After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 316 Xi Tianyue’s Gift

Chapter 316 Xi Tianyue’s Gift
Villa on the second floor.

Su Xiao knocked on Li Ruzhen's bedroom door, and after a while the door opened from the inside.

It can be seen that Li Ruzhen looks a little lonely.

Seeing this, Lidya Su felt a pain in her heart and immediately pulled her into her arms.


He hasn't said these three words to others for a long time. When the two of them first got together, they would occasionally have a little quarrel. Based on the principle of apologizing first after a quarrel, Su Xiao at that time often said to Li Ruzhen These words.

However, after three years of separation, the two reunited, and it was Li Ruzhen who said this.

As for the Qingcheng Group, Su Xiao still hasn't figured out how to explain it. The main reason is that he can't match the time at all!
When he first got together with Li Ruzhen, he had just graduated from school. Although he still played games occasionally, he couldn't explain to Li Ruzhen that he got so many assets because of playing a game, right?
However, fortunately, Li Ruzhen had no intention of pursuing this. After hearing Lidya Su's words, she shook her head and said:
"There's no need to apologize. I'm hiding something from you. You didn't ask me where I've been in the past three years, and I won't ask you either!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao was stunned:
"Then how do you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Ruzhen said first:
"Not happy, are you?"

As she spoke, she raised a complicated smile:

"I'm not unhappy, I just feel a little regretful about why I left you in the first place. If I were by your side, I could also help you!"

"In such a big industry, it must be very hard for you, right?"

Uh, back to the previous words, Lidya Su shook his head:

"It's not hard, there are so many people helping me, it's so easy!"

But no, he just played games, and the industry skyrocketed. After the game industry came to reality, Ye Xinyi and the others helped to take care of it. Even if he unlocked the industry, there were also Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi and Xi Tianyue and the others were helping, so how could he be tired?

When it comes to being tired, he is the most tired at night!

Whoa, whoa, far away!

After hearing his words, Li Ruzhen still had a hint of guilt in her eyes. She hesitated for a while and then said:
"Husband, I want to leave Yuncheng for a few days, okay?"

Lidya Su was stunned, how many days will she be away?

"Want to go out and relax? I can go with you!"

When people feel depressed, they will want to go out for a walk. He thought that Li Ru really wanted to go out and relax.

No, Li Ruzhen shook his head and said:
"No, I want to go home!"

Come back home?

Su Xiao immediately realized that this home was definitely not Jingshui's home, but Li Ruzhen's hometown.

He nodded and said:

"Then I'll go with you!"

Although Li Ruzhen also wanted him to go with her, she shook her head when she thought of the people at home:
"No, I'll just go back by myself. Don't worry, I'll be back in three to five days at most!"

She said so, and Lidya Su did not insist, but suggested:
"Then let Xiaomi accompany you!"

He was not afraid that Li Ruzhen would never come back like before, but mainly for her safety.

This time, Li Ruzhen did not refuse, but nodded.

Then, she stayed in Lidya Su's arms for a while, then she squeezed out a smile and said:
"Husband, go and accompany Yueyue first. Don't worry about me. I'll just be quiet for a while!"

After observing her condition with insight and finding that there were no special changes, Su Xiao felt relieved.

After Su Xiao went out, Li Ruzhen closed the bedroom door, then took out his cell phone and read the message from a person with the note "Little White Eyed Wolf":

"Sister, there is an emergency at home. Please come back after taking leave and say that your dear brother is sick!"

Although he didn't want to talk to him, Li Ruzhen had already made up his mind to go back and finish the matter, so he replied:

"Oh, this reason is no longer useful!"

There was a pause and a "Why?" came over.

Li Ruzhen pouted and replied:

"It's nothing. The reason I used for asking for leave last time was: 'My brother is dead, so I'm asking for leave to go back to attend the funeral!'"

This time, the wait took longer, and it took a while before six points were sent.

On the grass outside the villa, Xi Tianyue was playing with Xiao Tongtong, and their laughter echoed in the yard.

Seeing Su Xiao come out, the two people immediately stopped playing and ran towards Su Xiao one after another.

Little Tongtong had short legs and ran slower, so she only grabbed the position of one thigh. She could only raise her head eagerly to see Su Xiao and Xi Tianyue kissing each other!

Ye Fanyan was more sensible and hurried over to take Xiao Tongtong away. Originally, Xiao Tongtong was still reluctant. After all, he hadn't seen Lidya Su for a long time and wanted to stay with him for a while.

