After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 307: Two pieces of breaking news, Lin Yixing is finished!

On October 10, the weather turned from sunny to cloudy.

Today was originally a nothing special day. If I insist on saying it is special, then there are two holidays, one is World Men's Health Day, and the other is China's Memorial Day to Learn from Lei Feng!
Early in the morning, Lin Yixing came to the office humming a little tune. Looking at the money tree that had become wilted again, it no longer mattered. It was useless to change the cleaning machine every day. That old guy Xue Jingshan could really persevere.

"Hmph, as long as I don't care, you won't be able to disgust me!"

Lin Yixing has taken it lightly, it's just a money tree, here you go, you can water it as you like!
Anyway, it won’t have any impact on our company. I’ll put up two trees at a time so you can water them enough!

I turned on my phone and looked at the progress of the specialist who unplugged the network cable.

Well, you had it pulled out ten times yesterday?

Not bad, not bad. With a smile on his face, he transferred 5 yuan and encouraged:
"Good performance, keep up the good work!"

Tonghe must change people every day, but it doesn't matter, they are all committing crimes in gangs anyway, and you always have to find the next one.

"Drink some Erguotou, eat some peanuts, and play a cheerful ditty..."

He was leaning on his office chair, tapping his right hand gently on the armrest, and playing a song that was just released last year.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the office door, and the knocking was a bit urgent.

This rhythm made Lin Yixing inside very unhappy, but he still said:


The next moment, his secretary who had been with him for many years pushed open the door and came in, his face full of eagerness, and even a hint of panic in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Yixing had a bad feeling in his heart!

"Chairman, something serious happened!"

The secretary's first words confirmed Lin Yixing's feeling. He sat up straight and said calmly:

"Why are you panicking? Speak slowly!"

This secretary has been with him for many years. He is a good choice in terms of ability and temperament. He is rarely so flustered under normal circumstances.

Now that he looks like this, something big has obviously happened!

However, the secretary can panic, but he cannot. He is the backbone and pillar of Lingmu Capital and Xunli Group!

But the next moment, what the secretary said made him unable to sit still:

"Chairman, just an hour ago, all senior executives and management of Zhenming Network and Zhixin Technology, including the chairman, resigned collectively, and they issued resignation statements on various social platforms!"

Lin Yixing's whole body trembled, as if all his strength had been drained away at this moment, and as if everything in that exciting world had become boring.

His mind went blank, but he still cheered up and said tremblingly:
“What was their resignation statement?”

The secretary swallowed, her lips turned white, but she was better off than Lin Yixing. No matter whether Lingmu Capital or Xunli Group were gone, she would at most lose her job, but Lin Yixing's sky fell!
She collected her thoughts and said:

"The top executives of the two companies said that they don't want their hard work to fall into the hands of barbarians, and they would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed!"

Lin Yixing took a breath of air, it was so cruel!
This is like stabbing oneself in the heart collectively, and it’s the kind of thing that can cause a thousand injuries to oneself and eight hundred to the enemy!

That's their own hard work. Can they really be so courageous that they don't even want the company?

No, someone must be behind it!
He looked stern, he didn't believe that someone could have such courage to leave a company with a market value of tens of billions, just for someone to stab him!

Although there were twelve levels of turmoil in his heart, he still forced himself to calm down. So many years of experience in the ups and downs of the business world told him that at this time, the more calm he had to be.

There must be a way, there must be a way, he said to himself.

But this move is too cruel. For a technology company, no matter how many low-level employees are lost, they will not be completely damaged.

There is a saying that goes well, the world will not stop turning just because someone is missing.

Many times, this sentence actually describes all middle and low-level workers. No matter how well you do and how strong your business ability is, it seems that you are indispensable in the company, but if you really think so, you are wrong!
In a company, even the chairman can be changed at will, let alone a middle- and low-level employee.

In the company, the most important thing is actually the top management. Of course, losing one or more people will not paralyze the company, but Zhenming Network and Zhixin Technology are different. This time, the two companies have all the top management. , even the chairman of the board resigned en masse, and the matter was also made known to the public!

This is very fatal, both for the two companies and Lin Yixing!
Especially at the critical moment of his battle with Tonghe Group!
He clenched his fists and breathed heavily to ensure that his brain had sufficient nutrients, while his brain was spinning crazily.

