After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 314 Qi Lanwei: Can I have something to eat first?

Chapter 314 Qi Lanwei: Can I have something to eat first?
"It's finally over, boss, I've been waiting for a long time!"

After everyone followed Su Xiao out of the conference room in confusion, a crisp voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful shadow plunged into Lidya Su's arms, catching him off guard for a moment.

Fortunately, the system’s voice is timely enough:
[Ding, congratulations to the host for re-lighting the illustrated character: Qi Lanwei! 】

This system prompt shocked Su Xiao. It was actually Qi Lanwei, one of the four secrets?

But thinking about the industry that was acquired just yesterday, Qingcheng Technology, it seems normal.

I just didn't expect that Qi Lanwei, one of my four secrets, would come on her own initiative.

Su Xiao hugged her, then pushed her away a little, and began to look at the current lovely person:
Her facial features were incredibly delicate, but her face had an indescribable purity, so pure that it seemed like she could squeeze water out of her mouth.

Between the flow of her eyebrows and eyes, there is an indescribable flow of color, which makes people's hearts sway and enchant the soul.

She was wearing a pure white halter-neck dress. The style was extremely simple, but it highlighted her perfect figure.

The collarbone, thin waist, and long legs are all visible at a glance.

Her long black hair was specially tied up today, making her look both sweet and charming.

Su Xiao couldn't find any suitable adjectives for this appearance and figure. He could only say that Qi Lanwei had the best temperament among the women he had seen so far. Her appearance was as pure as Xi Tianyue's, but also as cold as Li Ruzhen's. There is also a hint of Ye Fanyan's maturity and charm.

Her figure is one point too fat and one point too thin, and her body parts are perfect!

Seeing the amazement and admiration in his eyes, Qi Lanwei felt elated for a while. The desire she had accumulated to peek at Su Xiao's live broadcast through her network technology almost exploded, and her eyes when looking at Su Xiao were filled with mist.

However, she has always been in a high position, but she still has patience:

"Boss, long time no see!"

She had a graceful figure and what she said sounded innocuous, but she was already inexplicably excited inside.

Lidya Su smiled and nodded:
"Well, long time no see, Weiwei!"

Shen Lingxi, who was following Su Xiao, also showed a hint of respect:
"Hello, Dong Qi!"

Seeing her, Qi Lanwei nodded with a smile.

When Qi Lanwei appeared, Lu Yao and Xue Jingshan, who were following Su Xiao, were shocked. Especially when they saw her being so respectful and affectionate to Su Xiao, they immediately guessed a possibility, and a Category [-] typhoon blew up in their hearts!
They really didn't expect that Su Xiao was actually the founder of the legendary Qingcheng Group!

After all, besides Ye Xinyi, who else could make Qi Lanwei from Qingcheng Technology so respectful and intimate?
The legend is actually true. Ye Xinyi of Qingcheng Group, as well as the four generals below Chen Shu, Bai Keer, Yun Wangqing and Qi Lanwei, are all the woman of the mysterious founder!

Although they have not spoken, they have seen Qi Lanwei's photos and videos through various channels. Not only is she powerful, but her appearance is also peerless!

His arms were hugged by Qi Lanwei again, and Su Xiao couldn't wait any longer. He turned around and said to the other people behind him:

"Mr. Xue, Mr. Lu, Mr. Du, I'll leave now. See you later!"

Hearing this, the others nodded one after another, their expressions even more respectful than before. As for Su Xiao's identity, they would never dare to reveal it.

Of course, now Lidya Su doesn't care whether her identity is exposed or not.

Taking Qi Lanwei and Shen Lingxi with her, Su Xiao took the elevator directly to the underground parking lot. Feeling the body temperature of the SSS-level beauty next to her, Su Xiao's heart surged.

He admitted that Qi Lanwei's appearance really surprised him. After having several SS-level women, he was curious, what would an SSS-level character be like?
When I saw it at this time, it was indeed extraordinary. Regardless of the attributes, the appearance and figure alone were much better than other characters.

He was afraid that his appetite would be spoiled and he would lose interest in seeing S-level and SS-level characters in the future.

Of course, the characters that have been included have already communicated with each other, so Su Xiao will naturally not ignore them.

Moreover, although SSS-level characters are delicious, they are rare in number. With his current strength as a platinum-level kidney fighter, it is obviously impossible to be satisfied with SSS-level characters alone.

Shen Lingxi obediently sat in the passenger seat, and Mi Shu was still in charge of driving.

Su Xiao and Qi Lanwei were sitting in the back seat. As soon as the car door closed, Qi Lanwei couldn't wait to come forward and blocked Su Xiao's mouth with her pink lips.