But after Ye Fanyan said a few words in her ear, she became well-behaved.

Looking at Lidya Su and the two of them, there was also a hint of expectation and surprise.

Finally able to monopolize Su Xiao, Xi Tianyue was also full of joy, hanging on Su Xiao's body like a koala, whispering very affectionately.

"Brother, do you remember the gift I promised you before?"

With Su Xiao's current memory, it was naturally easy to recall it, but he deliberately looked confused and said:

"Huh? What gift? I don't remember!"

As he spoke, he rubbed Xi Tianyue's head with his forehead and said as if he didn't care at all:

"You are the most precious gift God has given me, and I don't care about anything else!"

Although this love talk was very cliché, Xi Tianyue found it useful. She raised her chin coquettishly:
"That's right, but brother, you are also the best gift God has given me!"

However, she was obviously able to remember the key points of what she wanted to say. She leaned into Lidya Su's ear and said:
"I told you before that I wanted to give you a gift. You said you were not in a hurry and would pick it up after returning to Yuncheng. Brother, don't you even remember it?"

Lidya Su pretended to frown and thought for a while, then shook her head and said:
"Really? I don't remember, but I like any gift you give me. Can you show it to me now?"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue showed a little disappointment in his eyes. When he heard what Su Xiao said next, he couldn't help but blush:
"Oh, that gift can't be seen here!"

Lidya Su still looked puzzled:

"What gift is so mysterious? You can't see it outside?"

Seeing that he really didn't seem to remember anything, Xi Tianyue pouted and wanted not to say anything, but after hesitating for a while, he leaned into Lidya Su's ear and whispered softly:

"The gift I want to give you"

She was still a little shy. Under Lidya Su's puzzled eyes, she gritted her teeth and said in a different way:

"It's autumn, right?"

Su Xiao nodded, and Xi Tianyue continued:

"So what flowers have the most flowers in autumn?"

This question is simple, Su Xiao opened her mouth and answered: "Osmanthus, autumn is strong all year round, and the fragrance of osmanthus is ten miles away!"

After saying that, he looked like I was awesome.

Xi Tianyue was speechless:
"No, what else? What other flowers are there in autumn?"

Lidya Su touched her chin and said:
"No? That's a lot..."

Under Xi Tianyue's expectant eyes, he opened his mouth and said:

"Ephyllum, hibiscus, golden camellia, rose, lily, phalaenopsis, rose flower, rosemary..."

But every time she said something, Xi Tianyue's face darkened, and in the end she just gave up. She changed her explanation:
"No, no, let me put it another way. For example, if we can't get in through the front door of a community, where else can we get in?"

This question is also simple. Lidya Su still opened his mouth and asked:

"If you can't get in through the front door, then take the elevator from the underground garage!"

Xi Tianyue was defeated directly:
"What other door is there besides the front door?"

Seeing how serious she looked, Lidya Su couldn't help it anymore and laughed directly.

Seeing this, Xi Tianyue realized later and realized that Su Xiao was teasing her on purpose. She immediately blushed with embarrassment and raised her small fist to hit Su Xiao's chest like raindrops:

"Brother, you are necrotic!"

Su Xiao neither dodge nor resist, and let her beat her chest. After a while, Xi Tianyue hummed:
"Since you don't want the gift, brother, then forget it!"

Turning to leave.

Lidya Su grabbed it, how could it be possible?
"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have teased you!"

"Then when can I pick up my gift?"

Seeing him apologizing, Xi Tianyue's expression improved, but he still pouted and said:

"Brother, don't you know what kind of flowers there are in autumn? It's still a year of autumn, and the fragrance of osmanthus is ten miles away, hum!"

At this time, it is better to be soft than hard. Su Xiao quickly made up for it:

"How could it be possible? Even though he is fragrant with the scent of osmanthus, I only love the elegance of chrysanthemums!"

"Besides, I don't have much ability. I often run into walls at the front door, so I can only barely walk through the back door!"

Xi Tianyue couldn't help but nod her head after hearing the first sentence, but the second sentence was full of meaning, which immediately made her pretty face blush even more.

Su Xiao strikes while the iron is hot:

"Then Yueyue, my gift should still count, right?"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue snorted lightly, then blushed and said:

"Since I promised my brother, then of course I will, but..."

She looked at the people in the courtyard. There were too many people in Villa No. 1. She leaned into Lidya Su's ear and said:
"Shall we go to Villa No. 2?"