"First gather relevant senior executives from Xunli Group to settle in, temporarily stabilize the situation, and at the same time issue a statement to the outside world to announce the contract we signed before..."

However, before he could finish speaking, another person pushed the door open and came in. His face was filled with panic, as if he had lost his mind.

"Chairman, it's not good, the big thing is not good!"

The conversation was interrupted, and the person who came was another senior company executive. This made Lin Yixing irritated and angry. He angrily said:
"Why are you arguing? Is the sky falling? I'm not dead yet!"

The other party was stopped by him and his expression was dull.

Seeing this, Lin Yi asked calmly:
"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The visitor swallowed his saliva and said tremblingly:

"Chairman, the sky is falling!"

Lin Yixing's face was as gloomy as water, he looked at him like a dead person, and said impatiently:
"What the hell is going on? If you don't want to do it, just pack up and get out. If you fail to succeed, you will fail!"

He was extremely irritated. These people under his command were really useless. They would make a fuss when something happened!
But what the other party said next was like a bolt from the blue, making him completely devastated:

"Chairman, the Insurance Regulatory Commission just issued a document listing 12 violations of Zhengao Life Insurance and announced an administrative penalty decision: Zhengao Life Insurance is not allowed to get involved in the insurance industry for 20 years!" He did not say what the specific contents of the 12 violations were. , because several people present, especially Lin Yi, knew it best.

Zhengao Life Insurance is not allowed to get involved in the insurance industry for 20 years!
This is simply divine punishment!
As Lin Yixing's strongest support in leveraging Tonghe Group and several technology companies, Zhengao Life Insurance is the source of more than [-]% of Lin Yixing's funds.

The CIRC's knife hit Lin Yixing's aorta directly, making him feel suffocated!

Lin Yixing's mind went completely blank this time, as if he was struck by thunder on the forehead, and he slumped on the chair helplessly.

Like a walking corpse that has been drained of its strength and has no vitality!

If the collective resignation of Zhenming Network and Zhixin Technology's senior executives could make him feel that there was a chance to save the company, then the CIRC's blow directly made him give up resistance.

He knew that he was finished!

Not only him, but Lingmu Capital and Xunli Group are also finished!

His eyes were dull, his pupils had lost focus, and the high spirits he had when he entered the office were completely gone.

Two blockbuster news came in succession in the morning, which shocked many people in the stock market. First, the top executives of Zhenming Network and Zhixin Technology, two companies that were hailed as industry unicorns in just half a month, The management collectively resigned, and they also denounced Lingmu Capital on various social platforms for its barbaric behavior, devouring other people’s achievements, and disgraceful theft.

Furthermore, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission announced severe penalties for Zhengao Life Insurance Company, which was gaining momentum in the industry. Although Zhengao Life Insurance Company’s insurance license was not directly revoked, it was not allowed to enter the insurance industry for the next 20 years, which is almost the same as revoking its license.

Zhengao Life, with a market value of more than 2000 billion, is basically dead, and the customers who bought their company's insurance business are naturally unable to sit still. When the fine was issued, they immediately flocked to various branches of Zhengao Life to seek surrender!
For a time, Zhengao Life Insurance, whether it was the main company or the branches, was packed with people, and was blocked on three floors inside and three outside. The ladies in charge of the reception business all turned pale, as if they were facing little cherry blossoms entering the village. Well, this metaphor A little inappropriate, but very relevant.

Other insurance companies are like wolves that have discovered fat. Their cold eyes are shining, and their fangs are exposed. While they are writing, they reprimand Zhengao Life Insurance for being a rat in the industry and ruining the pot of soup. The insurance business launched by Ao Life Insurance aims to grab relevant customer groups as soon as possible.

Amidst all this chaos, one thing is clear to everyone: Xunli Group is finished and Lingmu Capital is finished!
This behemoth, one of the top three in the magic city, was like a whale in the sea, causing everyone and the powerful to come forward in a fit of excitement, wanting to taste the delicious whale meat.

As the saying goes, "When a whale falls, everything comes alive." The collapse of a behemoth with a market value of hundreds of billions is just around the corner. Who wouldn't want to take the opportunity to take a bite?
You know, although this is not Tang Monk Meat, for many small and medium-sized enterprises, as long as they get a few scraps, they can make a lot of money, and it is not impossible to take advantage of the opportunity to rise!
Of course, the most chaotic situation is within the Xunli Group, especially the Li family, which has the most interests.