After a while, the two separated.

Looking at Qi Lanwei whose eyes were filled with his own, Su Xiao pinched her fair and flawless face lovingly, and then said to Mi Shu:
"Xiaomi, return to Jun Yuexi!"

"Yes, boss!"

Mishu responded, then started the car and set off.

Qi Lanwei didn't say a word, just looked at Lidya Su quietly, with a happy smile on her face.

If it were in the past, Lidya Su would probably blush when being looked at by such a woman.

But now, not only has his mind grown tremendously, but his face has also become as good as any other person's. Not only does he not blush, he actually enjoys this feeling.

Taking advantage of the time on the way back, Su Xiao opened Qi Lanwei's attribute panel and started to check:
[Illustrated Character-Qi Lanwei]: Age (27 years old), height (168cm), weight (50kg);
Appearance rating: SSS;

Body Rating: SSS;
Temperament Rating: SSS;

Overall rating: SSS.
Character skills: legendary management and operation, legendary network technology, legendary communication, legendary decision-making, legendary agility.

Character bonds: Ice Muscle and Jade Bone (exclusive bond, activated), Jiuqu (inactive), Dark Fragrance (activated), Love Brain (activated), Heart Guard (inactive).

Driving record: number of drives (0), vehicle driven (0).

As expected of an SSS-level character, he has five legendary skills and more other skills, but there is no need to show the master level and master level and below, because there are too many!
Moreover, it also has the most bonds among the characters I have ever seen, a total of five bonds!
When Su Xiao saw the unactivated Jiuqu, his heart moved. It couldn't be the Jiuqu he thought, right?

However, he had to verify this in person before he knew it, which made him look forward to the exchange even more.

Feeling the scent between his nostrils that was more intoxicating than any perfume, he secretly thought that this should be the effect provided by the bond of dark fragrance.

Qi Lanwei should be the modern version of Xiang Fei, right?
No perfume at all, it’s more charming than any perfume!
Take a brief sniff and feel relaxed and happy. Take a deep breath and feel a sense of elation!

What a fascinating woman!
However, he was obviously more attracted to Qi Lanwei than Qi Lanwei was to him.

She had always been cold and frosty, but after meeting Su Xiao, she completely lost her reserve. If they didn't know her identity, people who saw this scene would have thought that she was just an ordinary woman with a serious love brain.

But it's true to say that she does have a love brain, and her obsession with Su Xiao is probably comparable to that of Xi Tianyue among the women Su Xiao has met so far.

In her eyes, Lidya Su is her god!
Irreplaceable God!

She has been waiting for this day for a long time, especially these days when she lives on the 82nd floor of Jun Yuexi, Tiantian watches Su Xiao's live broadcast, which makes her suffer!

Abruptly, he trained from a young ninja who had never started in the Water Hidden Village to become a Mizukage-level existence.

The intensity of cultivation is evident in this!
Not to mention that she had been leaning on Su Xiao since she got in the car. Even when she saw Su Xiao for the first time, her water chakra was already rioting.

Noticing the mist in her eyes, Su Xiao couldn't help but kiss her pretty face:
"What's wrong, girl? Why do you seem to want to eat me?" Hearing this, Qi Lanwei bit her lip and nodded:

"Yes, boss, I just want to eat you or be eaten by you!"

Her voice was clear and full of charm, which made Su Xiao's heart skip a beat, "Fairy!"
Su Xiao is no longer in the same rank as before, but even so, she can still seduce him with just one sentence, which shows how charming Qi Lanwei is!

As soon as she finished speaking, Lidya Su couldn't help but kiss her lips again!

When she returned to the underground parking lot of Jinmiao Building, Qi Lanwei's body was already a little limp. When she got off the car, it was Su Xiao who wrapped her arm around her.

After entering the elevator, Qi Lanwei pressed the button for the 83nd floor before Su Xiao pressed the button for the 82rd floor.

Su Xiao was a little confused about this:
"Weiwei, what are we doing on the 82nd floor? The presidential suite is on the 83rd floor?"

Qi Lanwei leaned into his ear and said:
"I know, I just want you, boss, to visit where I live these days!"

Where do you live these days?
Su Xiao was stunned. What did this mean? Qi Lanwei has been here for a long time?
Suddenly he seemed to think of something, and he said in surprise:

"Are you the manager of Tianqing Technology?"

After this period of brutal growth, Su Xiao's thinking has become countless times sharper than at the beginning. Qi Lanwei guessed it with just one sentence.

When the Tianqing Technology Industry was drawn before, the requirements were different from other industries, such as Qingyan Beauty, Tianxingjian Club, Tianshi Catering, and Jun Yuexi. These industries all required him to appoint senior management to take over. .

