After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 313 Qingcheng Real Estate

The next day, a piece of news caught the attention of many people.


"After receiving the alarm, our bureau immediately organized police forces to deal with it. After the 120 emergency personnel arrived, they confirmed that the woman and the man holding the knife had no vital signs."

"After on-site investigation, interviews and video surveillance, it was found that the deceased Sun wanted to make money and run away because her husband Lin's company was in crisis. He was discovered by Lin, who chased him to death with a knife and killed him. After Sun, Lin also committed suicide!"

"The relevant authorities informed his family members of the "death appraisal conclusion" in accordance with the law, and the family members had no objections."

"Please respect the deceased and his family members, and do not believe or spread rumors!"

Naturally, the biggest shock caused by this news was the Xunli Group. Originally, it was full of hope and expected its chairman to lead the company out of the quagmire. Who knew, when he just woke up, he got this news.

They hurriedly returned to the company, only to find that except for the bottom employees and middle management, all the company's top executives were not there.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat and felt a chill.

These employees are okay. After all, Xunli Group has never delayed their wages before. If the company goes bankrupt, they will only lose this month's salary. At worst, they can just find another job.

But those people in the Li family who had illusions were confused. They were still hoping that Lin Yixing would make a miracle comeback and lead them to a good life. Who knew that when they woke up, their dreams would be shattered!

By the time they tried to run away, it was already too late. All partners, banks, etc. that Xunli Group owed money to blocked the door one after another.

Now that Lin Yixing is gone, Xunli Group naturally belongs to the Li family, and the remaining members of the Li family will of course have to pay back the money.

On the other side, Xue Jingshan, who also heard the news, was silent for a while.

Logically speaking, since his opponent is gone, he should be very happy, but why can't he be happy at all?

On the contrary, I feel a little empty in my heart!
From the bottom of his heart, he actually admired Lin Yixing's courage and methods. Since he returned from studying abroad, he has gradually become the spokesperson of Xunli Group, and then brought Xunli Group to a scale of hundreds of billions step by step. Xue Jingshan asked himself, If it were him, standing in Lin Yixing's position, he would not be able to do this.

Moreover, in these days of stock market battles, he has actually been at a disadvantage. If it weren't for Su Xiao's joining, Tonghe Group would have changed hands long ago. How could it have persisted until now?


He let out a long sigh, feeling a little unmotivated, and had the idea of ​​​​retiring and retiring to his old age.

He's over 60 years old, so that's about it, he thought.

What made him have this idea was that Lin Yixing's death was only an inducement, and the other was that he had foreseen the next direction of Tonghe Group.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Lin Yixing is naturally the biggest loser in this battle, but Xue Jingshan is definitely not the winner.

So who is the biggest winner?
At this time, his secretary Xiao Ya walked into the small courtyard where he was and said respectfully:

"Chairman, Director Su from Jun Yuexi and Mr. Du from Huatie jointly requested to convene a shareholders' meeting!"

Here we come, Xue Jingshan thought.

When Xu Jiaying was arrested, his Tonghe shares were acquired by other forces, but he never showed up. Lin Yixing's shares were also acquired by Qingchen Venture Capital yesterday, and now Su Xiao is getting together with Huatie Group. All previous doubts were instantly solved.

He recalled the young man and couldn't help but shook his head in self-mockery. It was amazing, everyone was included in the calculation.

Qingcheng Group is indeed amazing!
That man can't really be the legendary person, right?

He thought this, and then he gradually felt relieved and said:
"Sooner rather than later, let's do it in the afternoon!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ya's eyes flickered, but she still nodded and said:
"Okay, Chairman!"

Two o'clock in the afternoon, Tonghe Group conference room!
This time many people came, not only the original board members of Tonghe Group, but also Lu Yao, who never liked to participate in such occasions.

In addition to these, there are also Du Qiu from Huatie Group and Su Xiao.

When the host sat down, Xue Jingshan looked calm and looked at the other managers whispering among themselves.

After the collapse of Xunli Group, these managers were the happiest and proposed plans to annex Xunli Group's market share. However, they did not know whether they could continue to occupy this position in the future.

