After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 319 Female Stars in Costumes

Su Xiao was very satisfied with the new house Qi Lanwei chose and let everyone move in the next day.

The advantage of a large house is that it allows people to have more space to display. Whether it is the front yard, the inner house, or the basement, anywhere can be a place for communication.

After being so busy for half a month, Su Xiao originally thought that Chen Shu and the gifts prepared by her would be the first to arrive, but the first to arrive was actually Yu Ziqing and her friends.

Cheng Xiaoyun, Lin Yao, Liu Yitong, Song Qian, Xu Xiao!
In addition to these five female stars that I had seen in the magic city before, there was actually one more, and she was a sweet beauty that Su Xiao preferred.

Chen Duling!
I heard that Xu Xiao and Chen Duling participated in the same costume TV series some time ago. What was it called?

Oh, by the way, "Big Dream Returns"!
A video of the filming scene also leaked on the Internet before. In the video, Chen Duling held Xu Xiao's hand and shook it. Then he stood up and walked behind Xu Xiao, took her hand and waved it back and forth. Then he sat down and hugged Xu Xiao, head He leaned on her shoulder and looked up at her acting coquettishly.

Xu Xiao helplessly lowered her head to support her forehead, but stretched out her other hand to support Chen Duling, looking like she couldn't handle Chen Duling's coquettish behavior.

Then, unexpectedly, Chen Duling actually held Xu Xiao's face in her hands, leaned in for a kiss, and both of them couldn't help laughing in the end.

On the surface, Xu Xiao held her forehead and smiled bitterly, but in reality, the corners of her mouth were raised to the sky!

This video caused many netizens to take inexplicable CP.

At this time, in the garden courtyard, Su Xiao was wearing a simple cotton and linen shirt and a pair of cotton and linen trousers, and in front of him were some anxious Xu Xiao and others.

At this time, Xu Xiao maintained the makeup of Pei Sijing, the second female lead in The Dream Returns, looking heroic and heroic, while Chen Duling maintained the makeup of Wenxiao, the female lead in the drama, with gentle and watery features between her eyebrows, and her timidity was unbearable. The desire to protect can't help but arise.

The remaining Cheng Xiaoyun also wore makeup. She participated in "One Thought Off the Mountain" some time ago, which also featured Chen Duling, but Chen Duling played the role of Xiao Yan, while Cheng Xiaoyun played the role of the first noble concubine.

At this time, she was still wearing a beautifully decorated golden walking stick on her bun.

After everyone else stood up, Su Xiao even doubted whether he had traveled to ancient times.

Because except for the first three, the remaining Lin Yao, Liu Yitong, Song Qian, including Yu Ziqing are also dressed in ancient costumes.

Although Lin Yao recently participated in the costume drama "Half a City of Flowers and Rain Accompanying the King", in my impression, her most dazzling costume should be Yue Qiluo in "Wuxin Master".

At this time, she was wearing a red cloak, and her bangs, which others thought affected her appearance, highlighted her purity and evil charm even more.

However, at this time, her eyes did not have the yandere and darkness in the show!

Liu Yitong participated in "The Story of Saiunkuni" adapted from Yukino Sae, and played the role of Hong Xiuli, so she was also the most beautiful one in red makeup at this time.

As for Song Qian, who is known as Northeastern Jun Ji-hyun, she has not participated in costume dramas recently, and has only participated in a modern suspense drama "The Beginning". However, she has participated in costume dramas before, "Cute Doctor Sweet Wife", and today she also participated in He was pulled out and returned for a limited time.

Of course, the most dazzling among them is naturally Yu Ziqing.

Today, she is wearing a light pink palace dress, with a fish skirt embroidered with light blue butterflies about to fly, and a layer of white gauze. Her silky ink hair is casually hanging around her waist. Her figure is just right, fat and thin, as if That Yang Yuhuan is alive.

"sit down!"

Su Xiao waved her hand lightly, and then under the signal from his eyes, Yu Ziqing obediently sat next to him.

After she sat down, several other female celebrities who were full of anxiety sat down with some restraint.

Although Su Xiao was the only one sitting there, they felt more nervous than walking on the red carpet every year. Even when facing the biggest director, they had never been so reserved.

But thinking about the energy of the man in front of them, they cheered up and tried to show their most beautiful side.

Even if you can't become his woman, as long as you can have some connections, then in the Chinese entertainment industry, you will have the confidence to say no to all unspoken rules!
This is especially important for female stars like them who have good looks and acting skills and want to climb up!
Rather than being tampered with by those old and ugly directors and management, it would be better to simply find a bigger backer while I still have some good looks.