Villa No. 2 was originally rented by Su Xiao to Mu Jingwan and the others, and now it has become a property in their names.

However, as the leader of the four sisters, Xi Tianyue still has a room of her own in Villa No. 2.

Lidya Su nodded quickly:

"Yes, yes, of course!"

Xi Tianyue is taking a precaution. If the main general is defeated, the three lieutenants can still take over!

Coupled with the role of Jinlan and Xinshou's bond, even if we lose in the end, we won't lose too badly!

Moreover, Villa No. [-] is right next to it, which makes it convenient for Xi Tianyue to use his recruiting skills.

In the field of shaking people, Xi Tianyue is number one, but no one among the girls dares to be number two!
After the discussion, Su Xiao led the pretty and blushing Xi Tianyue out of the villa gate and entered Villa No. 2.

After entering the house, Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran had already changed their clothes and were waiting. Obviously, they also knew about the gift Xi Tianyue prepared for Su Xiao.

For example, Mu Jingwan, although she also looked shy, there was a hint of expectation in her eyes, and she seemed to want to give Xi Tianyue the same gift.

Not to mention Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran. After following Su Xiao, they directly realized the freedom of wealth. In the past, they could only occasionally imitate those fake socialites and take some photos to post on WeChat Moments. Now, they take all photos of real objects, and even It’s many times more luxurious than the previous circle of friends!
Of course, they are not innately vain, but as girls, and good-looking girls, it is normal to not be able to help but show off a little.

And Su Xiao, who allowed them to live such a prosperous life, became everything in their lives. Although they were just one of them in Su Xiao's life, so what?

Su Xiao can completely satisfy them whether it is financially, mentally or in other aspects, so she will naturally try her best to make him happy.

As for gifts in autumn and so on, as long as Lidya Su wants it, it's no problem!
However, they can still distinguish between priorities. Xi Tianyue's status in Su Xiao's mind cannot be compared to that of Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin or Xie Yuran, but they are a community of interests.

As described in Jinlan Bondage, Xi Tianyue is their chief general, and the three of them are just lieutenants!
When the general is not present, the deputy general can do it for him, but since the general is present, this is absolutely insurmountable!
The reason is still the same, all to make Lidya Su happy!
Mu Jingwan followed Su Xiao and Xi Tianyue to the largest bedroom upstairs and whispered:
"Yueyue, we have prepared everything you want. We are right outside. If you need help with anything, just call us!"

Xi Tianyue blushed and nodded, then pulled Lidya Su into the bedroom and closed the door tightly at the same time.

Looking at the various auxiliary tools placed on a small table next to the soft big bed in the bedroom, Xi Tianyue's heartbeat accelerated, and she coughed lightly and said:

"Brother, wait for me for a while, I'll take a shower first!"

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows:

"Let's go together. Now the whole country is advocating water conservation. As a beautiful young man who was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze, we must set an example, right?"

Xi Tianyue admired his shamelessness from the bottom of her heart, but she was also a good child, so she did not refuse the proposal.

There are many benefits to two people taking a bath together, and although it may not necessarily save water in the end, there is certainly nothing wrong with rubbing each other's backs.

However, this warm-up bath took a long time. In the end, not only did it not save water, but it actually exceeded the standard a lot.

Therefore, theory is often unreliable, and only practice can produce true knowledge!

After taking a bath, Su Xiao received the gift prepared by Xi Tianyue. Xi Tianyue was right, this gift was indeed extremely precious.

With her as an example, Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran also took this opportunity to give the same gifts as Xi Tianyue.

Later, the girls in Villa No. 2 were also attracted to Villa No. [-], especially Leng Yiyi, Ye Fanyan, Guan Zhiyao and others who had been separated from Su Xiao for a long time!

Of course, the two sisters Shiyuan and Shigure, who have not yet integrated into this circle, are naturally not among them.

The two of them stayed in the living room on the second floor to play with Xiao Tongtong.

On the sofa, Xiao Tongtong was held in Shi Yuan's arms, watching cartoons on her phone. In the past, she could watch them with gusto, but today she had no interest at all.

She looked up and asked:
"Sister Yuanyuan, where have mom and Susu gone?"

Shi Yuan coaxed softly:

"Your mother and boss are at work. Tongtong just wait for them at home!"

Hearing this, Xiao Tongtong raised her eyes and looked at her, with a look on her face like I've read the book and you can't fool me:
"Sister Yuanyuan, you are lying to a child. Susu, her mother and aunt are obviously on a date!"

(End of this chapter)

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