After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 317 Office, Stunned Shi Yuan

Chapter 317 Office, Stunned Shi Yuan

Xihua Building.

Hearing that Su Xiao wanted to change to a larger villa, Qi Lanwei took the initiative to ask for help and went around to look at houses, so only Yan Qi was with Su Xiao.

Xi Tianyue and others were all injured in yesterday's battle and could only recuperate at home.

As soon as the two arrived at Qingxing Decoration, Jiang Chen, who had just been promoted to acting general manager, was already waiting at the door.

"Su Dong!"

Behind Jiang Chen, all the management staff of Qingxing Decoration bowed in unison and said in unison.

Seeing this, Lidya Su smiled and nodded:
"You're welcome. I heard that the company has changed a lot recently. Come on, Mr. Jiang, show me around!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen knew that Su Xiao didn't want too many people to follow him, so he let others go about their own business first, while he took Su Xiao and the two of them around the company alone.

The previous front desk lady has now become a master, and has a new person under her. Both of them have good temperament and mental outlook.

Many times, the front desk of a company can tell the general situation of the company.

Su Xiao smiled and nodded towards the two of them. After they entered, the new girl asked her master:

"Master, who is this little brother? Why are Mr. Jiang and the others so respectful to him!"

There are stars in her eyes. This little brother is so handsome and his temperament is the perfect choice for the male lead in her dreams!
The young lady who had met Lidya Su a long time ago said:
"Oh, he is the chairman of our Qingxing Decoration. In addition to Qingxing Decoration, he also has many industries, such as the previous Yuncheng Lianhua, right? It was acquired by Director Su's men, and... "

She began to popularize Su Xiao's legend to her new apprentice, and the little girl who had just entered society was stunned for a moment.

Isn't this too fantasy?Why is it like a novel?
Inside the company, looking at the active working status of employees in various departments, Su Xiao couldn't help but nodded:
"Well, it seems that Mr. Jiang, your work has been very effective during this period!"

Just a casual sentence made Jiang Chen smile broadly:

"Wherever there is, it's all the rich resources you left behind, Mr. Su!"

This is not a compliment or flattery. With Qingcheng Real Estate’s list, the position of general manager of Qingxing Decoration can be said that even a dog can fly!
Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is also true.

Su Xiao didn't wander around much, just walked around casually and then walked out because Yan Qi told him that the office upstairs was decorated and asked him to go up and have a look.

Arriving on the 22nd floor and looking at the Qingqi Law Firm branch next to the office, Su Xiao didn't have any objections.

I opened the door and walked in, and found that the layout of the office was very simple. On the left was the reception area, a large light-colored arc-shaped sofa, and in front of it were two oval coffee tables, one large and one small.

On the right side are standard office desks, chairs, and office cabinets. The overall decoration is simple and elegant, without too many redundant decorations.

Yan Qi pulled Su Xiao to the desk and said expectantly:

"Boss, sit down and feel it. See if this chair is comfortable!"

Lidya Su nodded, sat down and felt it, and found that the chair was indeed good, but it wasn't too special?
At this time, Yan Qi groaned, then lay down on the ground and looked around as if he was looking for something.

Su Xiao was very confused about this, but as Yan Qi continued to search, he seemed to understand what this girl was going to do.

Thinking of this, he didn't say anything, but leaned gently on the comfortable chairman's office chair, looking down at him carefully.

Yan Qi wore a cream-white shirt and a khaki hip-hugging skirt today. On her legs were black thigh-high socks that just passed a small part of her knees. The overall outfit looked fresh and had a hint of pure lust.

At this time, she was lying on the ground, her head lowered, and her eyes were scanning around under the desk.

As the angle slowly adjusted, the khaki round shape became more and more straight, which made Su Xiao want to raise her hand and pump it twice.

After searching for a while, Yan Qi turned around and said doubtfully:

"Hey, why can't I find it?"

The confusion on that face makes it difficult to tell the difference between true and false.

Tsk tsk, it seems that after being with me for a long time, my acting skills have improved!

dong dong!

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door. When Yan Qi heard the sound, his first reaction was not to stand up, but to subconsciously retract his body under the desk.


The next moment, Shi Yuan and Shi Yu walked in together. Both of them were wearing gray suits and suit skirts, with white shirts underneath and probably flesh-colored stockings on their legs. They looked extremely smooth.

"Chairman, is Mr. Yan here?"