Although Su Xiao didn't speak for the time being, Xue Jingshan still wanted to try to show his kindness first and see if he could struggle. He nodded to Xiao Ya next to him. The latter understood and immediately told everyone present about Xue Jingshan's situation. Open the first proposal of the board of directors.

That is to let Su Xiaoyang enter the board of directors and give several board seats.

As soon as Xiao Ya finished speaking, she was opposed by most of Tonghe's management:

"Although Director Su has signed a memorandum of cooperation with our Tonghe Group before, and also holds a part of the shares, he can lend a helping hand to our Tonghe Group in times of crisis. We have no objection to letting Director Su join the board of directors, but whether the seat of the board member is Too much?"

This is what the vice chairman of Tonghe Group said.

As soon as this remark came out, others echoed.

In their view, Su Xiao's Jun Yuexi has a market value of only tens of billions. After the decline of Xunli Group, Tonghe Group can take the opportunity to take a big step forward. At this time, Su Xiao's help becomes insignificant. .

Considering that he holds a small share of Tonghe Group, there is no problem in letting him join the board of directors, but a total of six board seats is too many. You must know that the original Huatie Group only had three.

They only thought that this was Su Xiao's own proposal, so they directly opposed it.

Seeing their huge reaction, although it was reasonable, Xue Jingshan was still helpless. He looked at Lidya Su with a trace of apology.

Noticing his gaze, Su Xiao smiled lightly. He was not here for this board seat.

He lightly knocked on the table in front of him, attracting everyone's attention, and then smiled:
"Can you all listen to what I have to say?"

Hearing this, other people looked over.

Facing everyone's gaze, Su Xiao leaned forward slightly and said:
"I'm not here today just for this board seat!"

Hearing this, Tonghe's management were slightly startled, and then looked at Xue Jingshan.

Xue Jingshan nodded and said:

"Yes, I proposed the proposal for a seat on the board of directors, and Director Su didn't know about it in advance!"

Everyone looked confused, but Xue Jingshan was no longer in the mood to explain, but looked at Su Xiao and said:
"This board meeting was proposed by Director Su and President Du, so let's listen to what President Su and President Du have to say!"

Everyone turned their attention to Du Qiu again. In their opinion, Du Qiu represented the Huatie Group and naturally held the most shares. As for Su Xiao, it was just incidental.

No, Du Qiu smiled and said:
"I am no longer the largest shareholder of Tonghe Group. I am just here with Director Su today. Naturally, I will listen to Director Su in everything!"

Everyone was shocked, what does this mean?
Su Xiao was not annoyed after being ignored several times. The two sides were not on the same level. He said bluntly:
"I asked Director Xue to convene the board of directors to discuss the changes and optimization of the management structure of Tonghe Group, and..." Before he could finish his words, the former vice chairman of Tonghe couldn't help but interrupt:
"Are you kidding me, Director Su? Not to mention that you are not yet a member of the board of directors. Even if you are, you don't have the right to make changes to the group's management structure, right?"

Others echoed the sentiment.

If they just add one more board seat, it won't do any harm to them. Anyway, so many board members can check each other. As long as they take care of each other, it will be difficult to affect their interests.

But if the board of directors directly changes the group's management structure, it will be different. This will directly affect their interests.

This is something they can't stand no matter what!

Listening to the noisy sound in his ears, Su Xiao frowned, and then looked at Shen Lingxi sitting next to him.

Shen Lingxi understood, moved the chair under her back slightly, and then stood up. If her aura did not restrain, everyone looked stern, and then they shut their mouths.

After everyone stopped talking, she said:
"I think you may have misunderstood. We, Director Su, are just informing you, not soliciting your opinions!"

Before anyone else could refute, she continued:
"In accordance with the provisions of the Company Law, decisions on major company matters such as amending the company's articles of association, increasing or decreasing registered capital, company division/merger/dissolution or change of form require the consent of more than two-thirds of the company's voting rights before they can be passed."

These words made several management personnel frown slightly. Do you need to popularize this common sense to us?
But they also felt something was wrong, and looking at Shen Lingxi, they felt a little familiar, but they couldn't remember who it was.

