirmative answer in his heart, but his face became complicated. After a while, his expression softened and he said:
"Then tell me, what do you want to say when you see me today? It's best not to continue to be entangled between us, whether it's my wife or your husband!"

Sun Lin's face was pitiful and her eyes were full of admiration and affection. She said from the bottom of her heart:

"But, I really love you, Mr. Shen. I can't live without you!"

Shen Chu's face showed helplessness and he sighed before saying:

"Why bother? It's impossible between us. It's impossible for me to abandon my wife, and it's impossible for you to be with Director Lin..."

Speaking of this, he seemed to have found another reason to convince himself. He said frankly:
"To be honest, although my company has developed quite well and is now worth several billion, I really can't afford to offend Xunli Group!"

"If what happened between us is revealed, I'll be doomed, you know?"

"Since you said you love me, you don't want my career to be ruined because of you, right?"

Sun Lin was not surprised at all by his words. Although she had not asked about Shen Chu's career, it should be quite significant.

However, no matter how powerful it is, it is definitely incomparable to Xunli Group, which has a scale of hundreds of billions. It is reasonable for Shen Chu not to dare to offend Lin Yixing.

But this was what she was waiting for. Her eyes sparkled and she said:

"It's because I love you that I can help you. My husband is Lin Yixing, the chairman of Xunli Group. Mr. Shen, your company should have business that can cooperate with Xunli Group, right?"

After hearing this, Shen Chu's expression changed, and he was obviously a little tempted.

Sun Lin keeps up her efforts:

"My husband trusts me very much. As long as I persuade you more, he will definitely give your company a chance. As long as there is the first cooperation, there will be a third and fourth time. As long as I am here, your company will also develop." It’s getting better and better!”


When she said these two words, there was a hint of madness in her eyes:
"As long as the two of us work together, one day we can make Xunli Group ours. By then, no one can stop us from being together!"

Shen Chu felt a chill coming from his back. Is this the Blood-Weeping Cuckoo?
There was hesitation on his face, and he seemed to be very moved by Sun Lin's proposal, but in the end he shook his head:

"No, no matter how big the company is, I will never abandon my wife!"

But these words made Sun Lin's admiration for him even stronger. She said with eyes full of admiration:
"I don't care, and I didn't ask Mr. Shen to abandon Mrs. Shen. She has paid so much for you. If Mr. Shen abandons his wife for his own glory and wealth, then I won't like you! "

Hearing this, Shen Chu showed a hint of surprise on his face, and he said doubtfully:

"Then what do you mean?"

Sun Lin put her hands on the table, leaned forward, and said in a seductive voice:

"What I mean is that I can become your underground lover, Mr. Shen, first. After the Xunli Group becomes ours, you can confess to Mrs. Shen and let me become your wife too!"

"I don't care whether my name is correct or not, it's enough for me to be by your side and make you love me!"

"I want you to love me every day, like you did that day, until you're exhausted!"

Seeing that Shen Chu was still hesitating, she used her trump card:

"Moreover, not only do I not need you to give me a status, nor do I need to get married or register, I can also help you give birth to a son, a fair and fat son. Of course, if you like a daughter, then we will have a daughter. If there is not enough, we will have a daughter." Several!" "I think neither Mr. Shen nor Mrs. Shen want the old Shen family to be extinct, right?"

When she spoke, she stared firmly into Shen Chu's eyes.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Shen Chu was finally moved, and a flash of pain flashed in his eyes, as if someone had poked the deepest pain in his heart.

He rolled his throat and said uncertainly:
"Are you serious? You don't care even if you become lovers?"

He seemed unable to believe that besides his wife, there was a woman who could do such a thing for him.

Moreover, Sun Lin's condition of helping him give birth to a child was something he couldn't refuse!
Sun Lin continued to move forward and brought her red lips to Shen Chu's mouth. Seeing that he still didn't move, she took the initiative to kiss him. After a while, she said with blurred eyes:
"I don't care, I don't care about anything but you!"

"You know, these days I feel like I have been abandoned by the whole world. Every time I meet you, you look at me like a stranger. Do you know how uncomfortable I feel?"

"I have been thinking about you all the time these days, every minute and every second, the madness between us that day, and the traces you left in my heart and body!"

"Although it has only been three or four days, it feels like I have spent centuries in a cold hell. I don't want to endure those days anymore. I want you to love me, love me hard! "

Hearing this, Shen Chu was completely moved, leaned forward slightly, and took the initiative to take her lips.

Sun Lin responded instinctively!
Time passed by, and outside the private room, in front of the bar on the first floor, Mu Jingwan, dressed as a waiter, sat on a chair in a daze, glancing towards the second floor from time to time.

After a while, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran, who were also dressed as waiters, came over, lightly patted Mu Jingwan on the shoulder from behind, and then joked:

"What are you doing, Wanwan, are you in a daze fishing during work hours?"

Mu Jingwan was startled when she heard the voice of her best friend and comrade-in-arms Su Su. She immediately relaxed and pouted without saying anything.