After the two sisters came in, their eyes swept around the office, and then Shigure asked.

Feeling the sudden chill, Su Xiao's expression remained unchanged and she said calmly:
"Oh, she went out to help me buy something. She'll be back in a minute!"

"What's the matter with you?"

Hearing this, Shi Yu and Shi Yuan clearly showed a trace of confusion on their faces. They clearly saw Yan Qi coming in with Su Xiao just now, why did he disappear?
Moreover, when it comes to going shopping, not to mention that they didn't see Yan Qi going out. There are so many people in the office, so why not just send a message casually? There is no need to go there in person, right?

However, since Lidya Su said this, they naturally would not refute, but nodded and said:

"Oh, Mr. Yan asked us to send her a document and asked you to sign it!"

Lidya Su coughed lightly and said:

"Then give it to me and let me take a look!"

Shigure nodded, took two steps forward and handed the document in his hand to Su Xiao.

After reading the file, Su Xiao began to read it, but she couldn't concentrate.

After a while, I finally finished reading it, then picked up a pen and signed my name.

"Okay, is there anything else?"

Handing the signed documents back, Su Xiao had a slight smile on her face, but her eyes seemed to be holding back something.

Although she felt that something should be wrong with Su Xiao, Shigure still shook her head, took the document and said:
"It's okay, Chairman, I'll go out first!"

As she spoke, she looked at her sister Shi Yuan.

But Shi Yuan said abruptly:
"Sister, you go out first, I have something to report to the chairman!"

With a flash of doubt in his eyes, Shigure nodded, bowed slightly to Lidya Su, and then withdrew.

After Shi Yu left, Shi Yuan said with a smile:
"Dr. Su, you are really amazing. I used to think you were just an ordinary office worker..."

Shi Yuan sat at the desk, leaning on her chin and began to recall the past, with a sweet smile that belonged to a girl on her face.

Until now, she still feels a little dreamy. She really didn't expect that the little neighbor brother was such a powerful person, even the father she admired since childhood was far behind.

Lidya Su, on the other hand, kept listening to her story with a smile, nodding in agreement from time to time.

As he was talking, Shi Yuan suddenly frowned and subconsciously sniffed his straight nose, as if he smelled something strange.It stands to reason that since the office decoration has been completed and it has been ventilated and deodorized for a long time, there should be no odor. After all, she just came in and cleaned it carefully a few days ago.

Could it be that I was negligent?

As a responsible employee, she could not accept the smell in her boss's office. She quickly got up and sniffed around to find the source of the smell.

Seeing this, Lidya Su was shocked and quickly asked with a smile:

"What's wrong, Yuanyuan?"

Shi Yuan shook his head:
"Oh it's all right!"

When she walked to the side of the desk, she glanced casually, and her pupils suddenly shook violently!

She quickly returned to her seat in front of the desk, sat upright and said:
"Chairman, do you have anything else to do here? If not, I will leave first!"

This time, Su Xiao became much calmer. Seeing that her pretty face seemed to be smeared with rouge and her forehead was almost steaming, he smiled and said:
"You should be fine right now, we can just have a chat!"

Saying that, without waiting for Shi Yuan to object, he continued:

"I heard that you and Xiao Yu were hired by Yue Yue from Director Shi to be my secretaries. This won't offend you, right? Or can I change your positions for you?"

Hearing this, Shi Yuan, whose face turned red, quickly shook his head and said:
"It's not aggrieved or aggrieved. My sister and I both think it's pretty good and we can learn a lot!"

Seeing this, Lidya Su smiled and nodded.

He didn't know if the air conditioner in the office was turned on too much. He couldn't help but frown slightly and snorted at the same time, and then looked at Shi Yuan:
"By the way, is Shi Dong in good health recently?"

I can't help it, I really can't think of any suitable topics.

Different from him, Shi Yuan felt that the office was so hot and her face turned red. When she heard him mention her father, she nodded immediately and said:

"Well, it's pretty good. Recently, my dad has gotten better than before. I have to thank you for your help, Chairman!"

When they previously cooperated with Yuncheng Lianhua and then acquired it, Xi Tianyue and the others executed it in the name of Su Xiao. Although the company was acquired, Shi Anping was not removed and continued to serve as chairman.

Moreover, with the resources of Su Xiao's many companies, Yuncheng Lianhua can be regarded as a turnaround. The company that was originally in decline and not far from bankruptcy has regained its vitality.