Shen Lingxi continued:

“According to the provisions of the Company Law, as long as shareholders hold more than two-thirds of the equity, they can achieve absolute control over company matters and make decisions on company matters through equity voting!”

"And we, Mr. Su..."

When she said this, her voice paused, which made everyone's hearts tremble slightly.

What Shen Lingxi said next caused all shareholders to change their expressions:
"The actual situation is that our Chairman Su currently holds 70.9% of the shares of Tonghe Group. So, do you think we, Chairman Su, have the right to make changes to the management of the group?"

As soon as these words came out, many Tonghe management members said in disbelief:

"how is this possible?"

Xue Jingshan looked bitter, obviously he had already thought of this result.

The vice chairman of Tonghe Group stood up and said:

"How is it possible? Where did you get more than 70% of the shares?"

After retorting, he looked at Du Qiu from Huatie Group:
"Really, Mr. Du? Your Huatie Group owns 18.9% of our Tonghe Group's shares. How could they have so much?"

In his hopeful gaze, Du Qiu shrugged and said apologetically:
"Sorry, the shares in our Huatie Group have been sold to Director Su. I just said that I am no longer the major shareholder of Tonghe Group!"


The expressions of other management members, including the vice chairman of Tonghe Group, changed, and they looked at the young man with a calm expression in shock.

Su Xiao twisted her neck, then calmly said:
"Since everyone is so opposed to the change in management structure, then this proposal should be invalidated!"

These words made the previous management members stunned, and then they looked surprised. As long as there was no change in management, it didn't matter who held how many shares. Anyway, working for Xue Jingshan was still a job, and working for Su Xiao was also a job.

The vice chairman just now was the first to express his position:
"Don't worry, Mr. Su, we won't let you down!"

The rest of the management also echoed.

Only Xue Jingshan looked at them like fools. Are these people still living in a dream?

As a long-established group that has developed for so many years, Xunli Group has so many management shortcomings. Naturally, Tonghe Group also has them, or even more.

However, in the past, no one dared to target him, and with his presence, those problems were hidden. But if the speaker was changed, it would be impossible to let these problems exist.

Just like more than half of these managers are just waiting to die, working hard and not contributing much. They are actually no different from the Li family members of the Xunli Group.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of several management members, Su Xiao showed confusion on his face:
"I think you guys don't understand what I mean!"

Everyone was stunned, shut up and looked at Lidya Su.

Su Xiao continued:
"The reason why I gave up change management does not mean that it remains unchanged. I mean that if Tonghe Group is merged into another company of mine, your appointments will also be changed according to the articles of association of the new company!"

Seeing the huge reaction from everyone, Su Xiao continued:
"Of course, if you don't like my new company, I won't force it. I will also buy back the shares in your hands at the market price, and you can feel free to find another job!"

After saying that, he looked at Xue Jingshan again:

"Director Xue, I wonder if you would like to join my company as a vice president?"

Xue Jingshan still has some abilities, but his shortcoming is that he is a little older.

Hearing Su Xiao's words, Xue Jingshan's eyes showed a hint of emotion, but after thinking about it, he still shook his head and said:

"Thank you, Director Su, for your kindness. Xue is old and has long wanted to retire and take care of himself!"

Seeing this, Su Xiao shrugged, showing a trace of pity, and then he looked at Lu Yao, who had been silent:

"Director Lu, I wonder if you are willing to sell the shares you hold?"

Lu Yao nodded and said:
"Of course I would!"

The reason why he agreed so simply was that he had guessed some of Su Xiao's background, otherwise he would definitely be willing to keep these shares.

However, the reactions of Xue Jingshan and Lu Yao were misunderstood by other management, and they thought they were not optimistic about Su Xiao, so they all agreed to sell their shares.

After taking over all the shares held by the management, Su Xiao finally announced:

"I will merge Tonghe Group into Qingcheng Real Estate. I regret that I will not be able to work with you in the future!"

Except for Shen Lingxi and Du Qiu, everyone present was stunned on the spot.

Although Xue Jingshan and Lu Yao had guessed a few things, they were still shocked when they heard Su Xiao say it himself.

The original Tonghe management was dumbfounded and merged into Qingcheng Real Estate?

If this were true, wouldn't he have missed [-] million? (End of chapter)

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