After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 318 In this situation, it would be a shame not to do something!

After the two sisters, Shiyuan and Shigure, had been waiting outside the office for nearly an hour, the office door opened with a click from the inside.

The rosy-faced Yan Qi followed the calm and gentle Su Xiao out of the room.

"Hello Su Dong!"

The first time he saw Su Xiao, Shi Yu and Shi Yuan respectfully said.

Seeing them waiting outside, Su Xiao was startled, but she didn't say much, just smiled and nodded, then turned to Yan Qi and said:

"Yan Yan, I'll leave the matters here to you. I'll go check out the yard Weiwei chose first!"

At this time, Yan Qi seemed to have been opened up by the eight extraordinary meridians, and his whole body felt warm. After hearing Su Xiao's words, he hurriedly said:

"Good boss!"

Just as Su Xiao was about to leave, Shi Yuan hurriedly followed:
"Boss, let me go with you!"

She is Su Xiao's personal secretary, so she naturally has to follow her closely.

As for Shigure, before she could react for a moment, Su Xiao had already left with Shi Yuan.

Seeing her a little stunned, Yan Qi came to her side and whispered:
"Xiaoyu, why don't you follow?"

Shigure's face turned slightly red, and then she said:

"Yuan Yuan just follows the boss. I'd better learn from you, Sister Qi Qi!"

Hearing this, Yan Qi slapped his mouth, then nodded and said:

"It makes sense. If you want to be the boss's personal secretary, you really need to learn something. Let's go around and let me tell you..."

She was a bit like being a teacher, especially for a girl like Shigure who didn't know anything about men and women. Yan Qi really wanted to hand over all the skills he had learned to her.

For example, her spiritual tongue and a series of knowledge imparted by Su Xiao.

Many times, a good teacher can bring great help to people, especially it can help people avoid many detours.

On the other side, Su Xiao took Shi Yuan to the south of the city, which is also the south of Diannan Ze.

The mansion Qi Lanwei chose is here.

As soon as the two got off the car, Qi Lanwei was already waiting.


As soon as Su Xiao's feet landed on the ground, Qi Lanwei couldn't wait to come over and said in a soft voice.

When Shi Yuan came down from the other side, she saw that her former idol acted like a young girl in front of Su Xiao and asked for a kiss. She still felt that it was a little unreal, even though she had accepted that Su Xiao was the Qingcheng Group. Founder thing.

After some intimacy, Qi Lanwei took Lidya Su's hand and walked forward, saying as she walked:

"Husband, you will definitely like this garden-style house!"

Su Xiao looked forward and saw two majestic stone lions on the left and right in front, as well as a uniquely designed gate.

With just one glance, Su Xiao felt that what he was standing under was not Yuncheng, but Suhang!

When it comes to gardens, across the country and even the world, Suzhou City is naturally the most famous. Gardens in Suzhou and Hangzhou originated in the Spring and Autumn Period, lasted in the Jin and Tang Dynasties, flourished in the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

For example, the surrounding corridors and gardens of Canglang Pavilion, the strange rocks standing in the Lion Grove, the halls and pavilions of the Humble Administrator's Garden, and the hanging vines of the Lingering Garden can all reflect the customs, customs, and aesthetic concepts of Suzhou and Hangzhou for thousands of years. , is also the lingering mental fossil and unspoken words of people traveling around the world!

The old crafts of stacking mountains, water management, bricklaying, wood carving, painting, and clay sculpture in Chinese-style architectural gardens, which can be used to build the Forbidden City, come from the same gang, not the Beggar Gang, not the Haisha Gang, but the Xiangshan Gang.

And this place in front of us is obviously the most intuitive embodiment of Chinese gardens!
"Husband, this single-family villa covers an area of ​​5 acres, with 8 bedrooms, 10 living rooms and 8 bathrooms..."

Qi Lanwei acted as the commentator at this time, explaining this Chinese-style garden mansion in great detail.

In China, a Chinese-style garden that pays attention to must not only face north and south, but also have stone lions and red eucalyptus trees.

The three-person-high Ruyi Gate is a little higher than the white tiled walls on both sides. It has a one-foot-high platform, three-section brick carvings, and chicken spines on both ends. This is the face of the gate, although it is not that big. High-profile, but restrained enough!
Moreover, for Lidya Su now, there is no need for those extravagant pomps.

The current garden design, which is full of cultural heritage, is in line with his state of mind.

After entering, all you can see is a private residence.

On both sides, the elegant and straight five-needle pine trees and the picturesque podocarpus pine trees look like they have been raised for at least three to five years.

After going up the steps, passing through the gatehouse, and entering the second hall, Qi Lanwei took Su Xiao around the courtyard counterclockwise.

The flower window with begonia pattern connects the water and wood outside the wall with the stone carvings inside the wall, without feeling depressing at all.

Different views are also reflected in the turning of the circulation line. Going forward is the entrance to the guest room, which is also convenient for the nanny to deliver meals through the wind and rain corridor.

On the right hand side, inside the Moon Arch Gate, there is not only a private courtyard with unique guest rooms, but also a garden within a garden with winding paths.