With the help of Yan Qi and others, Yuncheng Lianhua reorganized its assets, and the distribution status of the entire enterprise's assets has been newly combined, adjusted, and configured!
Although these integrations are not over yet, even Shiyuan Shigure can see the changes in Yuncheng Lianhua.

At that time, when Anping learned that Su Xiao was the boss behind Xi Tianyue and the others, he did not hesitate at all about Xi Tianyue's request to let Shi Yuan Shiyu be Su Xiao's secretary.

A person of this level will not suffer if his daughter is with him.

As an upper-class person in society, Shi Anping knew very well that for many people, it was basically impossible for him to have the same heart as him and stay together forever.

Therefore, before coming, he had a heart-to-heart talk with the sisters Shiyuan and Shiyu in advance. If they were not willing, then as his father, he would definitely not force them.

But if you are willing, you must be mentally prepared in advance and do some work while trying your best to fight for your own interests.

Recalling what his father said and the scene he just saw, Shi Yuan felt confused and confused.

He raised his shy eyes and looked at Lidya Su, whose face was glowing red.

Lidya Su's aura was much stronger than when they first met. Of course, it was possible that he didn't pay attention at the time.

But his face is more heroic, with more sharp edges and corners. He wears a high-end dark suit with a simple white shirt and a crisp tie. His whole body has a dignified and loose temperament. Even his hair seems to add a bit of handsomeness. .

He seems more handsome than before!
But when she thought of such a well-dressed and tough-looking Su Xiao in another state at this time, she couldn't help but blush.

If it were anyone else, she would definitely be disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

But for some reason, when this person was replaced by Lidya Su, she didn't feel disgusted at all, and even fantasized about changing places with that person.

Her face felt a little hot, so she raised her hand and fanned it gently:

"Oops, it's a little hot in the office!"

Finally, when she saw Lidya Su looking at her with a half-smile, her eyes full of meaning, her heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly said:
"Um, Chairman, press my button and I'll get to work first!"

Saying that, without waiting for Lidya Su's answer, he ran out of the office as if running away.

With a click, the door of the office was closed. Shigure, who was not far away, saw that her face was red and had a bad feeling in her heart. She hurriedly came over and asked:

"Yuanyuan, what's wrong? Why is your face so red? It can't be..."

Shi Yuan quickly shook his head:

"No, no, it's just too hot inside. Nothing happened to me!"

But Shigure obviously didn't believe it. As twin sisters, they had grown up together. Although their personalities were slightly different, they knew each other well and could tell she was lying at a glance.

So he frowned and asked:
"What's going on? Isn't it Lidya Su who is treating you?"

If Lidya Su did something to herself, she probably wouldn't object, but when she thought of Lidya Su doing something to her sister, she couldn't accept it, and her face became serious.

Seeing this, Shi Yuan hurriedly said seriously:

"No, really no, the chairman didn't even touch me!"

Seeing that her sister still didn't believe it, she looked around, then pulled Shigure towards the bathroom.

After a while, Shigure's pupils were shocked and he said in disbelief:

"Are you telling the truth? Mr. Yan..."

A picture suddenly appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her mouth, but she couldn't hide the shock in her eyes.

It's not that she can't handle it, it's that in her impression, Yan Qi is one of the top barristers in the country. He acts vigorously and resolutely, and his aura is full of energy.

Although he was relatively well-behaved in front of Su Xiao, he really couldn't imagine that Yan Qi could do that for Su Xiao.

It doesn't work anymore, it doesn't work anymore, I can't think about it anymore, my mind is filled with the lingering images.

However, if Shi Yuan could see the picture in her mind, he would definitely help her correct it, and the actual picture would only be more shocking!
As soon as the two came out of the bathroom, they saw Yan Qi's assistant walking towards Su Xiao's office, seeming to want to knock on the door.

Shigure quickly stopped:

"Sister Jingjing, the chairman is taking a rest now, how about you come back later?"

Hearing this, Jingjing looked at the two of them doubtfully, and seemed to have thought of something. She didn't say much, but nodded and turned around to go back the way she came.

Seeing this, Shigure and Shiyuan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The two of them looked at each other and decided not to leave for the time being, but to act as gatekeepers here.

As a qualified secretary, it is your duty to share your boss's worries and let him have a good rest!

(End of this chapter)

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