Among them, only Chen Duling met Su Xiao for the first time. She originally heard Xu Xiao and Cheng Xiaoyun say that the boss they wanted to curry favor with was young and handsome, but she didn't quite believe it.

However, after confirming that the other party was the boss behind Qingcheng Group, her mental acceptance ability also improved a lot, thinking that as long as it was true, she could accept it even if she was older.

I just didn't expect that after seeing each other at this time, what they said was actually true?

She closed her legs tightly at this time, her breathing was a little rapid, and she looked very nervous.

As a star in the entertainment industry and doing well, what kind of handsome male star can I not see?But the man in front of her, she was sure, was the most handsome she had ever seen.

In addition to his top-notch reader-level appearance, he seems to be indifferent, but in fact he is as deep as a mountain, making people dare not look directly at him.

Although others had met Lidya Su once, they were still a little uneasy because they had not communicated in depth.

During this period, both themselves and the agency and agents behind them were walking on thin ice, strictly controlling whether it was scandals or filming standards, for fear of making Su Xiao unhappy due to bad news or something.

There is no way, the name of Qingcheng Group is too terrifying. Just one of its affiliates, Qingcheng Entertainment, makes the entire entertainment industry afraid to mess with it, let alone the boss of Qingcheng Group!

Just like Bai Keer, chairman of Qingcheng Entertainment, said to them, since the boss thinks you are still attractive, then you must behave yourself in the future. Even in this dirty entertainment industry, you must do well for me. Silt but not stained!
Let the past go, and you won't be held accountable for what happened. But once you get on the boss's boat, if you make the boss unhappy, let alone China Entertainment, no country in the world will tolerate you!

It's so arrogant!

Fortunately, after persevering during this period, the answer finally came, and tonight is the moment to reveal it.

Whether they can ride on the big boat of Qingcheng Entertainment and skyrocket in the future depends on Su Xiao's words.

Su Xiao held Yu Ziqing in her arms, put her big hand on the back of her white and tender hand, and said warmly:
"How's it going? Are you tired from filming?"

He heard that during this period, Yu Ziqing had been on the crew of "The Wind Rises in the Tang Dynasty" and the conditions were very difficult, so he asked this question.

Hearing his gentle voice, Yu Ziqing's nervousness weakened a lot, and she lowered her head and whispered:

"I'm not tired. The director and other people on the crew took good care of me, but... I just miss you a little bit..."

Can you not take care of me?
"The Wind Rises in the Tang Dynasty" was funded by Allure Entertainment, with directors, screenwriters, and odd jobs. Who doesn't know that Yu Ziqing, who has been hidden for several years, has climbed to the top of Allure Entertainment?

In recent years, although Qingcheng Entertainment is the largest company, it has very few artists. It is not like other entertainment companies that let their artists film movies, participate in variety shows, and even perform in commercial performances like other entertainment companies.

The slogan of Qingcheng Entertainment is that products produced by Qingcheng must be high-quality!
Many TV series and movies, whether it is the framing or special effects, are all about the pursuit of perfection, and the requirements for actors' acting skills are naturally rising. For example, for young people who rely on traffic to make a living, Qingcheng Entertainment is nothing like birds.But among all the little fresh meats in China, no one dares to stroke the tiger’s beard in Qingcheng Entertainment!
Just because there is a lesson learned from the past, when Qingcheng Entertainment first entered the entertainment industry, there were two traffic niches who came back from being trainees from Xiaobangzi and acted like celebrities when they participated in a TV series invested by Qingcheng Entertainment. After communicating and warning to no avail, He was banned by the entire network, and even Yang Ma came out to help, which shows how terrifying Qingcheng Entertainment's efforts to ban artists are!
At that time, other entertainment companies came to their senses. It turned out that Qingcheng Entertainment, which seemed to be a cross-border entertainment company, was actually a dragon crossing the river!
Then, with the support of Qingcheng Group, Qingcheng Entertainment quickly developed into Nanbowan in the entertainment industry!
With such a presence behind him, who dares to offend Yu Ziqing?

Just like what Huang Bo said, when you are weak, you are surrounded by bad people. When you are strong, you will find that you are surrounded by good people!

This is reality, including but not limited to the entertainment industry!

It is also based on this that several female celebrities present are so determined to hug Su Xiao's thigh. If they can't, they can just rub the leg hair.

Hearing Yu Ziqing say that she missed him, Su Xiao leaned into her ear and said:
"Really? How much do you want?"