Going up the pedal road, you will reach the hexagonal pavilion. Most of the high eaves and corners at the top are made of mortise and tenon structure. This is a craft that has been carried out for thousands of years.

Further forward, the view is also very good. To the south, you can overlook the garden in the garden, where pines, kites and cypresses are intertwined; to the north, you can feel the dense and calm temptation of the water garden.

Continuing forward and going downhill, in a Chinese garden, the garden must be separated and the water must be curved, so that no one can see through it at a glance. What you want to play is to hide your face half-hidden with a pipa in your hand!
This is very different from Western-style landscaping, which emphasizes lawn culture and wants to see all the scenery at a glance.

A few people walked and arrived at the four-corner pavilion of the Waterscape Garden. The view here is very broad.

There are several smart water purifiers in the pool, which can ensure that the water is clear and translucent 24 hours a day.

At this time, hundreds of koi carps were swimming happily in the pond!
Qi Lanwei walked and talked, her voice soft and soft, full of Suzhou and Hangzhou women's unique tones, which made people feel very enjoyable:

"There are more than 130 kinds of green plants in the entire garden. There are cherry blossoms in spring and maples in autumn, lotus flowers in summer and plum blossoms in winter. From the first day of the new year to the twelfth lunar month of winter, the flowering periods are staggered, and different flowers bloom in each solar term!"

"The combination of varieties is very particular, including the time of cultivation, the location chosen, and the profound artistic conception!"

Speaking of this, she also made a joke:

"Many people may not understand. It's just like lipstick. In the eyes of many boys, it's just a kind of red, but in the eyes of girls, it's a colorful red!" As she spoke, she also raised her red lips and blinked. eyes asked:
"Honey, can you tell what color lipstick I'm wearing today?"

Shi Yuan, who was following behind, looked at her lips subconsciously, and Mei could tell for a moment because the color of Qi Lanwei's lipstick looked a bit like grapefruit and sunset milk orange.

While she was sweating for her boss, Su Xiao picked up Qi Lanwei's chin and said:
“Black tea cold brew!”

Hearing this, Qi Lanwei's eyes flashed with surprise, while Shi Yuan was stunned on the spot!

She looked carefully and it seemed like it was true!

Grapefruit color is suitable for light makeup. A lighter lip color will look more natural and brighten your complexion. Sunset Milk Orange is closer to black tea cold brew, but it is more suitable for yellow and dark skin because it makes it look whiter!
But Qi Lanwei's complexion is as fair as jade, which is not suitable for her.

Black tea cold extract is different. Black tea cold extract is a lip color with a sense of distance. It is suitable for beauties with a cool feeling, low-key yet high-end!

Seeing Qi Lanwei couldn't help but stand up on tiptoes and give her a sweet kiss, Shi Yuan couldn't help but admire Su Xiao.

The boss is indeed a boss, and he is even better at recognizing lipstick numbers than a girl like her!
Sure enough, even if you want to be the King of the Sea, you still have to be strong!
A strong woman with a successful career like Qi Lanwei cannot be deceived by sweet words.

Well, it seems that the boss doesn’t need sweet words. Just look at the love in Mr. Qi’s eyes!

After some intimacy, the temperature seemed to have become warmer. Qi Lanwei continued to pull Lidya Su forward, but it could be seen that she was even more excited.

"Chinese-style gardens are about construction. The camp is about layout. As you saw just now, husband, it is about craftsmanship, just like the craftsmanship of flower steps paving under our feet. The size of the cobblestones should be controlled between four and six centimeters, and the transition of color differences should be controlled. It also needs to be natural and harmonious.”

"On the semi-wet but not dry cement, knead each piece smoothly horizontally and vertically. Don't sink it too deep, which makes you look stingy, and don't reveal too much, which makes it too full!"

"These cannot be mass-produced. We can only rely on the many years of experience of the masters of the Xiangshan Gang. If they can pave one square meter a day, it is considered fast..."

A few people continued to move forward. To the north was the northeast corner of the entire courtyard, and to the west was a wrong view. The two doors along the wall were not in a straight line, which made the line of sight twist and turn in a strange way.

In addition to being eye-catching, gardens also have many functions, such as tea tasting, piano appreciation, fish watching, Tai Chi, sword dancing, etc., all of which can be satisfied in places like these.

Afterwards, a few people arrived at the northwest corner of the entire courtyard. There was a BBQ under a pavilion. They could usually have a party here to entertain friends.

A lot of mosquito repellent grass is newly planted in the garden every year, and the effect is very good, especially for Yuncheng. When there are many mosquitoes, it is very annoying, but mosquito coils and the like are also harmful. They will hurt the enemy by one thousand, but they will hurt by eight hundred!
There is also a zelkova tree that is growing very well in the courtyard. Together with the laurel tree at the entrance, it is the cedar tree in the front and the cedar tree in the back that the ancients paid attention to!
This is the parent of the ancients. Every family hopes to have a buff at home, so that they can win the championship without having to study, think, New Oriental, or DingTalk!

In fact, both parents in ancient times and parents today have a lot to worry about. It’s just that in ancient times it was more obscure and pure, but today’s parents are more straightforward!