Li Mingquan, the former chairman of Xunli Group, who originally tried to hand over the power of the company to Lin Yixing against all opinions, but after hearing the fine issued by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission against Zhengao Life Insurance, he suffered a myocardial infarction and was sent to the hospital. Although he was rescued, he is still alive. Lying in the ICU, I don't know if I can hold on.

The Li family was in chaos. Over the years, they were used to lying down at home with peace of mind and enjoying Lin Yixing's generous and delicious food. Now that they learned that the group was about to go bankrupt, everyone suddenly lost their minds.

While the Li family members denounced Lao Li for handing over the power of the company to a bastard, they all sold off their shares and were ready to run away as soon as possible.

As for sharing the joys and sorrows and thick and thin with the family?
I'm sorry, it's now time. Who cares whether you can make a comeback or not? I'm used to living a good life. If you want me to suffer, there's no way!

Looking at the clan members in disarray, Lin Yixing's younger brother Li Yinian was also at a loss. Didn't his eldest brother just stumble? Why are these people like this?
Over the years, Big Brother has grown a company worth tens of billions to hundreds of billions, and the dividends you received have doubled several times. Didn't you scream to support Big Brother at that time?

Now that we are encountering difficulties, why are the trees falling and the hozens scattering?

Moreover, this big tree hasn’t fallen yet!

Li Yinian believed that his omnipotent elder brother would be able to save the building from collapse!

Most definitely!
And when his younger brother was extremely convinced that he could turn the tide, what was Lin Yixing doing?

He was on the phone, calling Sun Lin.

"Yes, baby, next I will sell the shares of Tonghe Group and transfer the money to your name!"

"Yes, it's the account we prepared before!"

"Yeah, I know. When the money comes in, we will go abroad and hide in a place where no one knows for a few years, and then slowly figure out how to make a comeback!"

"I know, baby, you will definitely support me. Just wait for me. In three days at most, we can fly away!"

"Baby, are you exercising again? Fitness should be done step by step. You don't have to work so hard. You are already in good shape. Look at you like this!"

"Well, I know, and it will be the same in the future. You only need to be responsible for Meimei Da, and I will be responsible for making money for you to spend!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yixing's originally pale and lifeless face finally had a trace of color, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He believed what Master Zuo said, and Sun Lin was the woman who could improve his luck. This time, he just didn't handle it well!

Moreover, he had left a backup before. The shares purchased by Lingmu Capital, including more than 25% of the shares of Tonghe Group, were all listed in Sun Lin's name. Even if Xunli Group went bankrupt, he could still transfer these shares Sell ​​it off and transfer it to Sun Lin's name.

In the past two years, he had seen Sun Lin's dependence on him. If he wanted to find the only person he could trust, then in his heart it was Sun Lin.

In the past, he might have been hesitant and defensive, but at this moment, he trusted Sun Lin unconditionally.

Selling shares and transferring assets was not a simple matter, so he decided to do it himself without even telling his most trusted secretary.

The senior management of Lingmu Capital and Xunli Group were panicked when they saw the busy figure in the chairman's office, but they seemed to have been injected with a shot in the arm.

The chairman still has a way!
This is what they think in their hearts. Just like in the past, they stayed calm in the face of crisis, took it calmly, and turned corruption into magic. They believe that this time the omnipotent chairman can also turn the group around!
However, what they don't know is that when manpower is limited, this time, Lin Yixing has no way to save his life!

Moreover, their trusted chairman is ready to take the money and run away!

At the same time, in the flat floor on the 36th floor of Building A of Tomson Yipin, Sun Lin, who was wearing gorgeous silk pajamas, just hung up the phone, then turned to kiss the man Shen Chu who hugged her from behind.

"Husband, I didn't expect our opportunity would come so quickly!"

"Did you hear the call just now? We can take Sister Mi Shu away soon!"

"It's okay if you don't want to go abroad. Anyway, that man is dead. When we get the money, we will change to a big villa and live in a paradise world that only belongs to the three of us!"

Hearing this, Shen Chu held her waist and was moved:
"Okay, I'll listen to you, baby!" (End of Chapter)

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