Seeing this, Xie Yuran skillfully used a wave of dirty tricks, causing Mu Jingwan to cross her arms and take precautions.

Liu Sujin looked like she understood, and said with a long oh:

"I understand, our Wanwan is in love with spring. Is it because she hasn't enjoyed her husband's pampering for several days, so she's out of her mind?"

Hearing this, Mu Jingwan nodded aggrievedly:
"I haven't slept with my husband in my arms for several days!"

Speaking of which, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran stopped making fun of her. If Mu Jingwan was like this, why shouldn't they be the same?
After Su Xiao's Kidney Fighter was promoted to the platinum level, his attraction to the girls around him became more and more intense. Although he was no match for any of them, he still wanted to get close to him.

A sentence often used to describe Yan Qi is very suitable for the situation: he is good at cooking and loves to play!

However, this is not surprising. Just look at Sun Lin and you will know that after just communicating for a whole morning and an afternoon, we are completely inseparable!
Thinking of this, the three girls hated that hateful woman even more. It was all her fault. My husband had been so aggrieved and suffered so much before, and now he wants to affect our happiness. It's too much!

However, when I think of her ending, I feel comfortable, and I will make you happy for a few more days, and then you will not be able to cry anymore, hum!
Then, Mu Jingwan was originally the only one in a daze, looking towards the second floor from time to time, but now there were three of them, turning their heads together. After finding that the figure was not there, they all turned around again, and then let out a soft sigh at the same time:

More than an hour later, Shen Chu and Sun Lin finally appeared on the second floor. Upon seeing this, Mu Jingwan and the others stood up immediately as if they had been injected with a booster, with warm smiles on their faces.

Sun Lin's steps were a little frivolous, and she slowly walked down the stairs with Shen Chu's support, but her face was extremely rosy, like a red apple in late autumn.

There are still strands of hair on the forehead that are wet with sweat and look a little messy. Fortunately, the clothes I chose today are better and there are no wrinkles visible.

"You wait for me here for a while!"

Shen Chu said gently to Sun Lin.

Sun Lin nodded and stood aside obediently.

Shen Chu came to the bar, looked at the three girls with enthusiastic smiles, raised his eyebrows, and then said:

"Pay the bill!"

Behind him, Sun Lin kept her eyes on his back, and the affection in her eyes almost overflowed.

She glanced over and saw three girls wearing waiter clothes. She was a little surprised. This store is nice. The waiters are so beautiful and have such good temperaments!

Looking at the three pretty girls, her mind changed rapidly. According to Mr. Shen... No, it should be her husband now. According to her husband's endurance and explosive power, before she confessed to Sister Mi Shu, she could rely on herself alone. It seems that I really can't handle it. Should I be more sensible and help my husband find some comrades?
Just as she was thinking about the feasibility of this idea, Shen Chu had already paid and turned around and walked over. She came back to her senses instantly with a sweet smile on her face.

The two of them left the cafe together. On the way back, although they had agreed in advance not to show too much intimacy outside, Sun Lin still felt excited and her walking steps were extremely light!

Just like a cheerful lark!
After entering the elevator, the two couldn't help but kiss each other. When they reached the 36th floor, they reluctantly separated. Sun Lin got out of the elevator and waved reluctantly:
"Husband, see you later!"

Shen Chu smiled fondly and nodded, then watched the elevator door slowly close and return to the 37th floor. Only then did he regain his indifference.

Everything went as expected, even much smoother than originally planned.

Back in the house, Shen Lingxi was already waiting inside in advance.

Today, Shen Lingxi wore an off-white long skirt, a white T-shirt on the upper body, a small navy suit on the outside, and a delicate bun. She looked extremely cute.

Seeing him come in, Shen Lingxi stood up quickly and said:


Su Xiao, who maintained Shen Chu's appearance, nodded, looked at the bedroom, and asked:
"Xiaomi hasn't gotten up yet?"

Shen Lingxi nodded:
"Well, after Sister Xiaomi opened the door for me, she continued to catch up on her sleep. Boss, how intense were you yesterday?"

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows:

"What, are you curious? Do you want to try it?"

A blush appeared on Shen Lingxi's face, and she quickly shook her head and said:
"If it doesn't work, people will die!"

Seeing this, Lidya Su stopped teasing her, but sat on the sofa and got down to business:

"How is Lingmu Capital doing? Are there any surprises?"

Hearing this, Shen Lingxi told what had happened in the past few days between Tonghe Group and Lingmu Capital. After listening to this, Su Xiao couldn't laugh or cry.

Are the vindictiveness of two CEOs of a large group worth hundreds of billions so childish?

If you don't like it, just ask someone to chop him. If you don't want to chop him, you can spit in his face. What's the point of this kind of mental attack like a child's fighting spirit?
Forget it, too lazy to care about this, and after asking some other things, Su Xiao said with a deep look:
"Then let's start the next step. After making Lin Yixing comfortable for so many days, it's time to give him a blow on the head!"

Shen Lingxi said respectfully:

"Yes, boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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