Being hit by his breath, Yu Zixuan trembled and said:

"There are more stars in the sky, stronger than the cold wind outside the Great Wall, and stronger than old spirits, but I feel that these are still not enough!"

As she said this, she didn't care that there were other people present, and immediately took Lidya Su's hand and let him see for himself how much she missed him!

After feeling her heartbeat, Su Xiao nodded to express satisfaction, and then gently rubbed her fair and pretty face:

"Since it's not enough, let's talk slowly tonight. I have plenty of time to listen to what you have to say!"

Yu Ziqing nodded and hummed slightly, her face slightly red.

Then, Su Xiao looked at the others, first at Chen Duling, and said with a smile:
"Your fans seem to call you Dudu, right?"

Suddenly being clicked, Chen Duling's body trembled subconsciously. The gentle and pitiful temperament of the heroine Wen Xiao in "The Dream Returns" became more and more prominent, which made Su Xiao feel a little impulse.

I wanted to hold her in my arms and comfort her.

After gathering herself, Chen Duling nodded timidly:

"Yes, Dong Su!"

She mustered up the courage to meet Su Xiao's eyes, but the moment their eyes met, she felt her heartbeat was about to stop. Her face turned red, and then she quickly lowered her head and did not dare to look again.

Her appearance made Su Xiao's impulse even stronger, but his current temperament was no longer what it used to be. He smiled softly and said:
"Don't be nervous, I don't know how to eat people!"

After waiting for a few seconds, he continued:
"You should have learned this from Xiaoxiao and Ziqing, right? If you regret it now, it's still too late, but if you wait a while, there will be no turning back!"

He said this as if he was a big villain, and Chen Duling in front of him was the little sheep with nothing to show for it.

After hearing his words, Chen Duling trembled slightly, not because of fear, but because of nervousness and excitement.

She knew that if Su Xiao could ask this, it meant that she was qualified to take this line. Although she knew that it was impossible to compare with Yu Ziqing, it was enough for her!
She raised her hands and pressed her chest, hoping to suppress her racing heart, but it had no effect.

With her chest rising and falling sharply, she took a deep breath, as if she had exhausted all the courage in her life, and raised her eyes to meet Su Xiao's. Although she felt like she was being shocked by electricity, she still said firmly:

"I have thought about it and will never regret it!"

Seeing her favorability level reaching full value at this moment, Su Xiao nodded with satisfaction:

"As long as you don't regret it!"

Then he looked at the others and asked softly:

"What about you, have you changed your mind during this time?"

"Don't worry, even if you change your mind, nothing will happen. I will tell Ke'er that nothing happened!"

Nothing happened, is it possible?

This idea immediately came to the minds of several other female celebrities present, and the answer was yes.

Even if Su Xiao can do it, what about Qingcheng Entertainment?
Where are the others present?

However, they never thought about going back on their word, so they responded firmly to Su Xiao's question at this time:

"If you don't change, you will never regret it!"

Several people said in unison.

Su Xiao nodded to express satisfaction with this resolute attitude, and then said:
"In this case, you will be mine from now on. I don't need to repeat the things you need to pay attention to. Ke'er should have told you all!"

"Being me has its advantages and disadvantages. I like to talk ugly things. The most unacceptable thing for me is betrayal. Remember this!"

Hearing Su Xiao's serious voice, everyone felt their bodies soften, as if someone with a fear of heights was standing on the glass passage, and couldn't help but shudder.

Then they all nodded in unison, their eyes firm.

After glancing around, Su Xiao was very satisfied with their performance, and her serious face turned gentle and said:

"You will receive various resources from Qingcheng Entertainment in the future. If Qingcheng Group needs endorsement cooperation, you will be given priority!"

Upon hearing this, except for Yu Ziqing, the eyes of all the other female celebrities present lit up.

As a star, apart from the well-received and sold-out works, the thing that can best prove your worth is endorsements.

Especially endorsements from big names!

Although Qingcheng Group lacks a little time and experience compared to some big brands with a long history at home and abroad, apart from this, in terms of strength and reputation, it is the best in the industry!
At present, all the endorsements of Qingcheng Group give priority to its artists, followed by powerful stars from other entertainment companies.

Su Xiao's words gave them the most powerful guarantee. How could they not be excited?
As soon as his voice fell, the other female celebrities suddenly covered their mouths in surprise because Yu Ziqing made a move.

Their first reaction was that Yu Ziqing was so courageous!
This also means that their brief chat with Lidya Su is over, and more in-depth communication is needed next, not only verbally, but also to check for gaps! (End of chapter)

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