Among them, only Tianqing Technology, a company with an output value of 470 billion, has its own management, and he has never seen the management of Tianqing Technology.

The system previously said that he would be able to see Sun Lin after he completed related tasks.

I just didn't expect that it would be Qi Lanwei.

Seeing that he guessed the reason so easily, Qi Lanwei showed admiration and said:
"Yes, boss, you don't know how happy I was when you drew Tianqing Technology!"

When she thought that she was the first among the four secrets to come to Lidya Su, she couldn't bear the excitement in her heart, and she felt overwhelmed several times these days!

Seeing that Qi Lanwei was taking Lidya Su to her residence, Mi Shu and Shen Lingxi had the foresight to not follow them, but stood not far away and waited.

Opening the door to the luxury suite and inserting the room card, Qi Lanwei couldn't wait to take Lidya Su's hand and enter.

When entering the house, Lidya Su closed the door.

The layout of the deluxe suite is not like other suites, but is decorated according to Qi Lanwei's own style.

The whole house is mainly in sky blue and white, as if you are in a dream, surrounded by blue sky and white clouds.

Arriving at the bedside, Qi Lanwei let go of Su Xiao's hand, then held a corner of the quilt with both hands, and then opened it with a swish.

The next moment, Lidya Su was startled by what was placed under the quilt.

Good guy, these toys and props are simply more numerous and complete than those of Li Ruzhen and Luo Yunsheng combined.

"On the days when I can't see you, I can only rely on them to satisfy my cravings!"

"It's a pity that many of them are unusable!"

As for why the tools cannot be used, Su Xiao knows without asking.

He glanced with admiration, and inadvertently glanced at a stack of drawings on the bedside, with various novel objects drawn on them.

Looking at the familiar handwriting and handwriting, Lidya Su couldn't help but smile:
"So you are the genius designer?"

"You actually designed the linked leg ring set?"

Hearing this, Qi Lanwei blushed like rouge on her cheeks, then nodded and said:

"Yes, I have been thinking about you, boss, these days, and then I designed these things. I want to try them one by one with you in the future..."

Just one sentence raised the temperature in the room again.

Looking at Qi Lanwei, who was so charming, with beautiful eyes and face that could almost make water dripping from her eyes, Su Xiao directly pulled her into his arms, lowered her head and looked into her eyes and said:
"So, is there anything you want to try now?"

Qi Lanwei bit her lips lightly with her white teeth, then blinked her big eyes and said:

"Boss, I'm a little hungry right now. Can I eat something first before trying?"

Su Xiao raised his eyebrows. He was like a man of iron rice and steel. He would feel hungry if he didn't eat for a meal. Since Qi Lanwei said so, how could he refuse? So he nodded and said:
"Whatever you want to eat, I'll let the hotel cook it for you!"

After Jun Yuexi cooperated with Tianshi Catering, the food in the hotel has skyrocketed. Many customers staying in the hotel do not need to go out to eat, but can eat all kinds of delicious food in the hotel.

Qi Lanwei blinked her big eyes again, with a clear and innocent look:

"I want to eat shredded chicken, saliva chicken, and kung pao chicken. I want to eat them all at once!"

It's that simple?
Lidya Su was stunned at first, thinking that this was a request, but soon understood what she meant, and couldn't help but feel excited.

"So that's all you want for a foodie, so you don't need a hotel, I can cook it for you!"

Qi Lanwei blinked her big watery eyes:

"Yes, I just want to eat what you personally cooked, boss. This is my first time!"

Lidya Su held her and sat on the sofa, patted her gently and said:

"Okay, I'll let you eat as much as you want! I'll make it for you every day from now on!"

At the same time, in a luxurious villa somewhere in the Magic City, Yun Wangqing looked at the live broadcast Qi Lanwei specially connected to her, and she was almost fuming:

"This coquettish hooves can really say anything!"

"Hmph, I only know how to seduce the boss. It's in vain that I have done so many things for the boss, but he didn't even get the chance to seduce me twice!"

After saying that, she looked at Qi Lanwei who was eating saliva chicken in the screen, her eyes full of envy. She also wanted to eat the food cooked by the boss!

I want to close the screen directly, but I feel reluctant to do so!
After all, this is a precious image of the boss having a feast with his best friend.

"No, I can't be the only one depressed!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, so she directly recorded the screen and sent it to Bai Keer who was far away in the imperial capital.

Ever since, one more of the four secrets of grievance has been added!
As for Chen Shu, I'm sorry, I'm not from the same group, Ou Huang deserves to die!

(End of this chapter)

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