In fact, Chinese gardens emphasize three creations and seven masters. The craftsman's construction only accounts for three thirds, and the owner's maintenance accounts for seven percent. Therefore, considerable investment is required in the later stage, and the garden will gradually exude the owner's temperament!
If the owner has a majestic appearance, the house will be full of wind and waves; if the owner is hesitant, the house will definitely have twists and turns; if the owner uses clothes and hides, the house will surely advance and retreat smoothly!

Who would be in the mood to take a closer look at all of this unless it was a prosperous age?
In front of the house is the parking lot. It shouldn't be a big problem to park seven or eight cars.

After looking around the garden, the group of people returned to the entrance to the second hall just now, because next was the indoor part!
The entrance screen is a double-sided embroidery of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, with a full circle of colorful Suzaku glaze frame embedded in it. This screen alone is enough to replace two Teslas.

The facade that bypasses the screen is a side hall with four porcelain paintings on both sides, from the Qing Dynasty!

Further forward, there is a Kowloon Treasure Offering in the shape of Ruyi placed on the stage, with the Eight Immortals crossing the sea as a foil on both sides!
This kind of small-leaf red sandalwood, which is priced by the gram, is generally used on bracelets or toys. The disadvantage of such a large ornament is that it is too heavy, and it is a bit laborious to plate it!

Going out of the side hall, there is a main living room with a height of seven meters. The two-ton gold-clad jade chandelier exudes luster and makes the entire golden nanmu background wall look like the moon reflected in the three pools.

Coupled with the custom-made mahogany furniture, every piece of carving becomes instantly dynamic!

On the coffee table in the middle, you can see the joyful picture of a hundred sons welcoming blessings, the salute of longevity, and the auspicious nature of the heart. This kind of hospitality is simply immersive!
There is also a small highlight in the living room, which is the stalagmites that have been standing for countless years. They have natural floating points and a cool feeling. After finishing it, it feels like a warm breeze!

Walking inside and across the aisle, there is a chain of restaurants, connected by Duobao grids in the middle. There are three sets of red rosewood dining tables and chairs, which can fit even a large family of more than 30 people!

Different from the fast food culture of McDonald's in foreign countries, Chinese people pay attention to the eight major cuisine cultures, frying, frying, stewing, marinating, marinating, grilling and steaming. The kitchen is full of storage cabinets.

Further inside is the living area of ​​the nanny and bodyguard. Don’t take a look at this.

Walking out of the dining room and passing through the corridor, in front is the living space where the family lives.

On the left hand side of the entrance, in the center of the tea room is a tea table and chairs carved from mahogany roots. It weighs at least a ton. Judging from the quality, it must be at least a hundred years old!
The only difference between the living room and ordinary people's homes is that there is no mahogany furniture, and there is a whole jade TV wall without any cutting!

Going downstairs again, the basement bar and the cabinets on the wall are full of red wines of various vintages, and of course there are countless other vintage wines!

Entering on the right side, there is a swimming pool, both in size and atmosphere, it is just right!
Jacuzzi, sauna, sliced ​​agate on the wall!

On the other side of the basement is a billiards hall, and across the billiards hall is the second tea room, which is more private.

Behind the seven-meter-long old tea table of original mahogany, there is a whole wall of golden nanmu root carvings. Thousand-year-old collection-grade furniture forms a natural form of archaeological shelf. Needless to say, its unique style.

After walking around the basement, Shi Yuan, who felt that he was raised rich, was also stunned. Although he was not as professional as his old father, he could still see the value of those furniture, coffee tables, screens, and Ruyi. , any one of them is worth a lot of money!
But these precious things were actually placed in this house as decoration and furniture.

Then go up the stairs to the second floor. When you look up, you will see a custom-made ten-meter crystal chandelier hanging on the gilded and carved ceiling. Well, I am already numb!

Every door in the house is made of solid mahogany weighing 200 kilograms, and a double-sided wood carving with three-in-one swastika pattern, wishful thinking pattern, and sunflower pattern!
The main thing that Qi Lanwei and Su Xiao looked at was naturally the master bedroom. The first room on the left after entering the door was the dressing room, which was made entirely of mahogany!

The second room is a study room, all made of mahogany!
The third room is the bathroom, which is no longer made of mahogany, but the floor and walls are covered with jade, which is very simple and crude!
Leaving the bathroom and walking to the balcony of the master bedroom, you can see the elegance of the green corner of the pavilion, the beauty of thousands of flowers, the tranquility of lush bamboos, and the wonder of the meandering water. The entire house can be seen from here!
After reading it, Su Xiao's mentality became calmer. He turned to Shi Yuan and said:

"Yuanyuan, can you go downstairs and wait for a while? I have something to tell Weiwei!"

Shi Yuan naturally responded obediently and went out. Qi Lanwei looked at him in confusion:

"Husband, are you dissatisfied with this house?"

Lidya Su hugged her:

"No, I'm very satisfied, but in this situation, don't you think you should do something?"


"Why, don't you want to?"

"No, I'm the only one who's a little scared..."

"What are you afraid of, that I will eat you?"

"No, I'm afraid someone will die..." (End of Chapter)

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